1 on 1 Challenge

Discussion in 'NFL General Discussion' started by ravenmaniac881, Aug 18, 2013.

  1. SteelerKing (Ben Roethlisberger) vs Lymanacoconut (Brandon Weeden +20%) Avatar bet from season end till Super Bowl
    YTD TOTAL SteelerKing 140.25 vs Lymanacoconut 102.48

    Week 1
    Ben Roethlisberger?191 yards passing (9.55) 1 Touchdown (6) 1 Int (-1) 1 fumble (-1)?.13.55
    Brandon Weeden?289 yards passing (14.45) 1 Touchdown (6) 3 Int (-3)?.17.45 + 3.49=20.94

    Week 2
    Ben Roethlisberger?..251 yards passing (12.55) 6 yards rushing (.6) 1 touchdown (6) 1 Int (-1)?18.15
    Brandon Weeden?..227 yards passing (11.35) 7 yards rushing (.7)?.12.05+ 2.41=14.46

    Week 3
    Ben Roethlisberger?406 Yds Passing (20.30) 2 TDs (12) 2 Ints (-2) 2 Fum(-2) 7 Yards Rushing(.7)?31.00
    Brandon Weeden?.DNP

    Week 4
    Ben Roethlisberger?..383 passing yards (19.15) 1 touchdown (6) 1 Int (-1) 1 fumble (-1)?23.15
    Brandon Weeden?.DNP

    Week 5
    Ben Roethlisberger?.Bye Week
    Brandon Weeden?.197 yards passing (9.85) 1 touchdown (6)?.15.85 + 3.17=19.02

    Week 6
    Ben Roethlisberger?.264 yards passing (13.20) 1 Touchdown (6) 11 yards rushing (1.10)?20.30
    Brandon Weeden?.292 yards passing (14.60) 2 touchdowns (12) 2 Ints. (-2) 10 yards rushing (1)?.25.60+5.12=30.72

    Week 7
    Ben Roethlisberger?.160 yards passing (8) 1 touchdown (6) 25 yards rushing (2.5)?16.25
    Brandon Weeden?.149 yards passing (7.45) 20 yards rushing (2.00) 1 touchdown (6) 1 int.(-1)?14.45+2.89=17.34

    Week 8
    Ben Roethlisberger?.275 yards passing (13.75) 1 yard rushing (.10) 1 touchdown (6) 2 Ints (-2)?17.85
    Brandon Weeden?..DNP
  2. Digger (Peyton Manning) vs Tim (Matt Ryan) 50 karma points?NO partial points
    YTD TOTAL Digger 248 vs Tim 159

    Week 2
    Peyton Manning?..307 Yards Passing (15) 2 Touchdowns (12)?.27
    Matt Ryan?..374 Yards Passing (18) 2 Touchdowns (12)?.30

    Week 3
    Peyton Manning?.374 Yards Passing (18) 3 Touchdowns (18) 1 Fumble (-1)?35
    Matt Ryan?231 Yards Passing (11) 2 Touchdowns (12) 1 Ints (-1)?.22

    Week 4
    Peyton Manning?.327 yards passing (16) 4 touchdowns (24)?.40
    Matt Ryan?..421 yards passing (21) 2 touchdowns (12) 1 int (-1)?.32

    Week 5
    Peyton Manning?.414 yards passing (20) 4 touchdown (24) 1 Int. (-1) 1 rush TD (6)?49
    Matt Ryan?.319 yards passing (15) 2 touchdowns (12) 1 Fumble (-1)?.26

    Week 6
    Peyton Manning?.295 yards passing (14) 2 touchdowns (12) 1 Int (-1) 2 fumbles lost (-2)?.23
    Matt Ryan?.Bye Week

    Week 7
    Peyton Manning?.386 yards passing (19) 3 touchdowns (18) 1 Int. (-1)?.36
    Matt Ryan?.273 yards passing (13) 3 touchdowns (18)?.31

    Week 8
    Peyton Manning?..354 passing yards (17) 4 Touchdowns (24) 3 Ints (-3)?.38
    Matt Ryan?..301 yards passing (15) 13 yards rushing (1) 1Touchdown (6) 4 Ints (-4)?18
  3. StlCrtn Franchise Player Steelers

    Isn't there another one? Didn't somebody have Dez Bryant against another WR. Hopefully it's not against Megatron.
  4. We did but there was a misunderstanding between Packerz and Rocker so it came off the table.

    No biggie...they still have a head to head challenge when the Cowboys play the Packers.
  5. Ravenmaniac881 (Alfred Morris) vs Dunder Mifflin (Trent Richardson) Bragging Rights ONLY
    YTD TOTAL Ravenmaniac 98.90 vs Dunder Mifflin 56.60

    Week 1
    Alfred Morris?.45 yards rushing (4.5) 1 Touchdown (6.0) 1 fumble lost (-1)??.9.50
    Trent Richardson?..47 yards rushing (4.7) 30 yards receiving (3.0)?.7.70

    Week 2
    Alfred Morris?.107 yards rushing (10.7) 13 yards receiving (1.3)?..12
    Trent Richardson?.58 yards rushing (5.8) 21 yards receiving (2.1)?.7.90

    Week 3
    Alfred Morris?.73 yards rushing (7.3) 1 Touchdown (6)?.13.30
    Trent Richardson?.35 yards rushing (3.5) 1 Touchdown (6)?9.50

    Week 4
    Alfred Morris??71 yards rushing (7.1)?.7.10
    Trent Richardson?..60 yards rushing (6) 1 Touchdown (6) 6 yards receiving (.6)?12.6

    Week 5
    Alfred Morris?..Bye Week
    Trent Richardson?..56 yards rushing (5.6)?.5.60

    Week 6
    Alfred Morris?..81 yards rushing (8.1) 1 touchdown (6)?.14.10
    Trent Richardson?..40 yards rushing (4) 13 yards receiving (1.3)?.5.30

    Week 7
    Alfred Morris?95 yards rushing (9.50)?.9.50
    Trent Richardson?37 yards rushing (3.70) 1 Fumble (-1)?.2.70

    Week 8
    Alfred Morris?.93 rushing yards (9.30) 1 touchdown (6)?.15.30
    Trent Richardson?.Bye Week

    Week 9
    Alfred Morris?.121 yards rushing (12.10) 1 touchdown (6)?18.10
    Trent Richardson?.20 yards rushing (2) 33 yards receiving (3.30)?5.30
  6. SoCalSaint (Drew Brees) vs Packerzrule (Aaron Rogers) Karma bet for 100 +1 posts
    YTD TOTAL So Cal 232.90 vs Packerzrule 206.15

    Week 1
    Drew Brees?..357 passing yards (17.85) 2 Touchdowns (12) 2 yards rushing (.20) 1 Int (-1)?29.05
    Aaron Rodgers?.333 passing yards (16.65) 3 Touchdowns (18) 13 yards rushing (1.3) 1 Int (-1)?.34.95

    Week 2
    Drew Brees?..322 passing yards (16.10) 2 touchdowns (12) 2 Int (-2)?.26.10
    Aaron Rodgers?.480 yards passing yards (24) 4 touchdowns (24) -3 yards rushing (-.3)?.47.70

    Week 3
    Drew Brees?.342Yards Rushing (17.10) 3 Touchdowns (18) 1 Int (-1) 21 Yards Rushing (2.1)?36.20
    Aaron Rodgers?.244 yards passing (12.20) 1 touchdown (6) 24 Rushing Yards (2.4) 2 Ints. (-2)?.18.60

    Week 4
    Drew Brees?..413 yards passing (20.65) 4 touchdowns (24) 2 yards rushing (.2)?.44.85
    Aaron Rodgers?..Bye Week

    Week 5
    Drew Brees?..288 yards passing (14.40) 2 touchdowns (12)?.26.20
    Aaron Rodgers??274 yards passing (13.70) 1 touchdown (6) 8 yards rushing (.8)?20.50

    Week 6
    Drew Brees?.236 yards passing (11.80) 2 touchdowns (12) 1 Int. (-1) 11 yards rushing (1.1)?.23.90
    Aaron Rodgers?.315 yards passing (15.75) 1 touchdown (6) 1 Int. (-1) 21 yards rushing (2.1)?22.85

    Week 7
    DrewBrees?.Bye Week
    Aaron Rodgers?.260 yards passing (13) 3 touchdowns (18) 12 yards rushing (1.20)?32.20

    Week 8
    Drew Brees?.332 yards passing (16.60) 5 Touchdowns (30)?.46.60
    Aaron Rodgers?..285 yards passing (14.25) 2 Touchdowns (12) 31 yards rushing (3.1)?.29.35
  7. SteelerKing (Ben Roethlisberger) vs Lymanacoconut (Brandon Weeden +20%) Avatar bet from season end till Super Bowl
    YTD TOTAL SteelerKing 181.25 vs Lymanacoconut 102.48

    Week 1
    Ben Roethlisberger?191 yards passing (9.55) 1 Touchdown (6) 1 Int (-1) 1 fumble (-1)?.13.55
    Brandon Weeden?289 yards passing (14.45) 1 Touchdown (6) 3 Int (-3)?.17.45 + 3.49=20.94

    Week 2
    Ben Roethlisberger?..251 yards passing (12.55) 6 yards rushing (.6) 1 touchdown (6) 1 Int (-1)?18.15
    Brandon Weeden?..227 yards passing (11.35) 7 yards rushing (.7)?.12.05+ 2.41=14.46

    Week 3
    Ben Roethlisberger?406 Yds Passing (20.30) 2 TDs (12) 2 Ints (-2) 2 Fum(-2) 7 Yards Rushing(.7)?31.00
    Brandon Weeden?.DNP

    Week 4
    Ben Roethlisberger?..383 passing yards (19.15) 1 touchdown (6) 1 Int (-1) 1 fumble (-1)?23.15
    Brandon Weeden?.DNP

    Week 5
    Ben Roethlisberger?.Bye Week
    Brandon Weeden?.197 yards passing (9.85) 1 touchdown (6)?.15.85 + 3.17=19.02

    Week 6
    Ben Roethlisberger?.264 yards passing (13.20) 1 Touchdown (6) 11 yards rushing (1.10)?20.30
    Brandon Weeden?.292 yards passing (14.60) 2 touchdowns (12) 2 Ints. (-2) 10 yards rushing (1)?.25.60+5.12=30.72

    Week 7
    Ben Roethlisberger?.160 yards passing (8) 1 touchdown (6) 25 yards rushing (2.5)?16.25
    Brandon Weeden?.149 yards passing (7.45) 20 yards rushing (2.00) 1 touchdown (6) 1 int.(-1)?14.45+2.89=17.34

    Week 8
    Ben Roethlisberger?.275 yards passing (13.75) 1 yard rushing (.10) 1 touchdown (6) 2 Ints (-2)?17.85
    Brandon Weeden?..DNP

    Week 9
    Ben Roethlisberger?..400 yards passing (20) 4 Touchdowns (24) 2 Ints (-2) 1 Fumble (-1)?41.00
    Brandon Weeden?..No Stats
  8. Digger (Peyton Manning) vs Tim (Matt Ryan) 50 karma points?NO partial points
    YTD TOTAL Digger 248 vs Tim 172

    Week 2
    Peyton Manning?..307 Yards Passing (15) 2 Touchdowns (12)?.27
    Matt Ryan?..374 Yards Passing (18) 2 Touchdowns (12)?.30

    Week 3
    Peyton Manning?.374 Yards Passing (18) 3 Touchdowns (18) 1 Fumble (-1)?35
    Matt Ryan?231 Yards Passing (11) 2 Touchdowns (12) 1 Ints (-1)?.22

    Week 4
    Peyton Manning?.327 yards passing (16) 4 touchdowns (24)?.40
    Matt Ryan?..421 yards passing (21) 2 touchdowns (12) 1 int (-1)?.32

    Week 5
    Peyton Manning?.414 yards passing (20) 4 touchdown (24) 1 Int. (-1) 1 rush TD (6)?49
    Matt Ryan?.319 yards passing (15) 2 touchdowns (12) 1 Fumble (-1)?.26

    Week 6
    Peyton Manning?.295 yards passing (14) 2 touchdowns (12) 1 Int (-1) 2 fumbles lost (-2)?.23
    Matt Ryan?.Bye Week

    Week 7
    Peyton Manning?.386 yards passing (19) 3 touchdowns (18) 1 Int. (-1)?.36
    Matt Ryan?.273 yards passing (13) 3 touchdowns (18)?.31

    Week 8
    Peyton Manning?..354 passing yards (17) 4 Touchdowns (24) 3 Ints (-3)?.38
    Matt Ryan?..301 yards passing (15) 13 yards rushing (1) 1Touchdown (6) 4 Ints (-4)?18

    Week 9
    Peyton Manning?..Bye Week
    Matt Ryan?.219 yards passing (10) 1 Touchdown (6) 3 Ints. (-3)?13.00
  9. LAOJoe Assistant Coach Manager Patreon Silver Maple Leafs Eagles

    Rogers eh? The packers sure have trouble finding D.
  10. SoCalSaint Franchise Player Saints


    Report: Rodgers likely to miss 4-6 weeks
    Posted by Mike Florio on November 6, 2013, 11:01 AM EST

    On last night?s edition of Pro Football Talk on NBCSN, we addressed the expected duration of Packers quarterback Aaron Rodgers? absence due to a broken collarbone, given ESPN has reported that Rodgers is expected to miss three weeks.


    I did NOT want to see this. Just screwed up a good bet !!!!!!!
  11. SoCal

    Might I suggest you contacting Packerzrule and allowing him to use Seneca Wallace until Rodgers returns.

    I'll let you 2 work out the particulars.....it's up to you two guys how you settle it.
  12. SoCalSaint Franchise Player Saints


    We (and Arrons' colar bone) have a problem here buddy. We have 1 of 3 ways to fix it

    1) Continue on and the only way you win is if Brees goes down. Doesn't sound like much fun to me.

    2) We are half way thru the season , so give me 50 karma points now and we call it even.


    3) We throw out the week 9 numbers Put this whole thing on hold until Rogers starts another game ,,,,,,,,,then,,,,,,,game on !!!!

    Let me know what you think
  13. SoCalSaint Franchise Player Saints

    Or this....You make the call.
  14. Whatever you guys decide works for me.....just let me know your final decision.

    I think throwing out week 9 and putting it on hold is a pretty good idea though.
  15. BFRLA Guest

    oh, the HORRORS!
  16. SoCalSaint Franchise Player Saints

    I think throwing out week 9 and putting it on hold is a pretty good idea though.
    Yea. I like that one too. This is too cool a bet to let it end with an injury.
  17. OK...so I will throw out week 9 and you guys are on hold till Rodgers comes back.

    I hope next season this kind of thing catches on and a lot more people participate.
  18. BFRLA....you gotta get in this next season.
  19. OK...changes have been made.

    It's pretty close......26.75 points separate you two.
  20. BFRLA Guest

    I should do just that. I'll hope to come up with something.

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