Yeah me a debbie downer but I've got the Lions winning this one too. Prove me wrong Nagy!
Seriously the exact same scenario. Fuckin A.
Times like this it would be nice to have had Colin Kaepernick as backup... I blame the NBC crew putting up that "consecutive QB starting streak"...
Report from Schefty is that they are "optimistic" he will play. Which basically means nothing because its coach speak.
If there is anything remotely "Serious" I'd rather bench him for the Lions game with this short rest and just try our luck and hope the defense...
It sucks that the offense completely dissapeared in the second half, but the Vikings are a top 5 defense and ZImmer is an elite defensive coach....
Was really hoping they'd save the spot for Kellen Davis.
Great thoughts everyone. This is the biggest game of the year so far, no question. Given that, I want to see Mitch take off on a keeper in the...
Bah! Not enough sunday noon games on this schedule! Still Exciting. Bear down.
A W is a W at the end of the day. From what I saw and the Box score Trubisky looked really really good so thats a Plus. Being a home game I think...
Much as we hate the officials, the poor lions always seem to be getting fucked extra by them.
Honestly that was a huge stop for the 2pt conversion anyways.... Oye.
Golladay is a stud fuck
Well, i usppose its not a W yet...
Talk about winning ugly. So if we cut this useless sack of shit Parkey who is out there to replace him?
I've been watching very passively - How has Kalil Mack looked today?
Fuck these refs if Gabriel is hurt I swear to god. That was some awful officiating. Fun game. We absolutely have to beat the lions next week being...
Guys on the radio said Eddie Jackson was on the field for an offensive snap on our last drive. Love it!
I’ve never heard of the 1 yard rule but sounds like it was a good no call. Goddamn bear down
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