Anyone who wants to join my Pick 'Em Contest!
Hey man, You said you might move down in the 4th round. I've got the 15th pick in round 4, I offer a 6th rounder to trade places with you. The draft trade chart says my 6th rounder is worth 18.6 points and that the difference between 4.06 & 4.15 is 18 points. So I guess it favors you slightly but pretty much even. Dependent on my guy still being there of course, but let me know if you're interested. Cheers do I put the Cowboys banner below my avi? Thanks in advance for your assistance in this very important and extremely critical matter.
That's a really big start Cat, you don't think that's a bit too challenging? Why not try just 1 or 2 foods first?
well i don't each all of them every day, so it's just a smarter way of doing it. looking back - i don't eat a lot of anything, but what i do eat, i eat pretty crappy and bad stuff for me. ugh. btw-i can't message you like i can others on here. it says YOU CANNOT MESSAGE BABYFAN! Is that bc you're a Staff Member ?
babyfan-i think i will cut out bread, salty meats, soda, chips, and ice cream starting sept 4th and walking at night. hopefully that will get me started in the right direction.
Hey beach. Could you do me a solid and accept the trade we had from the draft in the L4SN Dynasty League. I'm curious to what draft picks I have to work with for any potential trades..
Okay that's fair MemphisKing ... I'd be sorry to miss you if you decide against joining. I'll try my best to remind you whenever I can, if that helps :)