Discussion in 'Pittsburgh Steelers' started by techheart, Jan 6, 2018.

  1. techheart Guest

    i feel refs were interesting.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 7, 2018
  2. techheart Guest

  3. techheart Guest

    Those were two calls that were so outlandish that there's no way imo they could be made on accident. NFL sticks worst ref with reputation for shenanigans out there.

    Voila, NE doesn't have to face KC, the team who beats them.

    I have never seen a ref say forward progress was stopped on a bang bang sack play in the pocket...EDIT: actually maybe once before (mentioned below).
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 7, 2018
    dirk275 likes this.
  4. dirk275 Franchise Player Steelers

    That sack call was atrocious. Still, Kelce fumbled when he get hit and that wasn't called so I guess it evens out.
    Bad calls for sure.
    techheart and ajmtanas like this.
  5. techheart Guest

    Kelce brought the ball back in after the fumble then play called dead so that one they wouldnt have changed the call from what Ive read.

    I think I recall the Ravens getting screwed by refs (in that "perfect" Patriots regular season game toward year end, I think maybe) in Patriots game. I think one of the ridiculous calls (only time I ever remember seeing something this inexplicably bad with the bang bang sack and fumble and whistle blown for forward progress) was bang bang sack and fumble in that game too - they make up same nonsense about forward progress as if that applies at all (it does not).

    The reason I think the two point conversion fumble sreturn for TD should have stood is because Mariota was still trying to get awayand almost did - let them play and decide games themselves for crying out loud. Nobody wants to see these refs' shenanigans.
    dirk275 likes this.
  6. firehalo Guest

    Reminded me of that INSTANT CLASSIC, the TUCK RULE. Not the same details, but the call was ... interesting. I've seen sacks called when a QB is tied up by a pack of defenders and still standing, so the officials here can lean on the NFL's well-known intent on protecting QBs, thus the "forward progress" reason. Otherwise, that was a fumble.
    dirk275 likes this.
  7. blackngoldbad Franchise Player Steelers

    All it takes is one injury to a star player in the playoffs. Anyone else think the Chiefs don't win if Kelce doesn't have his bell rung? Its a lot easier to guard and scheme the perimeter when you don't have to respect the middle of the field.

    The "no fumble" call on Johnson's sack was ridiculous. Mariota hadn't even hit the ground yet, yet his "forward progress was stopped"?........from a hit? Really? And while it was early in the game, it saved them 3 points on the fg they kicked the very next play, and big change in momentum. 21-0 vs 21-3 at half probably changes the initial play calling in the 2nd half. Most teams abandon the run altogether once down 20+ until they are able to cut it to 10-11. Just a terrible call from Triplette & Co.
    dirk275 and techheart like this.
  8. steelersking M.V.P. Steelers

    Disagree with the two point play. That was correctly called, the safety had him wrapped up, he wasn’t going anywhere, the whistle blew after Mariota was wrapped up for a couple seconds. Ref gave him a chance to break free, he didn’t, whistle blown, correct call. Can’t speak for the other one, didn’t see it but it sounds like a horrible call.
    techheart likes this.
  9. techheart Guest

    Yeah at least that two point play is debatable and what not. That other play was worst call I think everyone has ever seen
    steelersking likes this.
  10. techheart Guest

  11. firehalo Guest

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