I know Trubisky’s development is the most important part of the next HC hire. I just hope I just hope he realizes it’s not the only thing and hires a coach that won’t sacrifice other phases of the game.
Agreed. Penalties need to be cleaned up, game management needs vast improving, and whoever is watching from the booth and in the headset of said new guy should actually pay attention, or just not be blind when he decides to tell the coach to throw the red flag.
This is really a head coach crap shoot isn't it. . We cannot really be sure about any of these younger guys and how they would handle a head job. I am not encouraged that this team of a-holes even knows what they are looking for let alone assessing the candidates out there. McCaskey and Phillips involved in the coaching selection is horrible.
Ted Phillips and George McCaskey will be sitting in on all interviews of heading coach candidates. In case you were wondering why this franchise sucks.....that right there is an example why. Two assholes who know absolutely nothing about football are gonna have a hand in who gets hired. This franchise won’t change until the day that a McCaskey isn’t in charge.
Then this franchise will never change unless fans totally boycott the team. If the McCaskeys are making a nice profit then nothing will change.
They give Pace a contract extension + a vote of confidence and then make it clear they don't trust him to make this hire on his own. They are fucking inept and clueless. Not that I trusted Pace to make a good hire but I trust him even less knowing that anything has to first be approved by Teddy and George.
None of that is realistic. A certain % of fans will show up to any game, as we saw this year, and they still make most of their money from the TV deals. McCaskeys are here forever unless they decided to sell, which they've made clear they will never do.
Ownership isn’t changing. I don’t really know what Teddy does anymore since Acorsi was brought in to oversee the hiring of Pace after the fuckup with Emery. He’s an easy punching bag and maybe that’s why the McCaskey’s keep him around. Anyhow I don’t see how anybody be has interfered with Pace doing his job. He was given a blank check to bring in Foxy and two of the best coordinators available in Fangio and Gase. Fox fucked up when he made Loggains OC. But when you hire a HC you need to let him live and die with his choices of coaches under him. So really it’s all on Pace now. Makes sense to give him a small extension so his contract lines up with the next HC. Nobody will care that it took Pace 3 years to solve the QB issue as long as it is actually solved and Trubisky is the guy. If he is not it’s back to the drawing board.
Teddy and George pushed hard for the Fox hire (who was recommended by Acorsi), and Pace signed off. Now they are going to be sitting in on all interviews he conducts. How is that not interfering with his job? Let the guy succeed or fail on his own.
I never liked interviews for jobs when there were multiple people in the room. In fact I hated it. If Pace is in charge of football operations then let him make the decision. The others should butt out.
Have anything to back up that claim? I believe when Fox became available Pace jumped at the opportunity and George and Teddy gave there approval not the other way around. I haven’t read or heard any reports that Pace favored another candidate and was overruled from above. If you go back to the Trestman hire that was Emery’s choice 100%. Nobody stepped in to stop that train wreck. If Pace fails that is on George and Teddy. If the coach fails that is on Pace. George and Teddy are giving Pace another shot at a HC. Let’s see who they bring in before we convince ourselves they will fuck it up.
Yeah either Pace is the GM and in charge or he isn’t. Phillips should have zero input on football decisions because he isn’t a football guy. Let him run the business side of things and be the accountant because that’s his background. Everyone knows ownership isn’t changing anytime soon......but anyone expecting the status quo to change anytime soon is brain dead. This team has been run the same exact way for decades. Too many people with no football knowledge that have a hand in football decisions. Years ago it was Mike McCaskey and today it’s George and Virginia’s illegitimate child Ted. It’s a joke. The one chance we have right now is Pace hit the jackpot on Trubisky and can give him weapons to play with. Get better at offensive tackle and find another pass rusher and be young defense continues to improve. Maybe then this team can catch lightning in a bottle. At this moment in time I honestly have zero faith in this “collaborative effort” to find the next head coach. Pace isn’t giving up control of the 53, which I didn’t expect him to nor do I think he should, so some bigger name candidates may not want the job. They seem poised to make a run at a young offensive assistant from a good offensive team like Philly...and if they do that it’s hard to figure out what we will be getting. Any move they make come with the understanding that the ownership and team brass isn’t changing...and it’s hard to have faith when they are the worst in sports at what they do.
I don’t think Pace was overruled....I think he was simply told who to hire. Fox became available and the team jumped at it completely. It wasn’t a bad move. The team had locker room problems, practice problems with players giving poor efforts and a coaching assistant problem with almost no legit assistants on staff. Fox did what he was hired to do. He fixed the locker room. The team plays hard. He brought in assistants that players respect. Fox wasn’t hired to make this team a winner. He was hired to make them professional and stable in terms of the day to day work players put in and he did that. If you think Pace made the call on Fox though....I don’t know what to say because it’s known that team brass along with Accorsi were directing that show.
If we could name a time that the Bears didn’t fuck up on hiring a head coach or putting together a legit NFL team then maybe it would be easier to have faith. The hits this franchise have had are buried under a mountain of misses. We are talking about a team that’s been to the playoffs 4 times in the last 20 years. A team that has probably hit on around 10% of its high draft picks during that span and that might be generous. This is a team that has several coaching blackeyes from the time they announced hiring a coach before he agreed to actually sign to the time they lost Bruce Arians and wound up with Trestman. This is a team that overpaid Jay Cutler....shit on Brian Urlacher....and runs the team without any passion or willingness to compete like the charter franchise and pillar of the league they should be. This franchise is a joke. And until they prove otherwise....hopeless optimism is silly.
Don't start your shit rob, its too early in the year. Its universally accepted that it was George and Ted's decision to bring in Ernie Acorsi to be the brain advising on the search. Acorsi and Fox go way back and Fox was his number 1 choice for the job. Pace was basically told to hire Fox. End of.
I hated the move from the 1st second. It was a terrible hire then, still a terrible hire now. The only thing Fox gets any credit for is the initial staff hires, Gase & Fangio were very good hires. Everything else about what Fox brings/brought is just popular misconception. Did Fox "change the culture" as I so often hear? Well he got rid of the best WR in team history, but that's not improving anything, that's cutting off the digit cos you've got a split nail. That's the exact opposite of what Fox should've been doing. Did Fox change the culture by instilling a winning mentality? Not judging by his play-not-to-lose bullshit whenever they got a lead, no matter how much time was left. Or by his 14-34. Speaking of mentality, Marcus "The Muppet" Cooper decides to be a smart ass and dog his runback from 20yards out and gets tackled at the 1, great attitude. Worse still, did any of his team mates get in ear about it? Nope, just high 5's for costing the team points. WORSE STILL did Fox or any other coach get into him about it? Nope. Great attitudes all round. Practise/preparation/effort levels.... well, they came out slow nearly every damn week, played sloppy/gave up tons of penalties nearly every damn week and they flat out didn't give a crap in Philly, against SF or (worse)the home game against our biggest rivals. Besides his initial hires Fox didn't do crap for this team that 99% of other HC's couldn't do. It's just that he followed the biggest pussy HC in history, who wasn't even cut out to be an NFL HC, so people think he was something good. Any actual HC with a backbone could've achieved what Fox achieved in terms of culture and we may have even sniffed .500 along the way.
Absolutely true. We disagree completely on politics, but you are spot on abut how fucked up the Bears are.
Through a combination of twitter follows (Aaron Lemming and Mike Lombardi): Pat Shurmur and Josh McDaniels interview Friday, John DeFillipo Saturday. Matt Nagy, Steve Wilks, and Jim Schwartz sometime mid-next week. I feel a wave of snark-less excitement coming.....