You don't really need to click on this if you don't want to read a slobby knob of how great the Packers are but Prisco puts the 6-9-1 Packers are not only the best team in the NFC North, but the entire NFC and 2 overall. I feel like he's just clickbaiting, but man, the kool aid is strong on that one. Anyone following them have an actual idea of how improved they are over last season? All the more reason that first game is super important.
I hate to say it, but I think that the changes they made were good ones. Whether the prick that is Aaron Rodgers can both get his way and be cohesive with a head coach / team is still the lynchpin, and will ultimately determine their success. But I think they made significant improvements on defense on all levels, which is concerning. If they can get adequate D-play, and Rodgers and his HC can coexist, then this can absolutely do back to being a legitimate threat of a team. #2 in power rankings? That's a joke. But I guess a bad writer has to get headlines somehow.
Prisco?? Is that waste of space still around? I haven't been on CBS in ages. I should go over there; but if memory serves, anything he wrote I felt dumber after reading it.
From the reports I read they are not getting along at all. The new coach is frustrated with the lack of effort by the whole team and he is not allowing Erin to audible which is not sitting well with him.
LOFL... Rodgers is about to be benched by his new coach who fucking hates him. Not that that is surprising, so does his own family... Remember when Prisco had Cutler winning the MVP? What a click-baiting ass hat.
As much as I wanna believe the Packers are dead....they still scare me a bit. But putting them at #2 is simply stupid.