Player Challenges 2017

Discussion in 'Fantasy Football General Discussion' started by StlCrtn, Aug 20, 2017.

  1. StlCrtn Franchise Player Steelers

    I'm not sure if we are going to get enough people to join in on this, but it's worth a shot. The same scoring system will be in place as last year. Hopefully we can get some interesting challenges going.
  2. StlCrtn Franchise Player Steelers

    QB Scoring:
    25 Passing Yards = 1 point
    1 Passing TD = 6 points
    1 Interception = -2 points

    RB Scoring:
    10 Rushing Yards = 1 point
    1 Rushing TD = 6 points

    WR Scoring:
    10 Receiving Yards = 1 point
    1 Receiving TD = 6 points
    1 Reception = 1/2 point

    1 Lost Fumble = -2 points
    1 2-point Conversion = 2 points
    1 Return TD = 6 points
  3. SPress Franchise Player Manager

    You have a QB in mind?
  4. Lyman "Franchise Asshole" Browns Buckeyes

    Thread Narrator: "That was an absolutely wonderful cast over the open water by SPress. Now he will simply keep a keen eye on his bobber and set the hook when he gets a bite!"
    SPress likes this.
  5. StlCrtn Franchise Player Steelers

    No idea to be honest. I'd say Carson Wentz, but last year's QB class is pretty underwhelming.
  6. IrishDawg42 Legend Manager Browns Buckeyes Fighting Irish

    It's too bad I already used the ignore button on EvertonBears, I would go DeShone Kizer vs. Mitchell Trubisky...anyone else game on this one?
  7. SPress Franchise Player Manager

    It was 1st or 2nd year guys originally correct?
  8. SPress Franchise Player Manager

    Can I take option 3?
  9. IrishDawg42 Legend Manager Browns Buckeyes Fighting Irish

    Which is who? Watson? or Mahomes? I will take any of the 3, Kizer is the only one that has been named starter.
  10. StlCrtn Franchise Player Steelers

    I think we had picked 2nd year guys,but I'm game for switching it up a bit.
  11. SPress Franchise Player Manager

    Switch it up brother. I know I had Carr two years ago and Mariota last year. You had Winston last year I forget who you had year 1
  12. SPress Franchise Player Manager

    I will take Watson V Kiser. Name the price.
  13. SPress Franchise Player Manager

    Stlctrn. How about a Brady&Cooks v Ben&Brown wager?
  14. IrishDawg42 Legend Manager Browns Buckeyes Fighting Irish

    Super Bowl to draft av?
  15. StlCrtn Franchise Player Steelers

    You willing to a a 3v3? Something along the lines of Ben/Brown/Bell vs Brady/Cooks/Gronk
  16. SPress Franchise Player Manager

    IrishDawg42 likes this.
  17. SPress Franchise Player Manager

    Not sure on this one. If you had a fantasy draft. I think I'd be way behind on ADP. There's a reason for that.
  18. StlCrtn Franchise Player Steelers

    I'm willing to work something out. Just no idea what lol.
  19. SPress Franchise Player Manager

    Let me mull it over for a couple days.
    StlCrtn likes this.
  20. SPress Franchise Player Manager

    Sorry those. Couple days took a month. Didn't seem like good value. However because you run the thread. I'll give you Brady/Gronk and Hogan (Think he'll end up being thier too WR) vs your guys for something in unhumilting like likes.

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