Fields is a goddamn cheat code. Cairos santos is either drunk or has the yips. The entire secondary has come to play. 2 INTs now. The offensive line has not. Alex leatherwood sucks. So does Braxton Jones. Monty playing like he wants to get paid this off-season. Need the broncos to win later
Refs need more camera time. Their missed call when suh hit fields in the head on a slide was also fucking terrible.
Kyler Gordon mistimed his jumps. That’s his 2nd pick if he waited a split-second longer. Made a nice play on hurts too. He’s growing on me
He has the physical skill. I think he takes a big jump next year. Sanborn has legit instincts. Meanwhile Bears telegraph a blotch and Hurts makes them eat it. Hurts read that all day.
I’m 50-50 on him. Some plays he looks like he’s a stud. Other plays he looks cringe like when he bit on a play action when all Philly did was pass all game and not even set up play action and he gave up a clear passing lane for 17 to AJ brown. Myles sanders isn’t the type of halfback to garner that much attention and he bit. The end of the jets game when their 3rd string RB ran for 30+ yard TD he had a wide open lane and missed. He’s missed others against Atlanta and Dallas too. And in his defense, Quan did earlier this season pre-trade too. He's a tackling machine on a bad team. He may just be that.
Cody Whitehair has had a horrific game. Generating zero push on runs to his side and i've got 3 sacks on him. I seriously wish his dwad cap was low enough to cut his ass this offseason. Is the Leatherwood experiment over? Can't let a speed rusher run just around you two consecutive plays. #72 is the reason this is a 4point game instead of a 1 point game. Pettis is a POS receiver. Donkeykong Suh is still a POS human being.
Oh two more: Fields is the most exciting Bears player i've ever seen and i never thought Hester would lose that title. Santos should be cut monday. Can't make XPs, can't attempt 48yarders. GTFOH.
BTW Sanborn is approx 11x better than Morrow so if you want to replace a backer thats def where you start.