movie trivia

Discussion in 'Movie Channel' started by Catfish, Jul 6, 2015.

  1. M.I.A. Unknown Soldier MIA's C.P. Falcons

    I give up. I don't remember.
  2. Catfish Guest

  3. M.I.A. Unknown Soldier MIA's C.P. Falcons

    Like Hope Solo? That explains how she got so mean. ;)
  4. Catfish Guest

    hope solo isnt mean. now if it was Han Solo - look out. she's just a bad loser and nasty with a camera in her hands.

    the guy in the movie wore a black suit. he didn't look that mean. haha he was some guinea gangster. haha
  5. M.I.A. Unknown Soldier MIA's C.P. Falcons

    What made the villian Scaramanga unique?
  6. Catfish Guest

    A-he shot right handed?
    B-He had a golden gun?
    C-He used Tattoo from Fantasy Island as his henchmen ?
  7. Underdog Franchise Player Patriots

    He can do the Fandango?
  8. BearsWillWin Drunk (Probably) Patreon Champion Manager Bears Blackhawks Cubs

    He had a third nipple.
  9. M.I.A. Unknown Soldier MIA's C.P. Falcons

    Very good.
  10. M.I.A. Unknown Soldier MIA's C.P. Falcons

    Also very good.

    One more thing...
  11. BearsWillWin Drunk (Probably) Patreon Champion Manager Bears Blackhawks Cubs

    He could shoot the cork off a bottle of champagne.

    And he was born in a traveling circus.

    And no photographs are known to exist of him.

    That's all I got.
  12. M.I.A. Unknown Soldier MIA's C.P. Falcons

    Wow, very good.

    He also had a likeness of 007 and admired him greatly. At the end (of course) he mistook the likeness for the real 007 and got plugged.

    I liked the acting in The Man with the Golden Gun and have seen it at least 10 times.
  13. BearsWillWin Drunk (Probably) Patreon Champion Manager Bears Blackhawks Cubs

    One of my favorite Bond movies.
  14. Catfish Guest

    but he wore different clothes than Bond and looked like he was a Senior Citizen down in Florida with the outfits he wore. hahahahahaha
  15. M.I.A. Unknown Soldier MIA's C.P. Falcons

    Yeah, but his scowl was awesome. He was a "good" bad guy. ;)

    "Mr. Fat has just resigned. I am the new Chairman of the Board. [he goes outside, looks over at Fat's family tomb] He always did like that mausoleum. Put him in it."
  16. Catfish Guest

    ok-back to the trivia...

    in the movie the Breakfast Club - what is the full name of Judd Nelson's character ?
  17. Underdog Franchise Player Patriots

    Um, John Bender?
  18. Catfish Guest

    correct. a lot of people seem to know one or the other but not both names...
  19. Underdog Franchise Player Patriots

    LOL, I was trying like to hell remember if it mentioned a middle name or something somewhere in the movie and it couldn't be that easy.

    Continuing on with the BC theme:

    What is the name of the school guidance counselor?
  20. Catfish Guest

    hmm...I think he's the one where the asshole reads his file...

    Mr. Tearney ?

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