Wow, I watched a ton of movies out of Redbox the past week. Some you guys probably didn't see. I'll try to come up with one tomorrow.......
come on igloo. waiting on you is like waiting on a tax return check from the IRS - forever! i gotta jump in for a quickie... this is an super easy one -- in the movie Goldfinger - what famous building is going to be attacked, but saved, at the end of the movie ?
so much for igloo coming back on friday! in the movie Superman II, what piece of land does Lex Luthor want from General Zod for giving Zod Superman's address and girlfriend?
if you had the power Lex had, you wouldn't need ugly ass Snookie or J-Wow looking cum dumpsters! Remember Ms. Testbocker from Superman I? She was hot. NJ is not right. come on now.
Shouldn't that be a nail and you're he hammer? hahahah and Manhatten and Hackensack are way off. The piece of land is not in the US.
Personally I would pick Sweden but Lex's head would get cold there so Im going to go with the Land down under Australia.
correct ! [video][/video] in the movie Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade - why does Indy's Father slap him across the face?
no jean. im jumping back in... what city and state did serial killer Buffalo Bill aka Jamie Gum or John Grant live in the movie THE SILENCE OF THE LAMBS?