Because I sure as shit don’t have any answers. 1. When do we unload Trubisky? I suspect he plays out next year but I have no idea who they bring in to compete with him next year? 2. When do we unload Nagy? This guy has lost all the faith and goodwill he built up from last year. It’s become clear to me he has no balls, and also very much is fitting square pegs in round holes. He has the locker room still, but for how long? This train ride is heading into the wall full tilt. 3. When do we unload Pace? He’s got a few years left on the contract but here again, I’ve lost faith. You can argue he built an amazing D, but depth appears lean and you can’t ignore the massive fuckups like White, Shaheen and Trubisky. There’s no way the Bears release either Nagy or Pace this off-season, but I’m at the point where I believe this is a matter of time, measured in years. 4. What the hell has happened to Mack? His name hasn’t been called at all and I’m no longer believing that he’s being schemed out. Even schemed he should show up a few times in a game. On the opposite side Donald was ripping through double and triple teams. He was a single handed wrecking crew last year. 5. Am I a shitty fan if I cheer for a second team in the Seahawks? I hate Pete Carroll but I like Wilson and the robust D, and I do live here. Always be a Bear fan first and foremost but I’d love to watch some *relevant* football in the next year or two. 6. Will ownership ever change hands? Because ultimately, this is the key. Hiring “help” is no substitute for being football savvy. The McCaskeys are a blight on this fine org and always will be unless they sell. 7. What do you think want to see the rest of this year? I put this in Mongo’s thread but I really have no answer here. What is the best case scenario here? Beat the Peckers? The Bears could be mathematically eliminated very soon since they’ve lost to two of the wildcard outsiders and it’s completely out of their hands. Win as many games as possible I suppose. 8. Prediction for end of yeah record? I hate to say it, but 6-10 is looking pretty likely, maybe 7-9. But this offense is so bad, that’s probably the ceiling.
1. He'll be on the roster next season, after which I predict Pace + Nagy will be axed. The new front office will then not pick up Trubs 5th year option. 2. See #1 3. See #1 4. He sucks now. Been mediocre for 5 straight games. That's over a quarter of the season. Biggest disappointment on defense. 5. No 6. No 7. I always want to win every divisional game. So that's all I care about going forward. But I expect to go winless in divisional games from here on. 8. 6-10. I called it the morning after week 1. Will probably turn out to be one of my better calls. Fuck I hate being right about this fucking team. 9. No
1,2,3 - I don't consider myself the bearer of bad news here cos I think deep down most of us already know these answers...…… all 3 will go together and that will be at the end of next season. Trubisky is still on a rookie deal, the Bears wouldn't have the stones to fire a reigning COTY, and the dumb fucks just extended Pace(against my express advice). They aren't eating 2 years of contract, but they will eat 1, hence Pace and Nagy fall together. What that means for us poor bastards is another full season of hell, watching this team in lame duck mode, much like Fux in 2017. Its a shame really, cos there are some nice benefits to having gamepass. But I sure as shit aint paying it for a team that's gonna turn in a 2 win season. 4- Mack is seriously pissing me off. I was first concerned after the Raiders game. After the way they treated him that should've been a score settler. He should've had a huge chip on his shoulder and delivered a giant F you to Gruden & Mayock. Instead he was a total non entity, 1 QB hit all game. Personally I think the dude's coasting. The double team excuse I simply don't buy. They had TE help but this week Mack was up against a rookie backup making his first career start, last week was another backup after Wagner went down in the 2nd Q. ZERO QB hits in both games. That is F- territory. Pass rushers can go through quiet spells in the sack count, but its the lack of fire that bugs me. He counts $26mil against the CAP next season.... 5- My answer is no. There has to be some damned enjoyment attached to all this and the Bears have been short changing you for years. Just remember who your first team is : ))) 6- I honestly think i'll be dead before that happens. I know bww will be. 7- The rest of the year im really all about the divisional games. We play all 3 so could dish out some hurt. Unlikely but that's all I got. 8- If they don't beat the Giants they won't win another all season. 6 games is the ceiling imo. 9- Wouldn't touch him with a barge pole tbh and the Bears won't either. Well the bar's set pretty high with you when it comes to this sort of thing isn't it heh. But yes i suspect you're right and did indeed see it much earlier than the rest of us, not for the first time.
I think you guys are right but it is ducking mind blowing to me that we wait an entire extra year of this shit show before canning them all together. A lame duck fucking season because we have Trubs and no 1st rounder? Normally I’d say they’d fire the OC for a year like this, but he’s not even the guy calling plays. How do they keep the fan base from storming Halas Hall? Demote Nagy from playcalling duties? He won’t give it up on his own, no way. What has me the most pissed off isn’t just the losing. We’ve also lost the “at least it’s competitive” silver lining. That game yesterday was not competitive no matter what the score said at the end. This is one of the most anemic offenses I’ve ever seen, and that’s saying something. The rams didn’t want to win the game, ducking up repeatedly but we “Lions’d” them into a win.
1) Expect 1-2 years more of Mitch after this one given the contract. 2) At least 1 more year. If this team blows like now next year this time, he'll get fired. 3) See #2. 4) This is where those saying Akeim Hicks being the underrated/real MVP of the defense get to puff their chest. Since he went down, teams have constantly doubled/taken him out of the game. Where I get annoyed is that Leonard Floyd, Nichols, RRH, Williams, Lynch, Irving, and whomever else cant win 1 on 1s. I think edge opposite Mack is another lowkey necessity. 5) No. Root for who you want, even if that includes competent football. 6) Nope. George McKaskey said recently during a '100th season special interview' that his family intends to own the team "until the second coming." Yeah, we'll be dead or this sport will be. 7) I want Mitch to start as much as possible. Start these last 6 games to give everybody no doubt Pace made a mistake on April 27th, 2017 that cannot be defended. It needs to be blatantly obvious that Pace needs to add not just a backup to replace Chase Daniel, who's contract is expiring--but to add competition via draft or FA or both that has a real chance of making Mitch be on the bench to start 2020. I also want Alex Bars, Sam Mustipher, and anybody else to play OLine. They have been absolutely garbage and its time to see if Harry Heistand's Notre Dame progenies are worth keeping his ass around. Do we still have that preseason standout DB Cliff Duck? If so, promote him cause I want to see him too. 8) Not in the playoffs and seeing the Raiders draft in the 15ish range. 9) Bears clearly dont want him. In an early morning interview with AM780, Ryan Pace said he sent someone to Atlanta but they didn't go when Kap relocated. They clearly weren't serious and its clear the NFL and Kap don't like or trust each other. Word is NFL made him sign a waiver last moment (his lawyer and agent told him not to) so the venue changed. Props to Kap for doing shit on his terms, but the NFL is very much an old guard league with shitty owners who treat their players like shit. If the league was more progressive, he'd have a job.
At the risk of derailing this thread... Two years ago I supported (and still do) his right to protest the national anthem any way he wants. It's a free country and the 1st amendment is on his side. When a normal person has a job interview or audition for something, they cannot dictate the terms of the meeting. An interview is held on the premises of the employer, if the interviewee wants to change that, the employer drops them from consideration. Or for an audition, I can't just bring in my own camera crew to an audition and then tell the producer at the last minute to come to the venue of my choice. Kap is a diva of the worst kind. He has zero interest in playing in the NFL. ZERO. He doesn't give a crap about social justice either. Aside from the fact that both the Broncos and Seahawks already tried to sign him on their terms, he's done everything possible to show that this all a publicity stunt to make himself out to be a martyr for a cause, although funny enough no one is talking about the "cause" anymore, they only talk about him! I can't believe I'm agreeing with Stephen A but fucking hell, he's right. If Kap wanted to be in the NFL he'd already be on a roster (just like Eric Reid is now), after excelling in a tryout on the NFL's terms 2 years ago. And if he really cared about social justice, he'd use his platform as an NFL QB to continually discuss his concerns (something he literally hasn't done now since 2016) and donate every last penny of his salary to Black Lives Matter. Even folks sympathetic to Black Lives Matter like Jay Z are now ripping him for this ridiculous charade. Kap can go fuck himself for all I care.
Back to the topic of the thread. One question I'm wondering today, is there a scenario where Nagy gets fired after this season? If we lose out and finish 4-12? I still say no.
You don't. You keep him as backup next season but bring in a new starter. ASAP, preferably. But they won't. I give him one more offseason. No fucking clue. The way defenses are playing him is part of it. But I don't think it's all. Yes. I answer this question with a question....will Virginia ever die? Is this cunt immortal? Reruns of MASH. A lot of David Montgomery. Some sacks. Maybe some fights and ejections. 7-9
1. Trubisky isn’t getting unloaded. Best case scenario is he will play out his contract next season as the backup and then hit FA. Worst case scenario is that now, when the pressure is off, he strings together a bunch of good games and the idiots use that as an excuse to give him a legit shot at being the starter next season. They sign cheap veteran backup to try and sell that Trubisky has to compete for the job. 2. A couple of weeks ago I felt that with a competent QB this team could be back in contention for a SB run. I am not so sure any more. And it’s not because of the o line or TE issue. Nagy’s complicated passing offenses needs a top tier QB to make it look good. And even if he had that his utter refusal to run the ball effectively would catch up to him anyway. His entire offensive philosophy is flawed and he has now shown no ability to change gears and try a different approach. This offense should revolve around Montgomery and a down hill running attack. Everyone can see that except the one guy who can make it happen. But we all know he isn’t going anywhere. It would take a disaster next year for that to happen. Fun. 3. The McCaskey’s love this guy. I think they might even give him another shot at a coach before they fire him. He can blame for ruining Trubisky. 4. Mack will be just fine. He IS getting schemed out and I put a lot of the blame for that on the offense and Pagano. The offense is so inept that teams are playing our defense conservatively. They are getting the ball out fast, running a ton and when they do have to pass they are mass protecting and throwing everything but the kitchen sink at Mack. Pagano is doing nothing with all the attention Mack is getting. Yes it hurts that other players aren’t stepping up but you have to be able to generate more pressure when the other team is paying that much attention to one guy. Last season we played with a lead for almost the entire season. Teams were forced to be one dimensional. Creating more opportunities for the pass rush. Hicks hurts but it shouldn’t hurt this much. Donald had a half sack more coming into this game. For a lot of the same reasons. But at least Wade gets creative. Moves Donald around. Makes it hard to get a bead on him. You don’t seee Pagano doing the same. 5. Good luck with that. Your stuck with us no matter what you try to tell yourself. 6. I don’t think ownership is as much of an issue as most do. It could be better but it could be a lot worse. 7. I want to see Nagy show us the offense has hope for the future. I want to see a more aggressive defense that might give up some big plays but will make more than they give up. 8. 6-10