Merry Christmas to all of you Bears fans. The fans who rant, scream, throw things, weep and who still find positive things to say about the team. Putting aside the disaster that is our football team for a moment, I want to wish all of you a very happy celebration. You guys have known each other a long time here and your hilarious (mostly) sparring and friendship makes me happy to know you all. So aside from the treacly sentiment let's talk about the important part of Christmas and Hanukkah. What feasts will fill your tables and MOST importantly, what will be your beverage(s) of choice? Here's a few of mine: Baked Brie and Pepper Jelly in Wonton cups. Antijitos Assorted Cheese Platter Assorted Meat Platter Vegetable Platter Zweibekucken (onion cake covered in bacon) Assorted desserts I drink Apple Cider Vinegar in water. See why I need help on the beverage side of this?
Reminding the more religious folks in your family that there is no god and Christmas is a pagan holiday?
My Mom used to make this every year. Really good. I've actually never attempted it before...I might need to add it to the menu this weekend.
We are having a feast for 25 people Saturday afternoon. I am borrowing some kitchen space in my friends restaurant to get everything prepared. My daughter and my oldest nephew are lending their hands to the cause. The centerpiece of this years meal is wild boar.
If you need a good recipe just ask. Man there is a LOT of bacon in this dish. I doubled it this morning instead of quadrupling it like I normally do. Lou's tip of the day: when you're peeling 10+ onions wear your ski goggles. Not one single tear.
Wild Boar ... wow. I mean WOW!! Where did you find the animal? I've only ever seen them on tv. How will you prepare it and how many pounds does it weight? That's a lot of people to feed. We have 20 people for Christmas Eve. The government has mandated only 10 people inside but these are not plans that can be easily changed. Everyone is double vaccinated and will wear masks because some of the littles have colds.
I got some rib racks and tenderloins. About 40ish pounds total. I'm all for covid safety but the government telling people how big their gatherings can be is total bullshit.
I'm smoking the rib racks and finishing them off with my home made bbq sauce. The tenderloins are going in the oven and being prepared and served more like a prime rib. They cook in a mixture of honey and balsamic with some other secret ingredients.
40 lbs for 25 people? Holy smokes that's a lot of meat!! No doubt the Giants will demolish your meal with great gusto and appetite! You need to stop with this secret bullshit BWW. I HAVE to have the recipe. No ifs, ands or buts. This is quite the gay house I have here ... I'm all alone baking and cooking with Christmas carols blaring and the smoke detector screaming ... LOL
Have you ever considered adopting me? I'm going to unveil my pistachio brownies at my daughters on Saturday it's a recipe that I've been working on the past couple of years and think I now have it perfected. It's been difficult because it's such a mild flavor that often gets lost in the other ingredients, but I found the right balance to enhance the flavor, and it's proven to be ready for prime time.
No, YOU rock! As soon as the dust settles after Christmas I'm going to send you some more jerky. If you would like some, that is?