I thought I've heard everything when it comes to this totally fucked up Bears organization...but this takes the cake. When Harry Hiestand was hired by the Bears in 2018 he approached Olin Kreutz for a position as a line coach, and get this for $15 a fucking hour. Ryan Pace joked about it to Olin and said "I guess we could have done better". Ummm, You think dick face? Fuck You! This is exactly why we can't have nice things here in Chicago. They want to nickel and dime the underpinned positions, and not take the job at hand seriously. Fuck this team as long as the McCaskeys own it, and fuck you Virginia for clutching that little fucking coin purse so tight!
That is beyond crazy. As i was reading your post tuna i thought its gotta be some BS clickbait piece and there at the bottom is a fucking video of Kruetz himself laying it all out. Wow. You're gonna treat a guy like Olin Kruetz like that. The best C this team has had in 30years. A guy who is really not far from HOF standard and basically a legendary Bear from this century. A guy who's forgotten more about O-Line play than most coaches know. And you treat him like that. 15bucks an hour. Its beyond insulting. I fucking hate Ryan Pace. I fucking hate this ownership.
I agree, here's a guy who gave 100% on the field every play, wore his heart on his sleeve for this team and he wasn't afraid to call out teammates when he didn't see an effort, and the best they could do for this guy was $15? Beyond insulting. To think that they thought this was even a fair offer just boggles my mind. I'm surprised Olin didn't deck that SOB for even offering that. What bothers me more is that he is so matter-of-fact about it, you know business as usual. You know the old phrase that old man Halas threw nickels around like they were manhole covers always made me laugh, but years later I find the joke is on me. I've given the benefit of doubt to that phrase because they always seem to pay the head coach and GMs a respectable wage in line with the rest of the league, but this is beyond being cheap, it's a disgrace.
So it’s not a good look, especially the Pace quip about ‘I’d have gotten ya if I gave ya more.’ I’d have punched him in the face. However, it’s not unheard of/THAT unusual. Tons of guys who can’t play anymore/can’t hack it at the nfl level and want to get into coaching, a position like that—contract/non staff with shyte pay is how they start, obviously easier to do when a player stacked up millions in a solid career. For the less lucky players/guys who never played, you’d obviously would like to see them make a little more than ~30K, which in America is poverty. Olin’s allowed to value himself more than that. He had kids playing HS football and said contract position would have taken his time away from that.
Think about what NFL franchises spend money on. Think about how much they spend / waste on things. Either they didn't actually want Olin's help, or they're too cheap on the things that matter to succeed. If you tell me I can pay someone $70K to get the guys who I pay millions to perform their best, I do it without thinking. If Pace isn't fired, I'm out for the 2022 season. This isn't the reason, or even a big reason, just one of MANY.
Me: choir you: preacher The NFL is a billionaire/owner run business. As long as they can find an undrafted/busted draft kid who can’t cut it who will take that $15 an hour to try and start a new route as a coach, why change? The bears aren’t the only ones who do this. Olin just piped up about it. He clearly values himself more because he’s a 10+ year decorated nfl vet with accolades. For a less successful guy like probably-soon-to-be ex-WR coach Mike Furrey, who after a few ‘meh’ years in the nfl went back to hs to work his way up to college then the bears, about $15 an hour is how I’m gonna guess he fared. WR coach at Marshall paid more. Pace better be fired. I’m thinking more and more he will, recalling Jerry Angelo of all people. I remember when it was thought he was endeared to the mckaskeys and some fans thought he’d never leave. 1 winning season out of 7, keep that in mind. The bears being perpetually silent with the media drives the stupidity and speculation can run rampant. Broncos just canned Fangio. IMO: later desai
I would personally take Fangio as my HC. The guy can coach. He just needs a QB. And he very bluntly said so himself yesterday after the game. But I would 100% welcome him back with open arms as DC as well, obviously. And I'm totally cool with Jim Harbaugh being the HC in that situation. He's not my preferred HC....but I won't hate it.
The thing is, this ex player looking to get into coaching so having to start at intern level/$15 p/h thing, its not relevant here cos Kruetz wasnt looking for help getting into being an NFL coach. Thats how i understand it. Kruetz isnt going the coaching route he was going the media route, this was nothing other than bringing an outside consultant with huge expertise. Bet your ass you pay more than min wage for that. It symptomatic of how fucking dumb Pace is that he thinks someone like that would cost something like that. The whole thing is just another classic Bears egg on their face moment.