Thanks, but hey, I tried to see if someone had done one more recently, but nope still stuck on the Cutler era. It would have been easier if the clip didn't have subtitles. It needed to be done.
I don't have the vocabulary to describe how awesome this is. The Cutler one years ago was great, this just one upped it. The name drops were just hilarious "V2 confirmed Pace sucks" lol Christ. What a fucking masterpiece. Well done man.
I tried to squeeze in all the regulars at some point in the video and figured we needed the laugh. SOB, I forgot blang.
This is absolutely brilliant. I lost it at the "Like what, Mongo is coming back?" Well done tuna, if I could give you some kind of award, I would.
Still no reply back from Mongo. His child waits at the door, barefoot and shivering because I've run out of dung cakes to burn in the fireplace. The empty pantry cupboards mock me and I only have one precious jewel left that Mongo gave me to sell. The old witch who has been trading me oatmeal for my diamonds won't be back for a couple more days. I'll tie the last rags around the child's feet so we can go back out into the howling Mexicana blizzard to scavenge for old worm-eaten apples and maybe the last few dried up berries off the bushes. <shakes fist at sky> I know that you're only a pawn in the game of life Mongo but damn you anyway!!