You may vote for ONLY 1. The top vote getter will be declared the winner !!!. Slight twist in play for the Final. As before, votes will not be viewable until you vote. However, in the Final, You will NOT be allowed to change your vote. So, choose wisely, Grasshoppers.
I had the conversation with my boss just now, ranking what he thinks are the best sports movies of all time. He named 4 in this bracket, as well as Bull Durham. So, if it lends to the highly scientific credibility of this study, my boss thinks it's on point.
im shocked older people and im 47, would pick remember the titans. it's a great movie, one of my favorites, but i bet a lot of older people never even heard of it or saw it versus the other classic sports movies from the 80's and earlier. i could be wrong, but CBS had their writers do their own contest 4 months ago and i don't think Titans was anywhere in the top 25-50 best sports movies.
Us "older people" like that movie because it's set in the time frame in which we grew up. We were all aware of the racial strife of the time, whether we were in the middle of it or not. If we weren't, it was interesting to watch how those that were (as depicted in the film) handled it. Couple that with some pretty damn good football scenes and it doesn't surprise me that us "older people" figured out how to operate a VCR to watch it . . . multiple times.