Fantasy Talk

Discussion in 'NHL General Discussion Board' started by LAOJoe, Sep 18, 2018.

  1. LAOJoe Assistant Coach Manager Patreon Silver Maple Leafs Eagles

    So I had my keeper league draft tonight. 12 teams with 7 Keepers (Champ and Reg Season winner get 8). Yahoo standard categories plus PIMS, Blocks and Saves. Start 3 C, 2 LW, 2 RW, 2 W, 6 D, 2G daily.

    Last year I got pissed off at the Yahoo app after it messed my lineups repeatedly so I ended up tanking unintentionally then pretty much gave up. Maximum 1 goalie keeper. Before the Draft I traded Nick Backstrom for Pekka Rinne and Mark Stone. I got tired of Backstrom being hot and cold. Always cold when I needed him to do well and hot when I had the categories in hand anyways. So I dumped him. If not for the trade I would have kept Crawford, who I drafted back in the 5th round as my 3rd goalie.

    Remember 86 players are kept before the first pick (who was Gibson). Rask went #3 and 6 goalies went in the 1st with Quick, Talbot and Allen going as well.

    mattymcgee55 likes this.
  2. Catfish Guest

    86 is a lot of guys kept bf the draft. makes it tough. hope it worked out for you.
  3. mattymcgee55 Legend Patriots Bruins

    Mittelstadt in the 8th is great pickup. is there a keeper spot for rookies?
    and what are you expecting form Nylander this year........ will he be in opening day lineup and if he is what do you expect from him from a fantasy perspective?
  4. LAOJoe Assistant Coach Manager Patreon Silver Maple Leafs Eagles

    At the end of the year we get 7 or 8 keepers depending on our previous performance. It doesn't matter who it is, besides having at most 1 goalie. We started at 3 base keepers but we had a year to year schedule to expand it and went to 4, then 6 and now we capped it at 7. When we got to 6 we moved away from snake order and went worst to first, with a first round lottery.

    I don't know what to expect from Nylander but I'd hope he's as good as Marner was last year. I thought he'd have been long gone by the 14th overall pick but there was a bigger goalie run than I expected and people were weary about his "holdout". I kept passing on a few rookies and when I got to round 7 I got passed my original "strategy" and decided to get a 4th starting goalie to try and get an advantage in those categories. Round 8 I saw Mittelstadt there and figured he was worth the risk now compared to the players left on the board. My plan after that was literally Grab JT Miller and then go straight D until the last 2-3 rounds. At the beginning of the 10th round I picked Del Zotto on a whim and then stuck McDonagh, Manson, Niskanen, and Phaneuf on my queue. I didn't expect to get every single one of them so I went with 8 instead of 7 D (what I usually do). I was staring at Killorn for a while but I didn't want to mess up my plan to get all those D-men. Glad he survived. My hardest pick was my last one. I wanted a forward with multiple positions and I settled for Vanek.
    Willie likes this.
  5. LAOJoe Assistant Coach Manager Patreon Silver Maple Leafs Eagles

    I've been offered Kane for Gaudreau from a Flames fan. Honestly I am thinking Gaudreau is better anyways.
  6. Willie Head Coach Manager News & Notes Vikings

    I think your right. I have Toews and im ready to trade him in an instant.
  7. LAOJoe Assistant Coach Manager Patreon Silver Maple Leafs Eagles

    So my team was ass and I give up on them after limping to a 5-8 start but consistently getting low scores. I check today and see I went on a 9-game winning streak, earning a bye and made it to the finals.
    Catfish likes this.
  8. Catfish Guest

    that's unbelievable! :wall: never quit on your team ! good luck in the finals. show up this time and win the title and pop the bubbly!

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