Example of how the helmet rule sucks. ss

Discussion in 'Chicago Bears' started by tunafat, Aug 8, 2018.

  1. tunafat Franchise Player Bears

    Here's an example from the HOF game. Tell me how is a defender supposed to defend this. He was flagged with a 15 yard personal foul.
    Chris Collinsworth describes this as if the defender lowered his head. He didn't, he also didn't launch as his left foot was still on the ground. It looks to me like a text book defense, but is this the new NFL? because it sucks ass.
    babyfan likes this.
  2. tunafat Franchise Player Bears

    The original video showed the defender left foot still on the ground apparently Instagram cut it off.
    babyfan likes this.
  3. dlinebass5 M.V.P. Bears

    I don't honestly know how that could have a flag called on it, in any way, shape, or form. My only thought is that the refs are more likely to call stuff in the preseason, as they always are, and that won't be a penalty in the regular season. But if that's a legitimate penalty and case of violating the new rule, then... Well, football as we know it won't last for very long.
    babyfan likes this.
  4. IrishDawg42 Legend Manager Browns Buckeyes Fighting Irish

    This wasn't a helmet infraction though. Collinsworth was ranting about it, but it was actually a unnecessary roughness penalty. This falls under the defenseless player rule that has been in effect for a few years now for receivers, and expanded to include other players this year.

    (edit) there were two helmet rule violations called, but they were both on Ravens defenders...
    tunafat likes this.
  5. dlinebass5 M.V.P. Bears

    Then it's also a nonsense call. That's another rule that has been poorly understood, and poorly enforced.

    Just because a hit looks violent doesn't mean it's illegal. The NFL should stop dancing on the line, and just get it over with already - either take the contact away, or tell everyone that it's staying as-is.
    IrishDawg42 likes this.
  6. Yeah, going to be an interesting year...
  7. tunafat Franchise Player Bears

    You're right Irish it was "unnecessary roughness"
    I got caught up in Collinsworth explanation defending the call for a helmet infraction that I missed the actual call from the ref. With that said it still looked like a solid play but it a makes the defenseless receiver call more valid than the helmet infraction.
    IrishDawg42 likes this.
  8. Bear-man 11 Franchise Player Bears

    Yeah, don’t listen to that half-wit Collinsworth. You should know that already. If he’s not slobbering a star QB’s genitals, he’s butchering a name or completely fucking up an explanation of a play.

    That being said I still don’t understand this defenseless receiver bullshit. What’s the defender supposed to do, let him come down with it? As far as I know, the best way to separate a ball from a player is to hit him - hard. It’s football.
    IrishDawg42 and tunafat like this.
  9. tunafat Franchise Player Bears

  10. EvertonBears M.V.P. Bears

    And the slow death of the game continues.

    The sad irony is they're doing this shit to preserve the bullshit Disneyworld image they want to project in order to make maximum money, but its ultimately whats gonna turn viewers off in the end and lead to less money.

    You'd be mad to draft a Safety in the 1sr round these days. A large chunk of their job is being taken away from them. I wonder if teams already see the writing on the wall re this and thats partly why the Safety market has been extremely soft this offseason.
  11. patg006 M.V.P. Bears

    Here's the problem, fans aren't going to games as much as they used to. Seven hours and often $100+ per 1 tix isn't worth it when you have a 56 inch 1080HDTV and aren't in the mood to freeze your ass off to watch your team. Beer is cheaper when you buy your own too instead of $10 budweisers..

    But all the TV deals, verizon deal, and other major endorsements are paving the way. An article came out that some polesmoker from Green Bay's front office leaked that each team got $255 million dollars from revenue sharing after this past season from these deals. And this; according to espn, was a 4.9% increase from the previous year.


    That covers the salary cap and more. That's......not including tickets, concessions, jersey/gear sales. But to your point, team net profits are down. Packers pulled in 38.6 mil, down from 72.8 per the article.

    People will turn off the game, but it will probably need 5+ more years for these absurd TV/endorsement deals to really change for financial damage to be done. And many within the past few years have renegotiated and extended. Espn is through 2021, NBC/Fox/CBS all through 2022, Direct TV through 2022, and Verizon just upped for 5 more years to 2022 for 2.5 billion.


    To the topic of the article, this helmet rule is going to be a shitshow. The play 2 flags were thrown on the Ravens I just couldn't understand why they called the helmet call then. It wasn't. The defender had no chance.

    And are we going to talk about how bad Chase Daniel is?
  12. patg006 M.V.P. Bears

    My mind jumped to Calvin Johnson here. He's probably one of the best receivers of all time that I've seen, amid injuries shortening his career. I'll never forget the play he came over the middle and Briggs, when he wasn't a fat pile of shit put a shoulder on him. Dude didn't come over the middle again that game. Now you have to grabass and not get caught.
  13. dlinebass5 M.V.P. Bears

    I know it's off subject for the topic, but absolutely. I mean, he's supposed to be the primary backup to Mitch, right? That's problematic. The Bears had up a video of him messing around and trying to get players' autographs at practice, and I'm thinking, "He should be throwing a couple extra balls around, damnit"... Hopefully he starts taking things seriously if he has to play real football. Until then, let's hope he doesn't have to play real football.
  14. bigrobo876 Franchise Player Bears

    On the subject of the helmet rule I don’t see a problem with how the rule is written and it’s intention. Unlike the old catch rule where the issues were in the actual verbiage of the rule.

    The big issue is how the refs call the rule. There were 2 helmet infractions in the game and when I look back at them they both looked legit. In both instances the defensive player was looking at the ground when he made contact helmet first. Keep your head up! That is what the new rule is trying to accomplish. Now I know that the refs will blow a bunch of these calls and everyone will overreact.

    The defenseless receiver/personal foul call in question here was a BS call. There were other hits just like that one where no flag was thrown. It was simply a bad call. You not going to remove bad calls from the game just like your not going to remove big hits.

    I thought it was a little humorous that the new catch rules came into play and IMO the refs got it wrong. I don’t think the Bears first pick should have been a catch. I didn’t see possession before the ball hit the ground. If that’s how they are going to call it this season there are going to be a lot of catches that should have been called incomplete.

    As for Daniels I don’t think he played all that bad. He should have had 2 td’s. The Fowler drop in the end zone was a beautiful pass. He is a backup for a reason. If Trubisky goes down so goes the season. The backup tackles are horrible. An injury there could be very problematic.
  15. Boonie120HB Part Time Starter Bears

    Another thing to remember with this is that in the preseason they are going to throw the flag more often than not. This is re-enforce the rule for the refs and the players.

    By week 4 in the regular season the hype of the rule will die down and you'll see a lot less flags thrown.
  16. True, they came out and said this was the case.

    As for the reg. season, I’m hopeful this is all much ado about nothing, but 2ndGenBearsFan always told me “you can wish in one hand and shit in the other and see which one fills up first”
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 9, 2018
  17. gidion72 Legend Steelers

    With Bears fans I’m sure the shit will overflow freely.
  18. I’d rather have handfuls of shit, than the mouthfuls of it that are dripping out your lips.
    EvertonBears likes this.
  19. tunafat Franchise Player Bears

    Lmao I went to the kitchen to get a beer while under review figuring no catch, (no possession, ball on the ground) and I came back and the Bears still had the ball. That was clearly not a pick, but yet here we are.
  20. gidion72 Legend Steelers

    Ok, shit for brains

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