Some interesting takes on Quinns pass-rushing style and perhaps seeing more nickle. What do you guys think?
I get the need for discussion, but I find this video all over the place. "Rule of 3?" Just get 3 awesome players who can rush the passer? I'm pretty sure 31 other teams would love to do that too, and few teams actually have it historically (2000s NYG, Steel Curtain, 85 Bears, Purple People eaters of the 60s and I'll even count the Vikes with Danielle Hunter, Everson Griffen, and Linval Joseph (which goes to show further the QB matters, because those 3 with Kirk Cousins/Case Keenum didn't win squat. I'd rather have balance all over my DLine, and teams have shown to win superbowls, get a DLineman who can disrupt inside and a decent pass rusher. 3 talented pass rushers is a luxury to have in today's game, but I can see why because the bears don't have a quarterback.. First, it iterates how bad Leonard Floyd was at being a pass rusher, which he is. Then compares Quinn to a dominant 2 pitch pitcher, but shows clips of Mariano Rivera (who exclusively threw a cutter) and Yu Darvish (2 seam, change, cutter, slider, 4 seam, knuckle-curve)? Someone needs to relearn basic arithmetic or find a better analogy. It then shows the same three clips of him as a cowboy strip-sacking Wentz, Brady, and Stafford and the narrator really tries to "analyze," believing really bad techniques leading to a bad sack makes a good player. It then says when both Quinn and the Pats LT Wynn are fundamentally bad when Quinn jumps to get around Wynn who bit and engaged Quinn as opposed to staying home, and put himself at a terrible angle then drops his left hand, which he'd need to stabilize and contain any pass rusher. If Wynn stays home and slides, a jumping pass rusher is done for. It then shows clips of Teddy B on the Saints and whoever was starting for the Dolphins holding onto the ball too long after a 7 step drop, not turning their heads, leading to Quinn sacking them. This isn't special, a pass rusher is supposed to eat the QB alive when he holds onto the ball too damn long. For anyone on twitter, follow a guy named Paul Alexander for OLine coaching broken down OLine play/technique for fans. For any coaches from pee-wee to HS, this guy is a must follow. The Eagles clip is the same, the LT (38 year old Jason Peters) gets beat outside, cant shift his stance/feet fast enough and Quinn is by him. Quinn timed the snap and beat the LT off the ball. Then the clip proceeds to show plays of QBs/plays rolling away from him to avoid him--which my inner meatball liked. Sure, run the opposite direction of Robert Quinn, guys. I'm sure there's nothing bad on the other side... They then further breakdown why Leonard Floyd is bad, showing everything we pointed out in weekly game threads when Floyd was channeling his inner Bummar. Quinn making more than the 13.2 Floyd would have been making is fine. He's shown he can win the 1 on 1's, but you'd think that's obvious given how much the narrator throws Floyd under the bus in these 17 minutes. Then, at the end--it says the Bears need another Adrian Amos? A down-hill tackling box safety. What? Isn't this supposed to be about having 3 great pass rushers on your DLine?
I don't need to. This is a nice hype video with a bunch of buzzwords and clever recycling of "the good old days" name dropping some historical bears while advancing an idea that is seldom feasible for 32 teams historically--to have 3 proficient pass rushers. Nothing more. Let me be clear, I like the addition of Robert Quinn, and think its a clear upgrade at edge rusher. I like that he, for slightly more than what the bears would have been paying Leonard Floyd--is far better at producing as a pass rusher than Floyd ever is or was. Football 101 is beat the guy across from you. Quinn did. This video showed multiple examples. But I prefer to look closer and ask 'why?' I'm a nuts/bolts guy. I'm the first guy to admit I'm no expert, but observing the basics for an offensive lineman; they're supposed to put both hands on the defensive player and block them in a pass/run play right? So what in the hell good does it do you, as an offensive lineman to put your right hand on the defensive player's chest/torso/abdomen area to block him while keeping your left hand/arm down at your side? It doesn't. Quinn took advantage of Wynn on the Patriots. He even locked Wynn's arm down (hand fighting, another aspect of being an edge rusher that Leonard Floyd was inconsistent at), taking a huge point of power/strength from a 330 lb OT away from him. Quinn won the battle on that one play. Floyd, when given similar opportunities last year--did not. I think you should be able to say BOTH Quinn won the battle, and he took advantage of bad technique, whereas this video wants you to think otherwise. 'Quinn beat Wynn because he took a great angle and jumped to create the momentum.' No. Just no. That's garbage "insight" and if you ever played Oline or Dline, jumping is not something you do to try to block or get around a blocker. For one simple reason: you give up your legs, which only generate your power, balance, bend, and momentum. Isaiah Wynn had a gross lapse in technique and Quinn took advantage of it, something Leonard Floyd seemed unable to do. Had this video have been about that--then I wouldn't have written such a scathing response. Let's also keep perspective that these clips are 1 play. One snap. In 2019, Quinn played 647 snaps in 14 games, or 42.21 snaps/plays per game. I brought up Paul Alexander the OLine coach, because he breaks down what fans/meatballs gush over, like this video and puts it simply. Remember the play Khalil Mack used one arm to make the Detroit Lions' LT Decker look like a bitch in 2018? I gushed. I 'ooh'd' and 'ahh'd' just like every other fan. Then I watched this guy breakdown what Decker did wrong: turn ~90 degrees (after his TE Pettigrew flops at chipping Mack) and you see Mack change angle to bull rush his inside shoulder. Balance for Decker was off, angle was off, the bend got exposed, and in a desperate split-second, Decker tried to fix said mistakes and Mack needed 1 hand and a damned fine bull rush to create said moment.
See that's why I come on here you guys always set me straight. You, sir, are absolutely right. Perhaps I was, I don't know, desperately trying to grasp some positive with all of this shit going on, and Dent's name fucking hit me, and I'm like, on here chasing fucking ghosts. Those were the best days to be a Bears fan, you know, had I known then, that it would be sooo dry for sooo long with this team, In hindsight, I would have probably smoked another bowl. Go Bears! I'm still concerned about Mongo.
Hey tuna, I emailed Mongo but I haven't heard back from him. I can pm his address to you and a few other Bears and you can all send him an email, maybe he'll notice them and not see them as spam.