I'll be watching. I get on a video call with some old buds on Thursday nights, and my wife pays for Amazon, so it's too easy for me to just keep the game open in another tab on the computer I'm already using. We'll see how long I can last.
I'm not even sure if I'd get the game but I'm teaching until 7 and then going to a bar to see some friends. A bar without the Bears game on it, I should add.
A bar without the Bears game on it, I should add. Is that because the Red Wings are playing the Leafs tonight ? I picked Da Bears to win tonight..I also said the Bears would fight it out with the Lions for the WC this year...that ain't happening.
Picked the Bears? Have you not watched them play this year? If ever there were a night for these fucks to honor the past, it would be to win it for Butkus.
I'm watching the game on mute, but I can tell what's happening. Fuck. What a way to learn about it. Gotdamnit. Rest in peace, big guy.
The start of this game is so Bears. First play is a deep shot to Mooney and he fucks it up. Second play is a one yard run. Long completion to Moore. They're letting Fields throw so far. He may not be lost yet. We'll find out.
Right? That's excellent, and good time for Fields too. Not encouraged by the two runs for 0 yards, but if that's what they're playing, take what they give you. I doubt Moore remains uncovered the rest of the night, but I'll take those two big shots. Moore should be a good building block for the future.
It was Mooney that stopped running on the one, I think Fields put it in the right spot if Mooney runs through it.
We won't know until we get a better view whether that sack was because Fields held it too long or no one was open. Great end to that first drive. Good signs. We'll see how things look when they're not running scripted plays.