Challenged Punt

Discussion in 'Pittsburgh Steelers' started by beachbum, Sep 12, 2018.

  1. beachbum Legend Manager Steelers


    In this first GIF if you watch the ball come off the ground you can see...

    1. Two clear end-over-end rotations of the ball with laces facing the Steelers sideline. After the ball hits the helmet watch the laces and the NFL logo. You can see the ball begin to rotate on it's axis. It's even more noticeable right before the ball goes off the screen. The laces are now facing the end zone and it's really spinning right before you lose sight of it. It's unfortunate the broadcast doesn't show the ball more than a couple of feet above the players head in the close up angle.

    If you watch the second GIF below it is not a close up shot but if shows the ball rotation and it is drastically different from the end-over-end action.

    2. Staying on the GIF above as the ball comes off the ground it bounces straight in the air. It appears to be bouncing towards the center of the field away from the Steelers sideline because the Browns player is running left to right but when you look at the third GIF below you can see it bounce straight up.

    And then as you keep watching in the 3rd GIF you can see the ball clearly change direction towards the Steelers sideline. Davis has to literally chase it down because it's path has been altered by the Browns player running towards the Steeler's sideline. You can also see the rotation of the ball as it's coming down into Davis' arms. It is spinnng in both directions sometimes even horizontally. None of this is possible unless the ball hit the helmet of the Browns player.

    Last but not least in the final GIF below you can see what the players saw. Watch Calloway react to the ball hitting the Browns player. This is a guy who returned 55 punts in college. He knew it hit him and he reacted and tried to fight for the ball. Otherwise he doesn't go near it. And then look at this reaction on the ground. He slams his hand down because he knows they just turned it over.

    Last edited: Sep 12, 2018
    mc, ajmtanas, firehalo and 3 others like this.
  2. Lyman "Franchise Asshole" Browns Buckeyes

    Try again. Test didn't work.
    IrishDawg42 likes this.
  3. IrishDawg42 Legend Manager Browns Buckeyes Fighting Irish

    I'm not sure why beach asked me to come to the Steelers board for a revelation into fumbleoffhelmetgate...There isn't any more information here than he had on the Browns board.
  4. gidion72 Legend Steelers

    Looks like a real fumble to me.
    techheart likes this.
  5. techheart Guest

    Agreed, we got hosed.
    mc and gidion72 like this.
  6. IrishDawg42 Legend Manager Browns Buckeyes Fighting Irish

    I don't think I can find a meme that would do this justice at how hard I am laughing right now....

    I know you all WANT to see this change in ball rotation, but it simply isn't there. Your descriptions are so vivid, it's like painting a picture beach and I applaud the effort, but you just wasted A LOT of time showing nothing. There is absolutely no change in the rotation of the ball...It is already rotating.

    I give you guys credit, you really want to believe so bad that this is what caused the Steelers to tie a 1-31 football team...truth is, this is the least of your worries once Baker gets up to speed and hits the field.
  7. gidion72 Legend Steelers

    It hits him clear as day. You go on making yourself feel better
    techheart likes this.
  8. IrishDawg42 Legend Manager Browns Buckeyes Fighting Irish

    Ok...well.. I've seen enough to know I better get back to the Browns board before I get a contact high from you guys. Enjoy the buzz
  9. beachbum Legend Manager Steelers

    You probably didn't even look. And you conveniently didn't address Calloway's actions.
  10. IrishDawg42 Legend Manager Browns Buckeyes Fighting Irish

    I absolutely looked, intently if you want to know the truth. I went through every angle and watched several times.

    I didn't address Callaway because he is an afterthought. He was 12 yards BEHIND the player when the ball hit the ground. All he did was react, just like everyone else does. That's the training kicking in. You always react to the ball. Once the Steeler player touches the ball, the Browns can fall on it anyway.

    Over reaction to his reaction.
  11. gidion72 Legend Steelers

    The only Steelers player to touch it is Davis, seeing how he snagged it in the air. You believe what you want to, but I saw it change direction. I have no clue what you are looking at, but that ball definitely shows it was touched. But at the end of the day, discussing this fact isn’t going to magically change the results.
    steelersking likes this.
  12. steelersking M.V.P. Steelers

    The ball absolutely hit the Browns player. Ball was in a slow spin and immediately sped up once it hit the helmet. But it happened, wasn’t called, game over. It’s already the end of Wednesday, on to the Chiefs, last week just needs to be put in the rear view. That’s how I’m going to attempt to be this year, no complaining after Wednesday :cheers:
    techheart likes this.
  13. techheart Guest

    Yep by Wednesday always easier to turn the page on a craptastic last game
    steelersking likes this.
  14. gidion72 Legend Steelers

    Would be easier if Irish wasn’t over here and the Browns refuting it, trying to convince us that we were dominated by them and they should have buried us.
  15. IrishDawg42 Legend Manager Browns Buckeyes Fighting Irish

    Beach told me to come over here. He said he had some irrefutable evidence that he was unleashing unto the world on the Steelers board. I refute the irrefutable big deal. It's just me, the refs and the NFL front office in big deal, all you Steelers brethren are correct, ass long ass you are the only ones discussing it.
    gidion72 likes this.
  16. This is too funny....Browns board and posters keep saying they should have won by 30 and the Pitt fans know Pitt couldn’t have played any worse and still tied....Pitt is so much better...imagine this the Browns turning it over 6 times vs Pitt would the game still be a tie?
    ajmtanas and gidion72 like this.
  17. gidion72 Legend Steelers

    No tie, we would have scored at least a FG off each turnover.
  18. steelersking M.V.P. Steelers

    Not a chance, but the fact of the matter is they took care of the football in bad weather. Thats commendable. The Steelers had multiple chances and didn't get the job done, plain and simple. 6 turnovers did them in. Give props to the defense for making Ben look like Johnny Manziel...
    IrishDawg42 and techheart like this.
  19. One of the TOs went through the TEs hands(not Ben’s fault), the one pick was thrown into coverage and the deep ball was a miscommunication? Ben wasn’t sharp but he sure wasn’t bad
  20. IrishDawg42 Legend Manager Browns Buckeyes Fighting Irish

    Not bad? He also had two fumbles... I'm sorry, yes the TE should have caught that ball, but 3 INTs and 2 fumbles in one game is having a bad day. The deep ball was to AB, no reason at this point in their career to have a communication problem. If Ben and Antonio are going to start mis-communicating at this point, it doesn't bode well for the Steelers.

    If you are comparing his stat line to Tyrod Taylor, then yes, he wasn't bad...but the Browns gave this game away with timid offensive play from the QB position, plain and simple.

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