Bear Down Fantasy League

Discussion in 'Chicago Bears' started by 3rdGenBearsFan, Jul 30, 2018.

  1. [​IMG]

    So, seriously, this thing flies off the rails unless I'm running it? :cool:

    Sorry, I was super burned out on fantasy leagues 2 years ago, and even more burned out on the Bears, so I think I left the site for over a year.

    I dug through the old threads and it looks like everyone half-assed it 2 years ago, and there was no league last year at all?

    Folks with first dibs will be previous owners from the last time I ran it.
    BWW - confirmed
    Duece - is he around anymore?
    Mongo - confirmed
    acrazyfool- confirmed
    Scotty - haven't seen him post in years
    3rdGen - confirmed

    my waiting list
    Boonie - mia?
    Aggie - mia?


    1 - Who has the damn trophy? BSPN deletes the data for old leagues that don't get renewed.
    2 - Any preference for site? BSPN, Yahoo,
    3 - If I'm doing this again, I'd really like to make this a money/keeper league. Nothing serious, maybe $25? If we do that I'd prefer to use It's a crazy great site, but costs $75+ a year. Here's my main league, if you guys want to take a look at what the site looks like.
    4 - I'd like to make the weekly Bieber avatar apply weekly here instead of the entire offseason, but that may be hard to enforce/regulate. What does everyone else think? Maybe I can talk to Tim about applying it here? I know it's annoying to change your avatar back and forth, but hey, I ain't ever gonna have to do it.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 31, 2018
  2. BearsWillWin Drunk (Probably) Patreon Champion Manager Bears Blackhawks Cubs

    I think I lost the trophy....sorry, I drink a lot. I probably threw it through a wall watching the Bears.

    I can purchase a new one with the correct names and years of winners on it.

    I'm down for a money whatever price. Myfantasyleague is a really good site.

    I'm in regardless though.
  3. Mongo_76 Guest

  4. Mongo_76 Guest

    How about instead of us all putting up $25, I put up 2 playoff tix. Winner gets the tix (assuminbg they are going to actually use them.)

    Bears already sent playoff tix.... Here's my actual.

  5. LAOJoe Assistant Coach Manager Patreon Silver Maple Leafs Eagles

    If you need a pay-league managed Tim also does those here for our leagues if you ask him.
  6. Holy shite, brother, that's.... crazy you think the Bears make the playoffs :drool:

    But even more crazy awesome that you'd throw something like that into the pot. I can't speak for everyone else, but we could still do both? You wouldn't have to put up any cash at all, but if the rest of us still throw some cash at the winner, that might help whoever wins afford to use the tickets.
  7. Thanks... maybe the next time I get burned out, I'll ask Tim to take over instead of trusting these lugs to manage by themselves.
  8. Mongo_76 Guest

    Im good either way. My son going away to college, so I lost my seat buddy. No way my other 4 kids going to go to a game in Jan.

    So these seats are in play for Bears fans.

    Either way, Im in and these 2 are up.

    And no, I don't think Bears are making playoffs. But if they do, these are some awsome fucking tickets....
  9. FYI, I'm in this now for the long haul. This will be an ongoing, multi-year league. Please, owners that are fully committed to seeing this league hang around a long time. I know, life has a way of getting in the way, but I'm treating this as somewhat more serious than a 'just for fun' league. Especially if Mongo is throwing in playoff tickets.
  10. acrazyfool Franchise Player Over / Under Bears

    I'm in. And down for doing a keeper/buy in. Also for weekly avatar awards.

    Not that he needs it, I can vouch for Mongo. Those tickets are nice!
  11. EvertonBears M.V.P. Bears

    Yeah aggie and i ran that league but as you say, the participation was half-arsed. Most weeks half the guys weren't even setting a team. Blang or dline(blang i believe) won the final without even bothering to set his team.

    I think you may struggle to find the numbers for this 3rdGen, but if its a non-dynasty league your doing then count me in. No probs throwing a little money at this, but ive never played dynasty/keepers.

    Personally i would prefer espn, i think they do a good ff league.

    If you just want free FF its ok just say so :yank:
  12. tunafat Franchise Player Bears

    I'm in
  13. Dynasty is different from a keeper league. Dynasty leagues have options where players can be kept forever. In a keeper league, some players are frozen, but there are various mechanisms in place to make sure the player pool is kept fresh and studs can’t be hoarded forever.

    Are you not interested in joining if we switch to a keeper league?
  14. tunafat Franchise Player Bears

    I'm in regardless
  15. Blang
    BWW - confirmed - need an email
    Duece - is he around anymore?
    EvertonBears - confirmed - need email
    Mongo - confirmed - need an email
    acrazyfool- confirmed
    Tunafat - confirmed
    Scotty - haven't seen him post in years
    3rdGen - confirmed

    my waiting list
    Boonie - mia?
    Aggie - mia?
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 2, 2018
  16. EvertonBears M.V.P. Bears

    Well, ok!

    But remember my first year of FF when you had to explain it to me and answer my stupid questions? Yeah we're back to that heh
  17. No worries, brother.
  18. tunafat Franchise Player Bears

    3rd you should have my Email
  19. Thought I sent the invite already. I’ll do it again

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