That was awesome I think Hicks is my new favorite player and WTF my Mack jersey came just two weeks ago and now I got to get a Hicks one. Hey can you remember a couple years ago when we all struggled to find one guy on this team to support?? Now look at this bitch
Oh my God V, that was incredible!! That was so much fun to watch and listen to!! That really gives you an inside perspective on those guys and how they act on and off the field. I think Hicks is superb!
I don't know if I said it in the game thread, but I meant to - if I have a kid, I'm naming him after Akiem Hicks. He might get an odd couple looks with my super-Irish last name, but it'll be worth it. That dude is awesome. Shit, mic him up every game, if he's gonna play like this. What a performance (even relative to his usual level of play).
Amen to that dude. What’s really shocking to me is how much Mack (and Nagy) have elevated this team, seems like just a different culture even with the players here last year. Not that they are world beaters yet or anything, but it feels like the attitude is right.