With the regular season done, figured would be good to have a thread on this. Whoever revived the prediction thread that's gold, because I don't think anyone pegged where the Bears would end. This reddit thread shows the Defensive Rankings (and there's a comment which compares the stats against the 2006 and 1985 Bears defenses): The most interesting thing there are all the statistical categories this Defense is *better* than the '06 defense. Now granted, it doesn't extrapolate what a healthy Mike Brown and Tommie Harris would have done. Looking at the pieces, Smith has developed well. Mack is a beast. Hicks is having a career year. Fuller turned a corner. Outside of Jackson and Mack for a few games, they stayed healthy. The Offense, statistically, is not that good. But interestingly, they are #3 in TOP: https://www.teamrankings.com/nfl/stat/average-time-of-possession-net-of-ot Mitch has made big strides this year. Notably, I don't see the deer in headlights anymore, he has a much better feel for the pocket collapsing and escapability. I DO however, notice a tendency to be inaccurate on some throws and every once in a while a bad decision. But overall, I'm happy with his progress. Special Teams... the return game is solid, nothing spectacular. Our punter (or the coverage, still can't quite decide) is not great, though I'm not looking up stats here. Our kicker is damn near the worst in the league. I'm not sure I agree with Nagy that it wasn't his fault. All that told, the Bears point differential is 138, 4th only to the Saints, Rams and Chiefs. They were in every game this year, even the ones they lost, not once in a blowout. The team played with an energy we haven't seen in *at least* a decade. They are flat out having fun and have the right attitude. Much credit to Nagy on that one. I'm pumped for the playoffs. Looking at this season, I don't know what more you could ask for. For me, it was the apathy leaving and getting on board the hype train. And that was worth it the whole way. What a season thus far!
We should also credit the coaching staff not only for having the guys ready to play every week (save for Miami game) but for their in-game and in-season adjustments. And look no further than the offensive game plan the last few weeks. An offense more centered on the run game and quicker passes, less stuff deep over the middle. Essentially being aware of Trubs weaknesses and modifying the game plan accordingly.
Then there's this from Jon Buccigross twitter: Only 4 teams have Led NFL Outright in Scoring Defense & Takeaways Since 1970 Merger Playoff Result: 2018 Bears ? 2013 Seahawks Won Super Bowl 2000 Ravens Won Super Bowl 1985 Bears Won Super Bowl
This defense is definitely good enough to do it. And the offense can be just good enough if Mitch protects the ball and can be efficient. The offense will be especially good enough if Mitch continues to be good on 3rd down. Nagy needs to continue to emphasize the run...especially to Long's side if he's playing...when Long was in the game Sunday the Bears were running really well to the right side. Two X-factors....Nagy and his cute plays that lead to trouble....and Cody F'n Barfey....either of them could potentially lose a playoff game.
To me, these two statements are the key and go hand in hand. While true Parkey can cost us a game. And while true Nagy's cute plays can back-fire. Trubisky protecting the ball trumps both. And part of protecting the ball is to NOT be one-imensional. We need to run the ball.
So, what I've noticed is that where he is (mostly) innaccurate when throwing to his left on crossing patterns over 8 yards. What is the killer on this is that his innaccuracy is often an overthrow.
I can’t believe it’s only Wednesday. I agree BWW on Nagy’s cuteness and Parkey being the two things worrying me the most for not just the Eagles but the playoffs. Parkey is garbage and Nagy loves him. But say what you will, Nagy has the most wins of any first year HC for the Bears. Closing in on 100 years and he’s the first to do it. Mongo, you going to do a things to watch? You’ve eluded to a few of the key matchups already. Another thing I thought of about this past season, 2 of the Bears 4 losses came in OT. This team can play with anyone, and there is no game where I think we won’t have a good chance to win. They may not make it all the way but I’m on board. I remember the talking heads sayin maybe the Bears are this years Rams. I say maybe the Bears are this years Eagles, ready to make some magic. Their only loss in the last 10 games was in OT with a backup QB.