Translation: You're a failed business owner. Your shitshack restaurant went under because it was shit. It was probably the cooking, though i wouldn't rule out the business side of things being far too much for you either. I mean I wouldn't trust you to mind Lucy Van Pelt's lemonade stand for a day let alone run an actual restaurant. As for what you're doing now. You make your own hours because you're unemployed, collecting benefits that will hopefully soon be cut. The work consists of playing free version texas holdem on Yahoo. You also probably side-hustled away what pitiful life savings you had on $Melania Meme Coin(down 98%) because you are a classic Trump mark. Thanks for clearing that up for everyone.
Dude you literally fucked up a two word title on a new thread. The only reason you're here is so there would finally be someone more stupid than your dad. Btw this line you wrote, it's called projection sport
Btw, 4pages?? You idiots spent 4 pages pulling up google searched bible shit so you could try and go head to head with an actual Theology major? Hahahaha! In the interests of staying on brand let me make a confession, i didn't actually read all that crap cos it wasn't worth my time. Safe to say it probably ended the way it always does, with bww beating you unconscious with your own socks.
No see...I've more always been the type to answer the door when the Jehovah's knock wearing a robe that's open and a glock tucked in my boxers while smoking a cigar with Cannibal Corpse playing in the background. When I first moved to Nashville there were a lot of Baptist in my neighborhood that liked to go door to do on Sundays after church service commenced. They only stopped by my place once. They did gather up to do a quick prayer circle one week right in front of my driveway the next week but it's been years and haven't seen them since. Holding my own against two inbred fucks that can't string together two coherent sentences doesn't seem to really be much of an accomplishment. But it was fun.
What a dumb ass you are. I had a sit down restaurant when Covid-19 hit. The state of Washington basically closed down every restaurant that didn’t have a drive through for over a year. How the freak would a family business stay in business if you can’t open your doors for over a year? When you talk please take your head out of your rear end. Wash the crap off so it doesn’t stink
Good for you, those people have no clue what the Bible says. The fourth commandment says Exodus 20:8-11 8. Remember the Sabbath day to keep it holy. 9. Six days you shall labor and do all your work. 10. But the seventh day is the Sabbath of the LORD your God. In it you shall not do any work, you, nor your son, nor your daughter; your manservant, nor your maidservant, nor your livestock, nor the stranger within your gates; 11. For in six days the LORD made the heaven and the earth, the sea, and all that is in them, and rested the seventh day. Therefore the LORD blessed the Sabbath day and sanctified it. A dipshit like you went to cemetery school yes a school for people who are walking dead with their heads up their asses. They don’t have a clue what the Bible says and now that you learned from those evil satanist you don’t either. God rested on the Sabbath Day which is Saturday, Sunday is for Baal worship a pagan god, christmas is pagan, easter is pagan, holloween is pagan, valentines day is pagan sunday is pagan you’re pagan. All catholics and protestants are pagan. Johovah witnesses are pagan all religions of India, japan, budda hindu ect are pagan. Judaism is pagan because they reject Jesus and his blood is on them. People who keep God’s laws , and his Sabbath and Holy Days are called The Church of God. Pagans teaching paganism produce ignorant people like you who think worldly intelligence is better than Godly knowledge. If you want to know the truth go to The Truth of God. Org Or Sunday worship is of satan. muslims are of satan. intelligence without God is utter stupidity. Please wake up to the truth and stop trying to hunt down people. You see the people patting you on the back are all part of your pagan brotherhood.
You’ve been Trumped by God. There’s nothing you guys can do or say that will change the Word of God or cancel what God’s will is. Hopefully you unrighteous people won’t take the mark of the beast because then you will wind up being the ashes that I will walk on in the book of Malichi 4:1-3 1. "For behold, the day is coming, burning like a consuming oven; and all the proud, and every doer of wickedness, shall be stubble. And the day that comes shall burn them up," says the LORD of hosts, "and will leave them neither root nor branch. 2. But unto you who fear My name, the Sun of Righteousness shall arise, and healing will be in His wings. And you shall go out and grow up like calves of the stall. 3. And you shall trample the wicked, for they shall be ashes under the soles of your feet in the day that I am preparing," says the LORD of hosts. Enjoy the BBQ
The Trump Administration Accidentally Texted Me Its War Plans Holy shit this one's a doozy. I mean Monty Python couldn't have written this cos its just too ridiculous. It seems the editor in chief of The Atlantic was accidently invited into a group chat involving pretty much every senior person in the administration the level below POTUS, so Vance, Hegseth, Rubio, Walz, Gabbard, Wiles, Miller. And in this group chat were top secret discussions/plans for the bombing, that actually took place, of Houthis in Yemen on March 15th. Waltz invited him and NO ONE even questioned who this guy was who was lurking on all their messages! And the story has broken today. Its impossible to put a value on the level of buffoonery and sheer incompetence at play here. Its off the charts. All of them. Honestly its not even about the journalist to me as much as it is the fact they're all just talking about this shit by completely unsecured means! If they're doing it for this why not everything else? Foreign governments are looking at this and getting a boner bigger than a bull in a breeding pen! Expect stolen government phones to be all the rage this summer. This is why you don't elect an imbecile to be President, cos he gives jobs to more imbeciles and this happens. I feel so sorry for my friends here, like bww and many others, who have to live in this dumpster fire made by fucking mouth breathers like the gidiots and SoCalTaint. America is being run by literal rodeo clowns. BTW one more thing on the subject besides the fact that many American lives serving overseas have been put at risk by this clusterfuck. This isn't just a case of fireable offense(not that any of these scumbags will be fired anyway), multiple separate laws seem to have been broken here. At the very least there should be major investigations followed by probable prosecution. Remember all you bitches who screamed "LOCK HER UP!" for nothing more than using a private email(no military bombing campaigns were discussed), i bet you must be absolutely up in arms about this one, right? RIGHT?!! Clowns.
It really doesn't matter what blunders Trump or his team make because his supporters will just say it doesn't matter than talk about all the winning we are doing. The guy could literally hand over nuclear secrets to a foreign dictator on live TV and his base would spin it into a positive and talk about how brave he is. There are people on the right these days calling Putin a hero and talking about how great Russia is. All because of Trump. Putin....a leader that kills his own people and any journalist that speaks out against him for it. Indeed. And that is why I have decided to move to Portugal.
LOL, my daughter LOVED Portugal. We were in Spain late last fall and didn't make it to Portugal, but she lived in Madrid for 4.5 months and visited Portugal twice. She absolutely loved it. The majority of the country speaks English and she said they loved Americans... Now, if we have a mass exodus into their country, they may love us less.