Dynasty League

Discussion in 'L4SN Dynasty League' started by Campbell, Jan 1, 2015.

  1. RTTRUTH Legend Manager Colts

  2. Campbell Administrator Manager Commissioner

    @IrishDawg42 has decided to trim back some of his fantasy leagues, so I set out to find his replacement and got a hit on the first swing!

    @dirk275 has decided to join in some misadventure with the rest of you heathens.

    Welcome, Dirk!
    Jeanquev and Willie like this.
  3. Campbell Administrator Manager Commissioner


    Just wanted to say thank you for being a long-time member of this league and a solid participant in every league you're in.
    Jeanquev and Willie like this.
  4. IrishDawg42 Legend Manager Browns Buckeyes Fighting Irish

    Hey guys, good luck in here!! Frankly I overcommitted to more leagues than I can handle. This is the only one on this site I am bowing out of, and a few others elsewhere. When it becomes work, some of the fun drains out of it. Just cutting back so I can continue to enjoy FFB. I’ll see many of you on one of the other 3 leagues I’m continuing with on L4SN.
    Willie and RTTRUTH like this.
  5. LAOJoe Assistant Coach Manager Patreon Silver Maple Leafs Eagles

    Sad that it's when you finally keep your own #1 overall pick and sold off a Brown. You did leave the Dirk in a good spot to build quickly though.
    Willie likes this.
  6. Willie Head Coach Manager News & Notes Vikings

    We'll miss you there Irish... good luck with your hundreds of others. ;)

    Welcome aboard, Dirk... Im glad you signed up. Hope you know there will be a hazing of sorts when you least expect it. ;)
    dirk275 likes this.
  7. IrishDawg42 Legend Manager Browns Buckeyes Fighting Irish

    That’s why I left this particular league. I felt it gave the new owner a decent starting roster, as well as an opportunity to make it their own with the #1 pick. I put thought into which one to give up.
    RTTRUTH, Willie and LAOJoe like this.
  8. Jeanquev Legend Steelers

    First hate to ya go Irish
    Second welcome to the club Dirk

    Third he actually traded that first round and pick to me for a 12th
    dirk275 likes this.
  9. StlCrtn Franchise Player Steelers

    @Campbell has a start date/time been figured out yet?
  10. Campbell Administrator Manager Commissioner

    I'm working on confirming my schedule for next week, but I would like to start on Monday or Tuesday.

    I'll post a message up on FF to get the ball rolling.
    StlCrtn likes this.
  11. LAOJoe Assistant Coach Manager Patreon Silver Maple Leafs Eagles

    Final cuts due Monday the 26th or Wednesday the 28th? It seems you edited last year's calendar only for 1st cuts. You even kept the old year.
    RTTRUTH likes this.
  12. Campbell Administrator Manager Commissioner

    Final cuts are always on the Monday and the PS is always due on the Wednesday.

    I’ll edit the dates later tonight.
    RTTRUTH and LAOJoe like this.
  13. Campbell Administrator Manager Commissioner

    We're gonna bump it down to the 2nd and the 4th.
    LAOJoe, Willie and IrishDawg42 like this.
  14. Willie Head Coach Manager News & Notes Vikings

    I need a little clarification please. Regarding the Practice Squad... can we have 2 from the defense or 2 on offense on the PS. I remember when it had to be 1 offense and 1 defense (iirc), but did we scrap that and allow 2 from the same side of the ball? thanks.

    (PS - I did read the rewlz, but my comprehension today has exited stage left.)
  15. Campbell Administrator Manager Commissioner

    Yep, we scrapped that in an offsetting move so that owners could use those two spots however they see fit.
    Willie likes this.
  16. Willie Head Coach Manager News & Notes Vikings

    Thanks... I made a move and then it dawned on me that I may have been doing something illegal, so I had to check.
    Campbell likes this.
  17. RTTRUTH Legend Manager Colts

    Oh this time of year is great.

    The tension and excitement of those final cuts and seeing who gets shed from other rosters.

    The anticipation of meaningful plays taking the field.
    All those offseason educated gambles either beginning to pay off or explode in your face.

    It’s football baby!!
  18. RTTRUTH Legend Manager Colts

    I should give up on this season.

    But my roster is just too good to commit to that already.

    Point being, I have talent, and some draft picks. I’m looking for RB help, since my three top 12 RBs can never be healthy at the same time.

    If you have any to sell, let’s chat.
  19. LAOJoe Assistant Coach Manager Patreon Silver Maple Leafs Eagles

    New Logo

    Bloody Champ 2 Small.png
    IrishDawg42, StlCrtn and Willie like this.

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