General Discussion

Discussion in 'Political Discussion' started by Campbell, Jun 10, 2020.

  1. dlinebass5 M.V.P. Bears

    If you kissed Trump's ass, you get to determine the future of this country and, in part, the planet. Your qualifications do not matter.

    I thought I heard some Republicans bitching about DEI and how merit-based hiring is gone. Would really love to see what merits these fuckers are getting hired under, other than "I hung onto Trump's balls the tightest".

    Yeah, we're fucked. What a shithole country, to quote our President.
    Vancouver Volcanos and babyfan like this.
  2. Yeah, we're fucked. What a shithole country, to quote our President.

    I think your going to be OK dline.......Trump reminds me of a Junk Yard Barking Dog.........Lots of ferocious noise and then nothing ever happens in the end.

    He was going to throw Hilary Clinton in Jail.......?

    He was going to Build "The Wall" and charge Mexico ? was going to be 727 KM long and he only build 127 KM (which is 80 miles) and asked Congress for BILLIONS of Dollars in funding...several previous US Governments has already put Barriers in Place.

    He has stated that he will Close the Border and do Mass Deportation..........or course Immigrant's are scared Shitless.....he Loves creating a Fear Factor because he knows it will cost your country Trillions of Dollars to act on this.

    Baby is right Canada is concerned because we share the Longest Undefended Border in the World with the no need to worry.

    ALL that he says never comes True.......he is a Fear Monger and your Country will be just fine...and we will still be good neighbours....YES that is spelled with a "U" in FUCK U Trump.
  3. Trumps appointments for his Staff in the White House are very disturbing.

    RFK jr..................Conspiracies Ten Fold

    Matt Gaetz...........The guy is a Criminal

    Kristi Noem...........Psycho Bitch from Hell

    Without a Doubt the next 4 year is going to be very interesting .....But I firmly believe the USA will weather this Storm and come out Flying over The Don.

    Your Country is Already Great and has been that you don't need MAGA.

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