Roger asked me to let you guys know that he lost his wife Donna to cancer this week. At this time, he's not sure what his immediate future looks like but I hope that he comes back here to talk football with his brothers again soon. I'm devastated that Roger has lost his best friend; his beautiful and incredible partner. Sending you strong love Roger.
I'm sorry for your Loss Roger...I do hope you and your Wife had Children so you can Lean on them. Time is the only thing that heals wounds...I'm sure you have a pretty good group of friends in Nashville that can help you through this tough Time. Thoughts and Prayers are with you.
@Campbell @tunafat @blang84 @EvertonBears @bigrobo876 @patg006 @chitownfan312 @dlinebass5 @acrazyfool
Words can not express how i feel about hearing this, nor can i understand what Roger is going through... Its un-imaginable, incomprehensible. We all handle this differently and words are just words, but I seen this 24 hours ago and didnt know how to respond then or even if i should... not sure at this moment in time either, but FWIW, all I can do is say, Im praying that recovery goes as well as it can. Im hoping for healing and peace to those left behind.
Roger, I'm sending you my condolences my man, and I know what you're going through as you know I lost my wife to fucking cancer 8 years ago. I was in denial that it was happening and then that last day when it happened it hit me like a ton of bricks. It was a heavy unbearable load, and I sunk to the bottom, it was only because of you assholes on here, and those in my real life that pulled me up and out of it. Take some time to grieve, just don't spend too much time down there, it isn't healthy. Just so you know, I'm always available to my friends, and I consider you a friend and a brother.
Jeezus. BWW, I've been talking football with you longer than I've even known my wife. I can't pretend to know how this feels for you, or how to help. All I can say is that, whatever you need, we're here for you. I'm in Minnesota now, so not too far from home base. If you need something, you just give me a shout. I'm so sorry for your loss, and for how hard I know today and the next days are. It'll get easier one day, but until and beyond that, lean on the people close to you, us included. Sending you all the love and strength we can, man. @babyfan - thank you for letting us know. I appreciate that you're there for him.
Mate. I am so terribly sorry to hear this. I noted your absence last night and thought it was odd. You've always been such a stalwart of the game threads it has to be something major for you not to be there or say anything leading up... There's no words for this and really nothing i can say that will help. If i could take it away for you i would. Both the months of quiet hardship there must have been leading up to this, and what lies ahead. From the bottom of my heart Fuck Cancer.
From the bottom of my heart Fuck Cancer. WOW....Everton well said...I think you should "Coin" that phrase and send it too Hospitals and Labs around the World. And Maybe , Just Maybe it will Help someone Heal from the Emotional side of this Deadly Disease after losing a Loved One..... I'm sorry for Tuna...he Felt it...I'm sorry for Roger...he Felt it....both of you will never forget your woman. But it Time you will Heal and Family and Friends will see you might take awhile but you will Heal.
Thank you, everyone, for your responses. I know that they are heartfelt. Roger knows that we support and care for him. He has always been an integral part of this board. Keep riding your motorcycle too fast Roger, smoke those cigars, drink that fine whiskey, keep throwing your phone at your TV, and know that Donna will always be a part of you. Always.
This can never be said enough. I lost my mom to cancer several years back. She beat it once and then it came back with a vengeance. FUCK CANCER.
@BearsWillWin would you be interested in having a fundraiser set up here, with donations going to cancer research ?
I am sorry that I did not see this sooner. I am so sorry for your loss BWW. I wish for you and everyone that ever had the pleasure of knowing your wife peace and comfort through this time. We will all be here for you whenever you feel the need. All love for you and all that feel her loss.