NFL - Random Opinions

Discussion in 'NFL General Discussion' started by Campbell, Nov 20, 2016.

  1. This game is damn near unwatchable with all the flags

    19 Flags in Total SteelersKing and did you notice the end of the First Half.

    33 seconds left in the Half and it took 12 minutes (Real Time) to play because of the Flags.

    Considering the Refs Sucked I thought the Seahawks played a pretty good game.
    steelersking and gidion72 like this.
  2. gidion72 Legend Steelers

    I felt the refs really leaned the game into the Cowboys favor.
  3. Jeanquev Legend Steelers

    That game was for all those people who complain they don't throw a flag on this or that and now that they did those same people want them to throw less flags
    gidion72, steelersking and Willie like this.
  4. steelersking M.V.P. Steelers

    Yes, that was about when I made the post lol second half the Seahawks couldn’t breathe on the Cowboys receivers without a flag. Late in the game though they seemed to lose their flags. Couple times defenders hit receivers early which were getting flagged in the first half were let go. Wonder if the league officials told them to let the players play during the halftime break
    Vancouver Volcanos and gidion72 like this.
  5. steelersking M.V.P. Steelers

    At least for the most part they were pretty consistently bad for both teams…later in the game it appeared they started to favor Dallas, but that could also be my anti-cowboys bias speaking.
  6. Willie Head Coach Manager News & Notes Vikings

    Its comical how when they go in a teams favor its all good, but when they go against you, its a different story, lol.
    gidion72 likes this.
  7. Jeanquev Legend Steelers

    With never stops for example when the chiefs.lost to the eagles there were fans crying about calls that went for the chiefs despite the fact they lost and despite the fact toward the end of the game they got two big calls against them.
    gidion72 likes this.
  8. Willie Head Coach Manager News & Notes Vikings

    The 'human element' in sports in general, really is human, Refs are good and bad, players are good and bad, some are happy and some are sad... Always been that way and always will (probably/maybe). My only qualm with this kinda thing is, I still dont think todays technologies are being fully utilized to their greatest potential. I also believe todays technologies can be expedient and not ruin the integrity and flow of a game.
    gidion72 and dirk275 like this.
  9. IrishDawg42 Legend Manager Browns Buckeyes Fighting Irish

    don’t throw less flags, commit less penalties. This isn’t rocket science. If they continue to throw flags, the teams will adapt.

    The key is throwing them against all teams at all games. Every officiating crew needs to understand the assignment.

    At that point the coaching staffs will coach to the rules.
    gidion72, Willie and Lyman like this.
  10. Willie Head Coach Manager News & Notes Vikings

    Thats exactly what I was trying to articulate, the commit less penalties thing, and a penalty is a penalty, so call away! Time and time again the NFL has ramped this up and we see all sorts of flags for violations, then for some unseen reason the zebras and the NFL simmer down and the same ol' shit repeats itself. Consistency is necessary and with the bazillion dollar industry called the NFL, maybe grade, teach/learn/school and PAY by performance might be an answer or at least help. Call a ton of penalties, people complain, dont call them, people complain.... damned if you do and dont.

    It was quite the 180 degree turnaround by dipshit Pete Carrol to bitch and mone about the penalties one day and turn around the next and say he's not going to 'bellyache' about the penalties.
    gidion72 likes this.
  11. Torgo M.V.P. Manager Falcons

    Fortunately almost nobody had the Jets-Falcons game as their early broadcast. The officiating was HORRIBLE and seemed to go mostly against the Jets - including a series of bad calls against them late in the first half. I have full faith that the Jets would have managed to bungle the drive, still not score a touchdown and lose the game anyway, and I'm certainly happy that my Falcons were NOT the ones getting the pointy end of the dagger this time.

    But after watching this game, hearing about the Dallas-Pittsburgh game, and then watching Packers-Chiefs last night, I'm feeling like this season has the worst officiating week after week after week since 1998, when the calls were consistently bad enough - and important enough - that the league finally brought back replay the following year.

    (Painful reminder for Steelers fans: 1998 was the year the zebras gave the overtime coin toss to the Lions on Thanksgiving.)

    The best suggestion I've heard is to add one "video officials" as part of the zebra crew. These extra officials would communicate PRIVATELY to the ref when a thrown flag is clearly an error or when an obvious call is missed, giving the ref a better chance to avoid at least some of the utter nonsense. A key component is that the video people would be actual refs / officials and part of the ref's crew.
    RTTRUTH, Willie and gidion72 like this.
  12. gidion72 Legend Steelers

    I don’t really want to see them call many penalties from a replay. But I would like them to be able to charge the egregious calls/noncalls. Some petty stuff needs to be left uncalled. I don’t think they can get anyone who won’t have human error whether or not they use replays. I believe they actually want the errors so they can use it to their advantage when they want to.
    Torgo, Willie and dirk275 like this.
  13. Willie Head Coach Manager News & Notes Vikings

    And if they would eliminate gambling from the NFL, these blatantly wrong calls would go away... its certainly obvious as hell the refs are making Mucho Denaro on these games!!! ;)
    Torgo and gidion72 like this.
  14. Willie Head Coach Manager News & Notes Vikings

    Hard to even imagine the Bengals putting up much of a fight tonight. Browning needs his best game ever and the run game better finally get going... Bengals run game is dead last in yardage in the NFL under 900 yards so far. Making things worse for the Bengals, RB Etienne is going to play for the Jags.

    I'll still tune in for a bit tho, because, well, um, ahhh. I dont know, to be honest.

    This just in - Bye week 31, Vikings 0
    Torgo, RTTRUTH and dirk275 like this.
  15. dirk275 Franchise Player Steelers

    Kirk Cousins has come off the bench and is engineering a comeback.

    Stay tuned.
    gidion72, Torgo and Willie like this.
  16. Lyman "Franchise Asshole" Browns Buckeyes

  17. Campbell Administrator Manager Commissioner


    Took a break from work and was doodling in the notebook, thinking about coaching scenarios and some other odd shit for 2024 when this thought passed through my empty head...

    The Bears keep Eberflus as head coach and they put Justin Fields on the block, basically making it known they are drafting Caleb Williams.


    Out of nowhere...


    Harbaugh dons a black and silver windbreaker and makes a Don Corleone style offer to the Bears to make Fields his new Kaepernick.

    No, I haven't been drinking today but, theatrics aside, the idea of Fields ending up a Raider after Harbaugh flees the NCAA hammer makes for an interesting scenario.
  18. dirk275 Franchise Player Steelers

    I'd take him for the Steelers, right now. Fly him in and let him start vs the Colts.
    gidion72 and Willie like this.
  19. Willie Head Coach Manager News & Notes Vikings

    Something tells me this scenario by Tim is going to happen. Im having deja vu all over again.
    gidion72 and dirk275 like this.
  20. gidion72 Legend Steelers

    How about the Bears first overall pick for Mike Tomlin? The Steelers would hire a new coach and he could pick a QB in the draft.
    dirk275 likes this.

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