Dumpster Fire

Discussion in 'Chicago Bears' started by BearsWillWin, Sep 20, 2023.

  1. babyfan Legend Patreon Platinum Bears Babyfan's P.C. Yoga

    Has the last decade actually been worse than the 90s? Nagy/Trestman/Tucker/Emery/Pace/Cutler.

    This is really alarming.
  2. blang84 Legend Bears

    Yes. Because of the constant 2-3 year cycle of blow ups and the disappointments with Trubs and Fields.
    dlinebass5 likes this.
  3. vvarder Franchise Player Bears

    - todays dumpster fire

    "The guy is a headcase, but I don't want to further tank his value that's already almost non-existent"

    Just a bunch of word salad that his attitude sucks to the point they not only benched him but banned him from the building. Watch us now release him mid-season so we get nothing for him.
  4. tunafat Franchise Player Bears

    Mack was credited with 6 sacks and two forced fumbles yesterday against the Raiders I can only imagine he's licking his chops for this Bears game later this month.
    I'll take the over.
  5. EvertonBears M.V.P. Bears

    This guy has no credibility left. Zero. The only thing im even the tiniest bit interested to see, like 1% interested, is whether ownership will have the brass neck to stick to their fabled and totally fucking BS principle of not firing a HC in season. Cos you KNOW they would rather chop off their own digits than break that holy, sanctified by God rule which no one else in the league gives the slightest fuck about. They're desperate not to do it, but there's a problem(!). They are still faaar from home, 13games to be exact and if that doesnt feel like a lifetime yet, it will soon enough. This is going to be the most excruciating season ownership has ever known and i heard the 70s were pretty fucking bad.

    As for Claypool, we get it, Poles is climbing the walls looking for someone, anyone, to take this bum off his hands. At this point any draft comp will do, just anything that they can spin to try to make him look fractionally less bad than he already does. But its not gonna to happen. They know it, we know it, everyone knows it.

    So just get on with it you squirty flower peddler of seatless unicycles. Cut him now and with the money saved on phone calls maybe you can buy some packs of extra scentey urinal pucks for the Soldier Field bathrooms. Get the stink of bad football out from under the noses of those poor schlubs who are dumb enough to pay money to be there.
    vvarder likes this.
  6. EvertonBears M.V.P. Bears

    3 of them fell right into his lap and he had none on the season going into that game.

    I was in London for the last time Mack faced a former team. He played like a lazy bum the entire game and barely troubled the stat sheet. If he does come out of that week 7 game with sacks it will due 100% to Bears O-Line incompetence and 0% former team extra motivation.
  7. dlinebass5 M.V.P. Bears

    What I saw in that press conference was a coach towing the company line really well. And we know that that's what this team prizes above all else. So he won't be fired in-season. No chance. Hell, they might give him a third year if he keeps the ass-kissing up. Wouldn't surprise me in the least.

    And yes, you should just cut Claypool now. You were stupid enough to trade serious draft capital for him despite it being clear that he was a headcase (if I knew it, as someone that doesn't pay that much attention, a fucking GM must know it), and now that his being a headcase is making an already-bad situation worse, you need to do something ASAP. What you can't do is continue to waste your team's time and attention on this piece of crap because you're hoping to con someone out of a 7th rounder (which we all know won't happen).

    The biggest problem with your team is that it's poorly coached, and wasting more time and attention on this fiasco instead of spending it on things like blocking, route running, film study, etc. is such an indictment of Poles, specifically. You're the general manager - step in and manage. Don't continue to put everyone in a spot where they've got to fuck around with this because you don't want to just cut the cord. You're making things worse.
    vvarder and EvertonBears like this.
  8. EvertonBears M.V.P. Bears

  9. vvarder Franchise Player Bears

    Great point on the company line.

    Why can we never sucker some poor shitty GM to buy someone like this? Tomlin sold us a bag of goods, and then OVERCHARGED us for the privilege to boot. It's not enough Claypool was a headcase, we gave the Steelers essentially a 1st round pick for him.
    dlinebass5 likes this.
  10. tunafat Franchise Player Bears

    Yet, In one day he outperformed the entire Bears defense this season and tripled their output in one single game. That stings doesn't it?
    I believe there will be some motivation on his part, because the talking heads will be all over that performance in the Raiders game, and much of the attention will be on him. I mean after all, what else is there to really talk about?
  11. blang84 Legend Bears

    I wouldn't say he did it "well". Remember one of the areas Georgie and his buddies judge these coaching candidates is to hold mock pressers as part of the job interview and Flus and Nagy have been abysmal at it. Fox and Trestman weren't much better. And yet that was the deal breaker for Bruce Arians?
  12. vvarder Franchise Player Bears

    Didn't Arians just tell them he wasn't going to do that? It's more important to these assholes to kiss up and toe the company line, rather than be good at your job.
    dlinebass5 likes this.
  13. dlinebass5 M.V.P. Bears

    Our perception is that he didn't do it well. From Georgie's perspective, just in that clip, he didn't say anything that outright incriminated anyone. It was a 'nothing' answer - the type that your lawyer advises you to say (I work as client relations lead for a law firm, so I get told to say that kind of meaningless shit all the time). That's why people kept asking him leading questions, trying to get something out of him. And Georgie was probably pretty pleased that he didn't give in and make things worse. So even though it's a TERRIBLE situation that they're in from an on-field standpoint, it's exactly the kind of thing that Georgie and Co prioritize over the win / loss record.

    That's my impression, at least. If they're putting Nagy and EberfLoss through mock pressers, clearly they're seeing something they like before hiring them. And both guys did the same thing - say nothing at all over the course of a very long press conference, get tied up in meaningless shit, and lose games because of incompetence. Just Georgie's type.
  14. dlinebass5 M.V.P. Bears

    That's exactly right. Better to tank the value of the franchise slowly by never being any fucking good than stir up a messy story in the media for a week. It makes no fucking sense to me, but they keep doing it, and from what we've seen of Georgie in pressers, and the people he's hired in pressers, that's clearly their way.

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