For a moment. But also, fuck, another finance guy who helped broker the US Bank stadium deal may replace ol’ sweaty teddy.
The replacement was always gonna be a finance guy because that’s how they roll. And the new stadium will be the new hires #1 priority.
They had to replace him with someone, personally i didn't expect them to go away from a bean counter so not surprised. The real question is how often and how far out of his lane will they let this new guy stray? Because while i never thought Sweaty Teddy was competent at his actual job, what made me smash tvs was him being involved in the football side of things, which he should never have been anywhere near. You'd love to think something radical happens and ownership makes sure he does his actual job and nothing more, but this is the moron McFuckskeys we're talking about so i won't be holding my breath.