2 weeks into the new season. Our QB is 15 of 28 for 191 yards 2 TD and 2 Int. Maybe next week or the week after that or next year. This league is run by QB play. Ours still sucks balls.
It's on me. I own it. You can wait for the moment to tell me how wrong I was. In the meantime, I did collect on a mortgage bet tonight so it wasn't a total loss.
Fields has not been served by coaching, scheme, or talent around him, so I have a hard time saying that he just isn't it. That's said, I'm not sure he can be it, in these conditions. This is kind of the critical period for his growth. 15 completions across two games, didn't Rodgers have that IN A ROW almost this game? Fuck me. 19 total this game for him. And they were running down the clock for a fucking half. All I wanted was not to get blown out, and for them to show some fight and not be an easy out. And what did we get? SAME FUCKING STUFF EVERY GODDAMN TIME. WE were the ones punched in the mouth. Heh, the TTNL guys are ranting live now, and he's going off on Fields going to a bachelor party and because of THAT, he's not the guy.
I also have to say, I find it fucking amusing that when Rodgers does something fairly classless with the "I own you" comment, and these fuckholes turn it into a segment. I get it, he's not wrong, but by the same token it's some low class horseshit to me so for them to keep bringing it up is maybe not unexpected, but it pisses me off the same. Everyone has to fellate this asshole over and over again.
This offense clearly isn't ready to be successful, yet. The OL isn't there. The support (TE's that can block and catch) isn't there. Execution of the scheme isn't there. We knew Justin was set up to fail. And it's all because Pace and Nagy got an extra year that we all knew was going to be a wate. That's two years - crucial two years - of Fields' development wasted. You can see him still out there playing hero ball, sometimes - just knowing that the play as drawn up isn't going to happen, so he's anticipating the breakdown. Throwing falling back, etc. Meanwhile, my biggest question with this defense coming in was, "How are they going to stop the run?". The scheme switch, the lack of talent in the front 7, and the fact that the front office dedicated their top draft picks to secondary players... You can run on this defense. GB just did it all night. We knew who this team was coming in. The talent isn't there. Hopefully it gets there in a hurry, so Justin has a chance. But this year is, AGAIN, about getting him out alive and intact, without compromising his future. We'll see if they can do it.
It's the perfect relationship - Rodgers is the non-threatening white guy who built his name on a team full of them, and had success. That's top branding for networks. Then, you add in his victim complex re: the media - he whines that he's not treated well, but then rewards certain reporters with access. So now all the other dogs want their treat, and they'll sit and spin for him. And he just repeats the cycle every year. They get ratings, he gets the attention on his terms that he so desperately craves. All the while, the NFL reaps the dollars from pushing GB as their casual fan friendly team. When you make the NFL and its broadcasters easy money like that, you'll get all the preferential treatment in the world. It's awful.
Not that they should've needed it cos these coaches should know who and what they have with these players, being around them everyday....but I can only hope last night educated these guys in what this Offense should be and what will and won't work. There is 1 legit WR on the team(and even he is a 1.5 at best), there is no TE play and you have an O-Line that can't pass block for shit but can run block. You also have 2 very good RB's. This is not the fucking Run N Shoot or Air Coryele, get out of shotgun. This should be an under C ball control Offense with the passing game built around PA, rollout and bootleg. Minimum 33% of all Fields throws should be made on the move. The threat of his legs should be there for a Defense as much as possible. WAY to much of this Offense is currently not playing to people's strengths, including Fields. Could the Offensive coaches please pull their heads out their fucking asses.
I know game threads get heated, I've said plenty that was hotheaded over the years. But you've gone on record here and followed it up in subsequent posts so I have to ask, scrap Fields and draft a guy in 2024 so you can then start shitting on him like 12games into his career and call for a new QB in 2025 or 26, that's the plan? I mean I don't know how on earth you've seen enough to know Fields is done, but regardless of that, the next guy is gonna have the same things working against him.
If I were operating as the GM in Chicago, I'd have Auden Tate on a flight in for Monday to discuss the possibility of converting to TE. Might see about whether or not Preston Williams could be snatched from the Panthers PS as well. Having a potential receiving threat working out of a role similar to Darren Waller in Vegas would open up the game for Fields dramatically, IMO.
I remember in the first half of the 2018 season when most of us were trying to convince ourselves that Mitch was making progress (including myself), Dline was consistently pointing out the obvious flaws in Mitch's game and standing by his assessment that Mitch would not be a good NFL QB. Fields is the sexy shiny new gadget with great looking hardware loaded up with crappy buggy software. He's athletic enough to bail out himself and the o-line at times and make a spectacular TD. Otherwise his overall awareness and processing of game information is poor. Such was the case with his predecessor. Is Getsy calling 11 pass plays because Getsy is a more retarded version of Shoop + Loggains? Or is Getsy calling 11 pass plays because he's aware that his QB is not capable of managing the game otherwise? I remember when we pounded on Loggains/Fox for doing this same thing with Mitch in 2017. It's also easy to make excuses given the state of the roster. But honestly was the o-line THAT bad last night? They've been way worse in the past, including last week. Other than the spectacular athletic play every couple games, I've seen nothing from Fields to give me confidence going forward. And I hate that this how I see it.
Say whatever you want but please let's not compare Mitch to Fields. Two completely different skillsets. Two insanely different players.
The run game was working.....why such an absence of playaction from under center? That's my biggest question this morning.
Mitch was making progress. That wasn't a case of us convincing ourselves of anything, its what was happening. His film and his numbers bare that out conclusively. But its not like we were all drinking the koolaid, I wrote entering his 3rd season that the single biggest determining factor was gonna be Mitch improving his processing. The Bears gave Mitch a long run to see if he was the guy and he wasn't, you move on. Mitch btw was given a number 1 receiver his 2nd season, Fields had the closest thing to it taken away going into his second season. But all of this is by the by cos Fields and Trubisky are very different, in terms of arm talent and many other things. Fields hasn't even played a season's worth of games and you've written him off. This early and with this supporting cast. Not a good move imo.
They are different in many ways. Mitch was dumber and had even worse habits, such as throwing off his back foot. My comparison is meant to be less of the 2 of them side by side and more of how I see all of this unfolding all over again. But w/e, I don't care who agrees or not. I'm pissed.