So, I took an extra few minutes to post it because I was trying to read a couple different sources. I was sure that one of them would say, "He is expected to come back in XYZ capacity", but I couldn't find it. So we might honestly be rid of him. That said, I don't trust George to do right by the team. His best buddy is leaving, I can't be certain he won't replace him with a cardboard cutout just to make himself feel good / keep him company.
There were rumors for a couple years that he was on the verge of retirement. I think the family asked him to stay on board until they had a clear path to the Arlington Heights stadium and he did that.
I'll take this joyous news any day. "Have we won enough games? No, everything else is there". Don't let the door hit you in the ass on the way out.
5 Presidents were in office during the time the sweaty one was in charge of the Bears. A grand total of 3 playoff wins during that span.
He hasn't been shown the door in 35 years, given his track record, I have little faith that he can even find it.