Good news...

Discussion in 'Chicago Bears' started by BearsWillWin, Dec 7, 2020.

  1. KilkennyDan Let's Go Buffalo! Patreon Champion Sabres Bills Kilkenny

    BearsWillWin said:
    And I do have a guy in mind....

    Brandon Beane. Probably very unrealistic....but I'd try to talk to him.

    He's Buffalo's present General Manager. Good luck with that.

    As a Bills fan, I certainly hope this is a pipe dream. However, I believe it’s more plausible than what many would expect. The Bills owners (Terry & Kim Pegula) have been hard hit by the downturn in the energy sector. Coupled with the losses due to the pandemic, (remember, they own the Sabres and Rochester Americans too), they’ve been on an austerity program. I think there was more than a little dissatisfaction with the way the FO was treated during the offseason.

    I would not be shocked if Beane (and McDermitt) were to seek greener pastures. Especially since their leverage is great after the success of this season, a team offering control and stability could be very attractive.

    Add that Chicago seems to have a great affinity for Buffaloers - my post; my word - see Kane & Mack, and adding a couple more might make Chitowners giddy. So, while I’m not expecting it, I’ll endorse the notion that it could happen.
  2. patg006 M.V.P. Bears

    You disagree with me the first line then agree with me the 2nd. The bears don't have that dynamic and now's the perfect opportunity to build for it.

    I'll take it.


    Are Buffalo owners that stupid?

    This GM and HC have revitalized the Bills, and the owners are just going to let both walk because of the virus?
  3. BearsWillWin Drunk (Probably) Patreon Champion Manager Bears Blackhawks Cubs

    Like I said in my first reply...I agree and disagree with you at the same time.

    I don't trust the top cu nt and any of her cu nty sons or daughters to make the decisions though.

    The one cu nt we can remove from this organization is Teddy.

    For the sake of Buffalo fans I hope not. That team is in position to run that division for a few years if they can seize the opportunity.

    For our sake....I'd love Beane. It's not just the success in Buffalo....he had it in Carolina too.
  4. EvertonBears M.V.P. Bears

    To Bear-Man's relief(yeah you, ya lurker SOB), im gonna forgo the lengthy reply here, mostly cos bww has already nailed it.

    But yes, Phillips should absolutely take his share of blame and no, the GM level decisions by Ryan Pace do not excuse anything. Phillips has the title, he has the salary and has the office, in my world that means he has a significant amount of the responsibility when things go bad at the level below him.

    And its not just that simple fact. We know the sweaty fuck has been WAY too hands on in football matters over the years. Im not researching shit but we prob all remember the wide reports, the pressers. He sure as shit was fast enough to get his fat face in front of the media when Pace got the extension. He had a major hand in the walking plague that was Phil Emery getting a job. Hell he was reportedly in the room with Emery when they interviewed Bruce Arians! That means the idiotic idea of staging a fake presser for Arians to see how he dealt with the media? Emery almost certainly ran that by Phillips and Phillips must've been on board with it!!

    Fuck Philips, im not saying anymore other than to say i do think he may well leave at the end of the season and if he does you can be damn sure it will be announced as a "retirement". These are the chuckle heads who wont even fire a coach in season out respect and "doing the right thing". Not a chance in hell he gets fired, that would effect the narrative they try so hard to control. No whenever the day comes, it'll be retirement, that has the McFuckskey's stamp all over it.
  5. EvertonBears M.V.P. Bears

    As for who could be CEO/President.

    I would def be looking at an organization perceived as being well run over time. I'd look to the Ravens first. They never could prise Eric Decosta away for the GM spot cos he was in line and knew he'd get that in Baltimore, which he did. But a level above GM, with all the higher pay and arguably less accountability that comes with it? That may make an impact.

    And TBH, even if they couldn't get him i would stay with the Ravens and have serious discussions with Ozzie Newsome.
    patg006 likes this.
  6. dlinebass5 M.V.P. Bears

    Loving this conversation and still only halfway through.

    Just to throw it out there, but not to derail - Jalen Hurts just got named Philly's starter. If this kid succeeds (maybe not this year, given the tire fire that team is right now), that's another one that Pace missed. Took a TE who barely sees the field over a QB when everyone KNEW this team didn't have one on its roster. Gross.
  7. KilkennyDan Let's Go Buffalo! Patreon Champion Sabres Bills Kilkenny

    pat, my guess is that this is not your strongest post. I cited two reasons for the austerity program in the PSE. It is the confluence of both the downturn in the energy sector and the economic stress caused to sports by the pandemic. Otherwise, the jury is still out regarding Kim's intelligence. She appears to be skilled in the ways of nepotism and in self-preservation. I'm not sure if that makes her stupid, but I could see how that might cause smart people to seek a more stable workplace.
  8. patg006 M.V.P. Bears

    Even with losses in a side business, the bills can make them money.

    Didn't know (or care, frankly) that the bills had shitty owners. I can relate with the cubs. Tom Ricketts has no money to spend on the baseball team because he's busy financing republican politicians' campaigns.
  9. vvarder Franchise Player Bears

    A good QB covers a lot of ills, and the Bears have had nothing resembling that, ever. The closest is shitwad I guess. But the Bears were all in on shitwad, but outside of that have not been swinging for that franchise guy. You miss 100% of the shots you don't take. Pace as a talent evaluated has failed so miserably on Mitch alone (trading up + betting the farm on him by giving away draft capital and bringing in top dollar FA), it's unforgiveable.

    I feel like you're trying to make the argument that because Teddy doesn't know football but is good with the business side he should hang around. But the problem is, he's the one hiring and failing on getting the right football guy. I'd be ok with this if they finally hit on the "football guy" to run that side, but they haven't. And it feels like the odds are low they will this time.

    Put another way, how does the non-football guy know the GM is a failure? At what point should he step in and pull the plug? It seems clear to all of us fans, and all the "experts" that the time is long past, yet nothing is done. I agree they let Pace have the reigns and it blew up spectacularly, and if they keep Ted they *have* to just swing again with another guy with full autonomy. But what they really need is a President with Football smarts AND business acumen. Someone who's maybe currently a GM that can be tempted away from a good team for the promise of that extra cash and stability. It probably won't happen. But it *should*.

    But you can't talk to him now, because Pace is still employed. Unless we want another President of Football and Ted becomes President of Cash or something, or "retires" or what have you and you start selling the president role. Keeping Pace and Nagy at this point is fantastic for draft position, but little else. Keeping either of them another year is foolhardy, but damned if I couldn't see it actually happening.

    Bingo, someone that's been building success that's not the Patriots, because man everytime someone leaves the Patriots they look like garbage, Tom Brady made them all look good. Really, if we could just land that generational a Mahomes. Too bad we couldn't draft him.

    Basically as you guys have mentioned, Buffalo / Ravens, have been hitting on building the team up, lines and Defense, and now are trying to fit/get that QB in while keeping the rest strong. That's the blueprint. Put a new QB in a situation to succeed, so even if they aren't generational, you can have success. Teams like Green Bay? Aside from being a division rival (I've seen at least two former Packers names being floated about), no fucking thanks. Without Rodgers that team would be worse than the Bears, *easily*. The only bit of Green Bay that we should emulate is DRAFTING QBs to increase the odds of hitting that big time QB. If they hit on a 3rd HOF QBs in a row I will lose my fucking mind, but IF they did it would be because they are taking swings.
  10. vvarder Franchise Player Bears

    Wait are you here Bear-man? Give us a rant brother, you've gotta have opinions on Ted/Pace.
    BearsWillWin likes this.
  11. patg006 M.V.P. Bears

    Agreed last time regarding the Ravens and do again. Whether George follows through or not remains to be seen.

    I agree there needs to be a 'ceo/co-president/president of football ops' who hires the GM/sets up the future/give the football identity to build something sustainable. No idea who that person is/could be or if the McCaskeys even care. If you can pry someone or get a lucky cut from a team that won't spend even though they're successful, great.

    I'm sure George can ask around if he wanted to and get a shortlist of people to talk to very quickly. Can/will he remains to be seen. This is the part where being the 'good guy' franchise and not firing a guy in season hurts you. 4 teams have a head start on GM searches because they're open. To make matters worse, the bears aren't even a top 3 job (Houston, NYJ, and LA Chargers because of the QB). They're in the 'rest of the pack' with Detroit, Jacksonville, and Denver. 2 of those 3 already let go of their GM.
    vvarder likes this.
  12. BearsWillWin Drunk (Probably) Patreon Champion Manager Bears Blackhawks Cubs

    vvarder and patg006 like this.
  13. patg006 M.V.P. Bears

    Kalyn Kahler of Bleacher Report in her article about 'ranking open NFL GM/front office jobs' and there's a chunk of the article where she talks to NFL execs who are convinced of housecleaning for the Bears. She also put out a depressing article regarding the stupidity of Pace/the bears' process going into the 2017 draft. Didn't know that John Fox wanted/thought Pace was deadset on Jamal Adams...

    I get the bears are about the pride/honor but you've gotta shitcan Pace right now. Three other teams already have and are all talking to guys now. One of those teams (Houston) has a far more attractive HC job too because Deshaun Watson. You could make a case for the Lions HC/GM combo because at least they have Stafford, but they're still the fucking lions. Congratulations, Jacksonville is on your level of job appeal. The bears can't afford to wait for black Monday to give fans the determined-to-succeed talk this time by going through whatever search process they will use to hire the new people--but there's an almost-certain chance that when you start your search--Detroit, Houston, and/or Jacksonville are wrapping up their searches or have already named their guys.

    Making your candidate list shorter when you don't have to because you had to be the team who waited isn't how you want to start off fixing this team. Sadly, that's such a 'bears' thing to do...
    BearsWillWin and vvarder like this.
  14. blang84 Legend Bears

    Would any of you guys be open to a HC with GM duties?

    What about Brian Kelly from ND? If ND wins it all this year (can't believe I'm saying that), he might look for a new challenge. And he has proven to have good offenses and the ability to develop QBs, at least at the college level.
  15. patg006 M.V.P. Bears

  16. BearsWillWin Drunk (Probably) Patreon Champion Manager Bears Blackhawks Cubs

    Smart move on their part
  17. BearsWillWin Drunk (Probably) Patreon Champion Manager Bears Blackhawks Cubs

    The head coach with GM duties seems to have really died out around the league. It’s just too much work.
  18. patg006 M.V.P. Bears

    No. In recent memory, that didn't end well with Jim Harbaugh or Chip Kelly. Belichick had the QB which is why he made it work, even though his draft record isn't so hot, especially over the past 5 years.

    Brian Kelly pisses a lot of people off. He also has had some shitty things happen under his watch at ND. Hard pass.
  19. vvarder Franchise Player Bears

    I don't see the "dislike" button.

    Good for them though.

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