We don't care about the Titans, if we did--we wouldn't be inhabiting the same Bears board for years. Fish for compliments elsewhere. Being a sore winner is a fantastic way to garner respect. So is telling other fans how to root for the teams they like. Fuck right off.
You guys don't care about anybody.......even your own Team. Face Reality........your Poor Loser. BTW I gave the Bears a Compliment....but of course your sour you lost . It's really too bad you have to resort to Been Bully's ........but It is what it is.
Is this fucking clown serious? You talk about respecting people at the same time as coming on here taking a shot at literally everyone for supporting their team the way they want to? Get the fuck out of here you fucking hypocrite. You wanna talk about respect? No one here took a shot at you or your team, before the game or during. They sure as hell didnt tell try to lecture you on how you have to act as a fan. But thats ok, you wanna starts beefs with people? No problem. Already looking forward to our future chats.
Fuck this team. fuck Nagy and his cute shit. Fuck Pace and his teaming pile of garbage for offense. Fuck George and Sweaty Teddy. This offense is ducking horrific. Shockingly bad and it’s not JUST the oline. Honestly, I thought the Bears would back door a wild card, no longer. It’s not that it’s another loss, it’s that the offense has gone backwards every week, to the point where I yearn for fucking Kyle Orton ball- because at least then we could run. 3 ducking points against the Titans when it mattered. 3 points pre garbage time against the Colts too if you recall. This team will struggle to beat the Vikings who are suddenly trending up. I may not even watch the Packers games, it’s going to be fucking rough. oh and fuck you Titans fan, I could give a shit about the Titans. The Bears are who I’m here for so I’m going to look at the game from that perspective. The Bears have now lost three in a row to good teams all three, but not one of us was here slobbing the knob of Saints fans for example because we dont need to stroke their ego, they know their team is good, and they’re not coming around our boards anyway. You want someone to fawn over the Titans performance, go read Prisco’s post game grades, I’m sure they’re glowing.
Personally, I think the worst thing that could have happened to this team this year, was to win those first few games. It seemed to have given Nagy some sense that he was a god and could do no wrong. The Offence can't even tie their own shoes, never mind carry a ball downfield. At what point does all of this change?
Nothing to do with being sour losers. Titans kicked our ass, great. What we care about is why and how badly our team sucks. And, like has been said, stop disrespecting us by telling us how to feel. Fuck off, again.
When you can learn to type a coherent fucking sentence then come back here and talk trash. What the fuck? Did you drop out of grammar school?
First off. Get bent. Your need for praise from strangers is alarming. Might want to talk to someone about that. You can also bring up your stalking issues. How would you know it’s the same every week if you weren’t stalling our board? Next, nobody here has ever claimed the Bears are a garbage team. Their offense is garbage. The whole world knows that. So yea fire Nagy because he is the OC as well as coach. He has nothing to do with the D and special teams are t all that great either. Pace picked Trubisky over Mahomes. So yea fire that guy too. You say respect the other team but your really crying respect you. And since it’s obvious you have such little respect for yourself why should anybody here even give you a second thought. And by the way IF I were a Titans fan I would not be all that excited about that victory. It really wasn’t impressive.
Funny part is if he'd just come in and said bad luck guys, good game etc several people would've said the same back. I would. But the toys out the pram moment was funny. Unrequited love's a bitch.