Is someone hitting the crackpipe earlier than usual? BTW I lost my official "White Sox Crack Pipe" earlier today. I think I know who found it. Do you realize this is only the 2nd game this season I'll be able to watch in its entirety? The other game was the loss to the Colts. I'm currently collecting money for my "Defund My Internet Account" So I will lose the ability to watch the game so that the BWW.
You're collecting money for that? That's a nice scam, Tuna... And if the Bears lose, I will happily pay into it. Damn.
Seriously I'm not turning on the game until at least the 2nd Quarter maybe 2nd half, and I say that as I undermine my own "defund me" account. My heart is bigger than my wallet, I guess.
Yeah, I'll see if I can find you a cheap one and load it, but you'll probably need someone to plug it into the TV for you.
When have I never been sarcastic with you? I'll see if I can find one around here otherwise I'll order one.
Haha that's such a confusing comment tuna Let me know what it costs tuna so I will know if I can afford it ok?
There you go trying to be a 21st-century woman and start thinking. Just get in the kitchen and make sure we have sammiches for the game.
They're already made and they're over in the game thread that I created. I have beer, whiskey, Jamesons, chips, dip, pretzels and lots of bud.
We are right now, once the Seahawks lost, though I don't think any sites are displaying it properly. There is a 3 way tie of 5-1 teams, Seahawks, Packers, Bears. Tie breakers go head to head (none have played), conference win percentage, common games. Bears loss is to AFC, Seahawks to NFC, they get the conference tie breaker. Packers and Bears have no losses to NFC (both are 100%), Bears beat Tampa Bay where Green Bay lost. Which only mattered yesterday to today, because a win/loss/tie breaks the tie in the standings. Looking longer term though, this kind of shit is why we will HAVE to beat the Packers this year. No doubts about it.