True. But if I can recall correctly, averagejoe locked horns with one of us on a bad topic or two (think it was bww, could be wrong) and wouldn't let something go before his logic got bitch-slapped around then the attention seeking "I'm leaving" post. Bearman gave his ideas, which some were challenged then said "i'm out." In his defense, he did bring up in years past kids/ can't blame someone (especially in an election year) in the US for tuning out things for a while. On a personal level cleansing like that iis great for the soul. Joe's over on sportshoopla now. Everytime I see that site and a smart post, there's about 4-5 dumb ones. And a certain poster on this site happens to not let those shenanigans fly. Its like a less stupid CCS because CCS has 'super taco' fanatics. Old timers leaving is one thing. Getting new people is another. I love our old crew, but we could use some new blood like three years ago. It certainly doesn't help that we had one just a couple of months back before a certain Vancouver fucktard made fun of him because Tim brilliantly and in-theme coded this website that newer posters have the moniker 'practice squad' while some of us are 'franchise players' while suck ups are know, sports fan stuff for a sports fan message board... Has he suffered some kind of traumatic brain injury? Chicity sports bears forum is either A--a nonstop barrage of mock draft/trade down threads that make no sense or B--constant derailing of ideas by fools under the good graces of site managers...You're NOT allowed to critique the cubs or Theo Epstein on the cubs boards... I miss the raids we'd (myself, BWW, KB, MountSalami) would do to the stupid ones...three of the four of us are perma-banned there, not sure if BWW is. What also annoys me is that I can post on two boards at once. I also use Scout (when I was REALLY big into college football/scouting/film study/scheming--this is the site to be and its where I'd find access to a lot of college players' game tapes for the scouting threads with sprinkled, minor bears talk made it solid--now not so much because I've been so out of the college football loop) but I could also post here. 5 minutes of my time to talk about football, the one sport I have left. I don't know how protocol works here. Is the Thailand ladyboy loving factor more or less at fault here? BWW tends to show up so *shrug emoji*
I’ve been pretty active on this board since we came from CBS but how is it I cannot remember this averagejoe you guys mention? Can someone remind how that went down? I do remember Dimmn, Al in Cal, 3rd and long, all memorably being chased away from the board at some point early on.
Averagejoe had an avatar that was three celebrity heads, the middle being Mr. T (the extent I can remember). He wasn't a super frequent poster, maybe the game thread and a couple of threads while the NFL season was ongoing. Al in Cal. Now there's a name I haven't heard in along time...his rage-quit tirade is an all-timer. 3rd was the most rational one. Where in the fuck has Aggie been? Remember he left when the bears were pathetic and sad/pre Pace.
Yeah why did 3rd leave? I don’t even remember. I obviously visit multiple sites and I do see Mongo on CCS but I haven’t seen him in a while I think he’s just busy. Every time I go over there it’s one good thread to dozens of horseshit. At the breakup of CBS, cycotic mentioned he fled to Reddit, but at 50k members or whatever it is I’ve never seen him. Like tuna, Aggie is one I used to agree with a ton. I think he left just after Mitch as I recall he was beating the drum for Watson. I don’t have a ton of time to recruit but I’d love to see more sane and smart posters. CM, Jazzman, even Dimmn. They had their faults but knew the game and wild back up arguments. And weren’t really shit stirrers (outside of Dimmn and his mad bomber love). We lost Duece and Capone too just a few years back.
Thats so weird buddy i am exactly the same ha and i usually have a great memory for posters. I take full credit for evicting Dimms stupid ass and i did you guys a service there. Dude was a 100% meatball idiot. Had a fully formed Rexy shrine, then after that was a HUGE Cutler slurper with Jay's dick permanently in his mouth. Basically whatever the Bears big plan for QB was at the time, they were God to Dimm. I mean can you guys imagine how insufferable he would've been about Trubisky?! Everyone here owes me a bottle of scotch for that one. Do you mean 3rd & Long or 3rdGen? 3rdGen Tim banned him. Not good. I tried to go in to bat for him but the decision had been made. 3rd & Long had his moments of real quality. He and i went on a long O-Line crusade around the time of the embarrassing Turnstile Omiyale & J'Mucus Webb/Cutler had no blocking/Mike Fartz years. But he could be a stubborn ass who'd never let something go and couldn't handle being wrong. I believe he ran into bww over something and eventually that was the end of him. 3rd & Long was over at CCS last i knew. In fact its a bit of a scrap pile for former posters from here. Philonius is there(another slurper) too and a few others. CCS is just a black hole of football knowledge, for the life of me i don't know why mongo's wasted so much time there over the years. I rarely go there but did check the place out at the start of the week actually to see how the QB move went down. Pretty much what i expected, a whole load of Mitch gobblers getting called out. Inc one fucking guy, and i shit you not, who'd once started a thread claiming Trubisky>Wilson and someone necro'd and threw it in his face. I mean holy shit, if ever there was a thread to sum a place up. Someone actually believed that at ANY point in either career Trubisky was better than Russell fucking Wilson! I immediately got a bit dummer reading that. The 2 big misses around here are of course Mongo and Aggie. Mongo spoke of putting work hours into overdrive cos he had a shot to retire permanently in a couple of years if it went well. Dude's in his early/mid 40s i believe, not bad going. Aggie is the big disappointment. One of the very best but he had no such excuse, he just fucked off one day. I had hoped he was still lurking and just on sabbatical. I took a full year off once and pats right it used to do you good. But it must be at least a couple of years for Aggie now, whenever it was that he and i ran the FF league was prob his last. Not looking good, real shame. I'd mention Cycotic as well. I got on really well with him, great guy and knew his football too. Duece also knew his football and took part in FF for a while without posting much but has also gone quiet now sadly. He also supported the Texans, poor bastard. One team has never found its QB and the other did but has Bill O'Brien for his boss. Brutal. You guys remember DaBears? There's been a few with that kinda name over the years but the one i mean changed his name to Homegrown. Another who knew his stuff. Capone always used to do the over/under, which i never took part in really as im not much for those games, but didn't he kinda disappear around the time of his second tour in Afghanistan? I always wondered if he walked into a bullet or something. Hope not. 1pm but F it im cracking open the scotch. One for me, one for my fallen homies lol
He def didn't like the thread, but i agree with you. He got sick of the Bears eating his sundays being crap and had other stuff going like his sons sports etc. Also i think he was getting turned off by the NFL in a more general sense. Just how political its got. Its been said the NFL has had a big ratings drop over the last few years and this kinda thing gets cited. Its probably true, there was a time when you could watch your fav sports without having political agenda rammed down your throat. Or see some hollywood fuck on tv to promote the new movie actually promote the new movie rather than fart political agenda in your face. Because the truth is that stuff is very cynical & hypocritical most of the time. It wouldn't be enough to put me off NFL, but i def think there are plenty out there who feel differently.
I remember Phelonius. From the 1st day I started posting here he was on me. He was really immature and ignorant. I think he ended up causing some trouble with Tim about me ... (my claim to fame?) and he got booted. I think Al in Cal was having some kind of mental meltdown because he was crazy on the boards, chasing Bww and me around (especially me) and he alternated between calling me names and hating on me to being my best friend. It was all very alarming.
From what I remember about 3rd and long (not to be confused with 3rd Gen) was that he became an irrational Cutler supporter (think Dimmn's love for Rex circa 2007), to the point where he couldn't see a single flaw with his game and used every excuse in the book to defend him and blame the Bears organization for things going badly. I remember he had a long back on forth, several pages in a thread, with Mongo and it didn't end well for him. That's the last I remember seeing him, probably in 2013 or 14. Agree with all this. Sad we lost Aggie, especially as we were all on good terms with him and valued his input. Mongo's threads were the best on the site. I hope that mofo can retire pretty damn soon cuz we need him back. Yeah I think Homegrown made it to this site but didn't stick around. Capone had been gone for a couple years before we left CBS. Likewise NoLove4Smith, my favorite from back then. And you all remember Scotty? He would show up on a thread and make like 5-10 consecutive posts and then leave for a few weeks. But then come back and do it all over again. Also AF1, Deuce, Go Bears, some guys who used to come around when the season started but haven't for a while.
Wow, American Flyer now there's a name too, I remember him as being level headed Ahhhh Phelonius...I believe was in his early 20's going to school and drank Stella Artois, BUT claim to fame??? heavens no, we all know the "Van Story" Nice try though.
^^^This right here^^^ Now you can't even breathe anymore without someone looking at you sideways and saying something degrading. You might as well tattoo labels on our heads "libtard" or "trumptard" because that's where we are today.
Isn't AF still around somewhere? He's posted around draft time no? Ginny's been around yes? Footballplayer. No clue where he went. Spartan is on CCS (never made it here). Same with Hampton. It's 8:54 AM Chicago time, but fuck it. For the homies... Homegrown and NoLovie4Smith. Man....takes me back. LOL I remember Scotty and his threads. CM brought great shit to the table. Jazzman never dipped his toes too deep into Bears, but when it came to anything baseball--dude was a fantastic encyclopedia. Dimmn. Oh god. I don't think he ever recovered when Rex went to the Redskins...
Cam Newton got the Rona. Pats/Chiefs game postponed. Bears/Colts flexed to 3:30 prime time game for Fox.
Yeah he was an asshole. And a meatball. I remember blowing him up once for calling the Bears to beat the Packers by 14points. A week3 game, Cutler era. Anyway, Bears lost handily and in fact were never in the game. Idiot. Al in Cal was a bigot fuck, but in message board terms was extremely good comedy value. His arguments with bww were epic. Frequently told us he could/would beat him up in real life with the promise of "dirt naps". Dowshifted majorly when bww offered to meet up lolol. He can't have been gone that long cos he was a huge Trump supporter. Yes you've reminded me blang i think this is exactly right. In fact once he reached Dimm levels of Cutler deepthroat it made wonder if actually the whole point of him talking about OL alongside me all that time wasn't because of the OL, but cos he wanted cover for his secret man crush Cutty. Haha, yes! The essay writer, but usually only when he was conversing with himself lol. His game was funny. Yeah flyer still drops by from time to time. Not as much as id like, he too is one of the best.
Yep and its not just that. The whole corporate social responsibility thing is complete crap imo. 99% of em have no real interest, they're just trying to leverage virtue signalling into higher revenues/profits. And the irony is it often works against them because people don't want to be told by company making shaving foam how they ought to live their life. Fucking Nike jumping on the bandwagon to get the Redskins name changed. No problem with child labour for decades tho have you? NFL jumping on the BLM bandwagon so fast they got an arse full of splinters. But they had no problem blackballing Kaep for years did they. Rank hypocrisy. But prob better left off here and saved for another one of baby's special threads.
NFL jumping on the BLM bandwagon so fast they got an arse full of splinters. But they had no problem blackballing Kaep for years did they. I agree and well said Everton.