How are Ya'll doing?

Discussion in 'Cleveland Browns' started by Lyman, Apr 8, 2020.

  1. Lyman "Franchise Asshole" Browns Buckeyes

    It appears traffic across this site is down somewhat during a time where, I suspect, not too many people have to worry about their Supervisor sneaking up from behind and catch them fucking around on the internet at work.

    So, I'm genuinely interested . . . How are all of you coping with the pandemic?
  2. gidion72 Legend Steelers

    Apparently people are not posting too much. You would think sites like this would have server problems because people don’t have anything to do.
    SAS likes this.
  3. SAS M.V.P. Rams Chargers

    Thanks for checking in, @Lyman! Been a bit busy in our casa... got a third Browns fan to deal with now:


    Everyone's safe and healthy and in lockdown here in Columbus. I'm fortunate that I can still work my job remotely so we're also cutting off pretty much all social interaction.

    Hope you and everyone else is able to stay safe during this time as well. And as I said in another post, that even extends to y'all Steelers fans, too.
  4. gidion72 Legend Steelers

    I’m coming in the middle of the night to convert him to the Steelers
    SAS likes this.
  5. beachbum Legend Manager Steelers

    Well congratulations Sammy. That's fine work right there!
    gidion72, SAS and Campbell like this.
  6. IrishDawg42 Legend Manager Browns Buckeyes Fighting Irish

    First off, Congratulations Sam to you and Momma! A bright spot in this chaos for sure!

    Our clan is doing well. Kids are going stir crazy. The wife isn't digging online schooling of her 2nd graders, though her students parents seem to have a newfound appreciation for her.

    Being in the transportation industry, we are an essential job, so I'm actually working more now than I was before the shutdown. Doing things I never dreamed of to keep my employees safe. Buying foggers for 9 properties, never thought it would be such a chore. Finding masks for 400 employees, nearly impossible, had to hire 3 seamstresses to make them. Segregate two buildings so that, God forbid, one building gets a case of COVID19, we can stay in business in the other building.

    These are crazy times, conspiracy theories, disbelievers, frightened people, some going over the top while others ignore precautions.

    Being in constant contact with front line emergency, state officials and corporate officials whose only jobs are compliance and safety now, I can say for certain this is a real threat.

    While I also think Ohio, and governor Dewine have gone overboard with their emergency acts, I also believe he saved lives by enacting them mainly because the ignorant would have made it much worse if he hadn't.

    Stay home, wash your hands and be safe friends!!
  7. Willie Head Coach Manager News & Notes Vikings


    Congratulations... By far the coolest thing ive seen in a long time in this little time of trouble we are all going through. Made me smile and remember the blessing I have with my own family. :up:
  8. LAOJoe Assistant Coach Manager Patreon Silver Maple Leafs Eagles

    Congrats Sam. Also a reason traffic is down is probably because there isn't much sports to talk about. No pre-draft workouts to shift narratives either.
    IrishDawg42, gidion72 and SAS like this.
  9. SAS M.V.P. Rams Chargers

    It's going to be an interesting draft... talking heads are going to have to rely on *gasp* actual game tape and not be swayed by interviews, Combine results, etc. Personally, I hope they do one big Zoom meeting with all 32 teams for the draft announcements. Some idiot team (Cincinnati) leaves their mic on the whole time. Could be great for ratings.
  10. Everyone's safe and healthy and in lockdown here in Columbus.

    Congrats Sam................he has the eyes of a Defensive Lineman......good luck with a sleeping schedule.
    IrishDawg42, gidion72 and SAS like this.
  11. beachbum Legend Manager Steelers

    The suspense is killing me... Baby name?

    If it's not Quinn I'll be very disappointed.
    IrishDawg42, gidion72, SAS and 2 others like this.
  12. SAS M.V.P. Rams Chargers

    There were so many good ones to choose from...

    Braylon Edward
    Brayden Quinn
    Joseph Thomas
    Johanthan William (Johnny Billy, just in case that need clarified)

    In the end, we went with Sean Kaiser.




    Jokes! Since the wife vetoed Baker for both our younger daughter and the boy we went traditionalist: Luke Samuel (again, she picked the middle name because I wasn't allowed to put Baker there, either).
  13. Lyman "Franchise Asshole" Browns Buckeyes

    @SAS ,

    I'll be on the lookout for a new member with the screen name LSS.

    Congratulations !!!
    SAS, IrishDawg42 and gidion72 like this.
  14. Lyman "Franchise Asshole" Browns Buckeyes

    So - how am I doing ??

    Considering I'm in my 70's with a pre-existing respiratory problem and considered a high risk, I'm doing okay. I haven't ventured out very much except to patch a hole in the wall of a rental property and even then my wife and I were the only ones there. We did need to go to Home Depot for paint but came away empty handed as they didn't have anyone there that could operate the color match computer.

    I am, however, getting frustrated with our government leaders and the main stream media. Initially all they did was harp about the lack of available testing. And then, when available testing began to ramp up, all they did was harp about "new confirmed cases" which, IMHO, only served to spread panic. Now, they seem to focus on geographical "hot spots" citing how many confirmed cases / deaths have been reported where in our State (Cleveland) without even considering or reporting that these "hot spots" have the highest population density. I don't believe that these so-called journalists even considered reporting these running statistics on a "per capita " basis as this would have dispelled their original fear mongering.

    Personally, it's a good time to be retired and living on Social Security, pensions, annuities and 401K's. My heart goes out to all those who's lives have been turned upside down because of this.
  15. mexsteeler Starter Steelers

    Congrats! His good looks must come from his mom! Happy to hear you can work from home and keep your family safe.
    Duff_Beer_Doug, SAS and gidion72 like this.
  16. mexsteeler Starter Steelers

    Lyman, I’m also happy to hear you can stay home for the most part. Please don’t go get sick... you need you! We’ve lost to many of our veteran posters here.

    It’s good to keep up with the news but it gets ridiculous after a while. It’s good to step away and not feed into it. It’s only going to cause anxiety or frustration.

    I hope you all can keep in touch with your families and friends. Apps like Zoom have been great! My wife and I keep in touch with our parents everyday. We had to force our parents to stay inside. Glad they are listening now.

    I hope you all stay safe! We may not always agree when it comes to football but please make sure you and your loved ones are careful so we can keep our heated discussions going. This site wouldn’t be the same without you fellas.
  17. gidion72 Legend Steelers

    You could have named him Mean Joe or Big Ben
  18. crextin Franchise Player Browns

    First and foremost. Congratulations SAS:rally:it is refreshing to see positive news.

    Thanks for checking Lym. Working in the public utilities sector I am still considered essential here at work (so the IT nazi's are still lurking) so am busy as ever trying to get things done here. Difficult when upper management wants things to move forward, but ties our hand with policies that make it extremely difficult to get work done.

    Good thing is I am still on the Green side of the grass in reasonably good health and not going bonkers due to the stay at home directives in place, yet. Everyone I know is safe and healthy so far. Hope everyone else is doing well.

    Best wishes form Montana to you and yours. Have a Happy Easter.
  19. DvlDawg Starter Browns

    I’m glad everyone seems to be doing well. Things are good here, just bored.

    congrats Sam, I have a grandson about the same age.
    Last edited: Apr 11, 2020
    SAS, mexsteeler, crextin and 3 others like this.
  20. Duff_Beer_Doug Franchise Player Browns Indians C&D Club

    Congratulations @SAS 's wife. SAS was done with it in 20-30 seconds. ;)

    Good to hear others are doing well. As for me and my family, we're all okay. The wife's working from home and the kids are doing school (7th grade) via daily video lessons being done by all their teachers. I'm the only one leaving the house since my job has been deemed essential since we manufacture pharmaceuticals and ingredients. And that makes me the only person leaving the house to run to the grocery store to limit all our exposure to the others. About the only other thing we leave the house for is to walk, jog, ride bikes for exercise. I have to say I'm glad I convinced the wife, before we moved into our new house 5 years ago, not to get rid of the treadmill and the stationary bike in the basement, and the world's oldest unused Smith machine (now out in the garage). Now that we can't go to the gym or the YMCA, they are finally getting a lot of use. Other than watching more TV than usual, we're playing a lot of 8-ball on the pool table and throwing darts in the basement which we just had finished this last year.

    Hope everyone else stays healthy and sane as we all go thru this. Hopefully, we'll get back to a more normal life soon. :cheers:
    dirk275, SAS, IrishDawg42 and 4 others like this.

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