".... after a victory." Your reading comprehension is poor. I didn't take anything out of context and if I wanted to troll you I could go back and pull 1,000 quotes from you - not worth my time. In fact, you aren't worth my time. You're getting the showstopper treatment. Feel free to do the same.
WTF happened to showstopper now that you mention it. I haven't seen him posting on the last 3 Steelers game threads.
Is he the one who's been banned from multiple team boards? If so, maybe he went to a different site where he could troll freely
Waasaa fuckin waaaa!!! SUCK IT beacbum. Good lord. I honestly don't understand your deal, nor do I give a shit. I wasn't even trying to get under your skin until (as I mentioned earlier) you put yourself in the crosshairs when YOU misinterpreted a post and started in on your "I'm superior to all" act, and you've been crying about it for 2 fuckin weeks. lol! Geezus man. Grow a pair and get over it. WTH?
Yeah, sorry about that Lyman. Apparently it's my fault that beach is coming after you and other Browns posters with such angst. I just made him too crazy. lol! Who knew? smh. I wasn't even trying. Beach starts shit.. I dish it back. And he cries and takes it out on others....You know the story.
There’s a sizable difference between being excited about your team and being an annoying blind homer. Also...being overly sensitive anytime another fan has something negative to say about your team is why you will get called a crybaby. Not trying to throw gasoline on the fire....just saying.