Akiem Hicks is a little bitch?

Discussion in 'Chicago Bears' started by blang84, Nov 26, 2019.

  1. blang84 Legend Bears

    Nagy has turned these guys into a bunch of pussies. These players whine about being booed. They cry about needing to be shielded from criticism.

    Now today Akiem Hicks hangs up on his own radio show after being asked jokingly about his injury by Tom Waddle, one of the toughest SOBs ever to play for the Bears.

    The full context of this clip is that the hosts were asking him about fans booing leading up to this joke from Waddle, and Hicks was saying he would never boo if he were a fan.

    Pretty much lost respect for Hicks for how he handled this.
    EvertonBears likes this.
  2. Bear-man 11 Franchise Player Bears

    I don’t know if I did something wrong, but I couldn’t hear that
  3. tunafat Franchise Player Bears

    I couldn't hear it either. It happens to me from time to time probably missing a codec or something
  4. vvarder Franchise Player Bears

    This one work? I was fucking shocked because Waddle and Silvy we’re giving him some good natured grief about the booing, Waddle sarcastically/jokingly agrees with Hicks (who was saying we’re not trying to be bad) by saying “oh you didn’t mean to get your arm sandwiched between defenders” and Hicks took this to me he was making light of or joking about his injury and hangs up.

    I don’t think he’s a bitch I think he thought Waddle was being a dick and over the line. I didn’t hear it that way though and do think he was being too sansitive.
  5. tunafat Franchise Player Bears

    V2 I click it and it disappears
    That one doesn't work either
    Last edited: Nov 27, 2019
  6. tunafat Franchise Player Bears

    I did hear it on my phone from the first link provided. Hell, I even loaded a codec pack and it still didn't work on my PC.
    Okay I fixed it so it will work on my PC. I use a soundblaster sound card and it was set to 5.1 but I only have stereo speakers on my PC so I just set it to Stereo and boom it works.

    As for Hicks, I'm not going to hold that against him. He takes his game seriously and as far as he knows these guys are just two guys on the radio making light of something that probably frustrates the shit out of him. I'm cool with it.
    Last edited: Nov 27, 2019
    babyfan likes this.
  7. EvertonBears M.V.P. Bears

    Ok 1- I think there was a crossed wires here. I think Hicks misunderstood what Waddle was saying. He wasn't being a dick, if anything he was kinda supporting what Hicks was saying in terms of how they put their bodies on the line. Waddle doesn't act like a douche to guests, he had years of opportunity to do that to Cuntler and he never did.

    Waddle irritates me a fair bit cos i think he tries way to hard to be reasoned and even-keeled re this team instead of ripping them when they rightly deserve it....but he's not a douche like Hicks took him to be.

    2- Re the booing. As well as Hicks ive heard i think Cohen and others whining about that this season. So i'll tell you what, when the day comes that fans can get partial refunds from the players and/or team for total dogshit performances, THEN i'll shut the fuck up and prob fans in the stadium will STFU re booing. Until then.... people pay a shit load of their hard earned money to watch this team be crap 9 years out of 10. These players most of whom are rolling in money, they have that because of US. So yeah you have to put up with boos when you don't do your job.

    Don't like that deal? F off to some office job for the rest of your life if you're smart enough to land one Hicks you whiney bitch.
    blang84 likes this.
  8. patg006 M.V.P. Bears

    Heard about this but wasn't listening till you posted audio. A mix of Tom Waddle being a bad interviewer making the wrong comment at the wrong time and Hicks' bad overreaction.

    Which kind of sucks because I don't hate Waddle as a radio personality. Silvy on the other hand........I'm just convinced he gets paid to be a homer and nut-hugging clown who softballs questions to people who don't deserve it (GarPax for any bulls fans out there).

    I prefer McNeil and Parkins in the afternoon driving home. They own their stupidity but they know when to jest and when to get serious. And they don't let John Paxon off the hook with bogus, simple questions when the man shouldn't have a job--which is why he ran to Espen to be interviewed exclusively.
  9. blang84 Legend Bears

    Not sure why but it plays for me on my work laptop and my phone.

    Hicks wouldn't be expected to know this but I agree that Waddle goes out of his way at times to go easy on the team when things are going badly. Possibly because he's a former player. So this joke about Hicks injuring himself, albeit a flat sarcastic one, was so obviously not meant to cause offense, as you point out he was agreeing with him about the team not trying to be bad.

    The whole team has become oversensitive and can't handle the heat when it comes. They talked a lot before the season and set such a high bar that they have no one to blame but themselves. I do think this mentality comes from Nagy on down.

    I always thought Silvy was tough on Cutler during those interviews when he needed to be. He can kiss ass now and then but you do hear the frustration of a fan in his questions. Right before the clip I shared, they were talking about Hicks (being a Lakers fan) would never boo the Lakers, and Silvy jabbed "even if they haven't won anything in 34 years?" That was a bit harsh but understandable coming from a frustrated fan.

    Getting back to Hicks, it would serve him well to call Waddle back and apologize for storming off the show and to express understanding that Waddle meant no offense.
  10. babyfan Legend Patreon Platinum Bears Babyfan's P.C. Yoga

    I don't get to listen to any of these stations but I could hear this segment. It seems to me that when someone is being 'interviewed' that they should fully expect to be asked some hard questions and if Hicks' skin is that soft ... maybe he shouldn't be doing anymore interviews on the radio. I mean seriously ... if he had stopped his self-righteous blaming for even a second I think that Waddle would have finished making his apology. You can't have it both ways. If you're offended by something that someone has said, you still should give that person the time to express their apology without storming off like a spoiled child. It just seems so immature to me.
    blang84 likes this.
  11. bigrobo876 Franchise Player Bears

    First off whatever Waddle is trying to say comes out as complete jibberish. He cuts himself off knowing he botched it and then just says its a joke im joking. Hicks is in the conversation not listening to it from the outside so I cant blame him for what he seems to hear and that is the interviewer bringing up his injury, for no apparent reason, then saying its a joke im just joking. Hicks is like why the fuck you joking about my injury. Now after listening to it a few times yea you can see where Waddle was going but it was a poor choice on how to convey his point.

    I am sure Waddle and Hicks will sort it out. Not really a big deal.

    Now taking this and trying to twist it to fit a narrative that Nagy is soft and is making the team soft is just laughable.

    Anybody here really think Hicks is a pussy? Anybody think we should cut his soft ass? Didnt think so.

    Yea some of the players have said they dont like the booing when asked specifically about it. They happen to be defensive players who arent the ones getting booed. The defensive leaders have shown support and ask the same of the fans. Reminds me of Urlacher back in the day defending QB's and offenses he knew sucked and were ruining his defenses chance at a championship.

    Nagy has his issues. Team unity and toughness isnt one of them. It revolves more around preparation and execution.
  12. babyfan Legend Patreon Platinum Bears Babyfan's P.C. Yoga

  13. babyfan Legend Patreon Platinum Bears Babyfan's P.C. Yoga

    I'm not sure which one is how he truly feels ...
  14. patg006 M.V.P. Bears

    Everybody was tough on Cutler. He wasn’t a cheerleader on the sidelines everybody wanted him to be and didn’t live up to the expectations, and had a ‘zero fucks’ attitude that made him an easy target. Mix that with Pace having kept him 2 years too long he was tough but that was for the appeasement of listeners. Still baffles me how he’s statistically the best qb in bears history (don’t give me ‘rings’ argument) and fans/pundits still hate the guy.

    Derrick Rose is a prime example of Silvy’s stupidity. Dude gave him passes after all the #returns and after his dipshit brother Reggie kept pinning him against the team when they couldn’t beat Lebron. It wasn’t till the very end where he finally reversed course.

    His interviews don’t flow—which granted isn’t always his fault. Sometimes the guy you’re talking to is a moron (Yasmani Grandal on AM670 earlier this week) but never cared for his way of doing things.
  15. patg006 M.V.P. Bears

    This right here
  16. tunafat Franchise Player Bears

    The first one probably after listening to the interview he could see that the intention by Waddle wasn't foul.
    I can't fathom how frustrated he must be not to be out on the field. Yes, it was a clear overreaction on his part, but to be honest, too much is being made of this. It was simply a misunderstanding.

    It was a sound card setting for me on my computer as I only have stereo speakers hooked up and I had 5.1 selected. It's working fine now. I've noticed before on YouTube that some videos have no sound so I just select one of the 16 million other links and never thought twice about it.
    babyfan likes this.
  17. blang84 Legend Bears

    It doesn't excuse hanging up on the hosts and having super thin skin, even if Waddle was trying to be a dick, which he wasn't.

    Nobody is saying that. But this whole team is thin skinned and Nagy has demonstrated that multiple time in his pressers when be questioned about various decisions he's made.
  18. blang84 Legend Bears

    Actually Cohen has probably been the most vocal about the booing, Anthony Miller has chimed in as well. And those two have deserved it at times this year.
    babyfan likes this.
  19. tunafat Franchise Player Bears

    Probably because in part they feel it was directed towards them, and rightfully so.
    babyfan likes this.
  20. BearsWillWin Drunk (Probably) Patreon Champion Manager Bears Blackhawks Cubs

    I mean....you're a world class player at your position and you're sitting on the sideline watching your team struggle in a season you had high expectations for.

    I don't excuse Hicks for hanging up the phone....but I get it. I like Waddle but he fucked up there.

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