As shocked as seeing your racist, awful QB benched against a tanking Bengals team? Asking for a friend. #freeMylesGarrett
Bruh... the pearl-clutching has reached god-tier levels and it’s like they had amnesia over the past 20 seasons.
I remember multiple times when Sheldon Richardson was talking shit about how the Jets were going to beat the Pats. Good times. Guess how he did.
Well he had 2 sacks today and he's not gonna have to wait long to see Rudolph again... I can't wait till next Sunday....
I really don’t care who wins between Cleveland and Pittsburgh. Richardson had his only 2 sacks of the season today. Against the Dolphins. And he’s talking trash. Again. I don’t think of him as a treasure at all. For the record I don’t like Mason Rudolph either.
I think the NFL got what it wanted: the Garrett / Rudolph controversy is dying down, except here. Round 2 up coming. Will Rudolph the red faced QB, be offered up by Pittsburgh for slaughter? Battening my hatches for lobbing this bomb
Probably longer than we think. They'll start Hodges because Rudolph is garbage and he'll be on to another team (as a backup) after this season.
Ironic, given that Nunes himself is giving up his career and credibility (such that he had any left) defending a very obvious racist. But then again, him and his ilk have been projecting their deeds on their adversaries for some time. I'm sensing a little projection here myself... Regardless, I'm celebrating a victory Monday where I didn't see my team struggle against a tanking franchise and bench their heir-apparent for being a suck-ass quarterback. We don't even get to square off against him next week and although they'll rob me of that joy, sweeping the Steelers for the first time since I was in diapers is still going to be sweet. Also (unpopular opinion question coming up), if Freddie does complete the sweep, is he the best coach we've had since the Re-birth?
In a word - No. That would be Butch Davis. If would have worded your question "if he does complete the sweep, sweeps the Ravens and, somehow gets this team in the playoffs", then I might change my mind.
That's fair. It would also be a major turn-around and we'd have to talk about more than just the current expansion version of the team and its coaches if Freddie is somehow the second coach in history to start 2-6 and then make the playoffs. In his first year.
Thank you. I think it was an appropriate response to the fanboy post calling Sheldon Richardson a treasure.
Freddie has been rightfully dumped on for any number of coaching foibles this season, but he's also settled this lost team down, and has them pointed in the right direction. Gotta give him credit for that if we're going to bash him otherwise. He's a rookie HC, and he's looked the part, embarassingly at times, but his guys haven't surrendered, and they've tightened their chinstraps and started playing team football. His QB admitted he came into the season thinking they couldn't lose, and as such wasn't as closely focused as he needed to be. Can you lay that on Freddie, maybe, but certainly not entirely. The losing seemed to disintegrate the "entitled" feeling, and now they seem to at last understand that nothing can be taken for granted. Talent is good, but effort, discipline, commitment, and teamwork trumps talent all day long. Ask Pittsburgh. Freddie gets cudos for that. There are team leaders who also deserve a healthy dose: Landry (general leadership, and handling OBJ), Shoebert for his brilliant play and his mentoring, Chubb for his silent example of commitment, and Baker for accepting the criticism and working his way through it. All in all a pretty good core to go to war with IMO. Nice work Freddie.
There were several on the walk over to the stadium and a couple around me in the stands. All were treated well. A lot of laughter.