Chicago Bears vs Los Angeles Chargers

Discussion in 'Chicago Bears' started by babyfan, Oct 27, 2019.

  1. bigrobo876 Franchise Player Bears

    My initial reaction was to defend Nagy. But just like with the QB I’m not making that mistake again. When your right your right and that rant is spot on. I had to listen to the radio broadcast and they didn’t bat an eyelash at not running another play. I didn’t feel the full effect till hearing all about it afterwards. And Nagy was a clown in the pressers following.

    That said I still hold out hope that Nagy can get his act together because if he can, with the right FA QB this team can bounce back. And let’s face it they are not firing him anyway.
    blang84 and tunafat like this.
  2. blang84 Legend Bears

    I don't like how Nagy has handled things the last couple days, hell all season for that matter, but (maybe I'm the fool here) he seems too smart to not figure it all out at some point, once (if) he can set his ego aside.

    If we bring in a vet with a solid track record and the QB continues to play like shit, I'll blame Nagy and jump on the fire Nagy bandwagon. Until then, we need to fix QB before we do anything else.
    babyfan likes this.
  3. bigrobo876 Franchise Player Bears

    Jesus Christ. The kicker confirmed that he would have preferred the ball in the middle of the field. Bad on 2 counts.

    1. Nagy took a fucking knee and didn’t know where his kicker wanted it.

    2. Pineiro STFU. The team supported you and you throw them under the bus!!!! WTF we would all be better off not knowing that info.
  4. tunafat Franchise Player Bears

    Isn't that kind of Nagy's job to know where he kicker prefers it? Some might prefer right some might prefer left some might prefer center.
    He should at the very least know.
    They asked him a question and I'm glad he answered it. I'm actually glad to know that some of that miss is on Nagy. That is a detail the coaching staff needs to know.
    blang84 likes this.
  5. blang84 Legend Bears

    I chalk it up to a rookie media mistake by Pineiro. I heard the clip and you could tell right away he realized he fucked up and tried to semi-backtrack.

    But if anything this is an opportunity for Nagy to admit a mistake and take responsibility for it. And going forward to remember to ask his kicker beforehand where he prefers the ball spotted, although that kind of is coaching 101.
  6. Bear-man 11 Franchise Player Bears

    ALL things aside... Piñiero is a professional kicker that missed a very make-able kick.
  7. Mackladder Franchise Player Bears

    Don't they have a special teams coach ?? I mean if that's his only job of what 5 categories he should know where the kicker likes it spotted . Nagy says where the fuk do we need to spot the ball again Tabor ?? put your kicker in the best position to succeed is all that's required .
    blang84 likes this.
  8. Mackladder Franchise Player Bears

    Yes you are correct it's a make-able kick , that being said I saw a stat that said 40-49 is like 76 percent conversion overall , move the ball up 5 more yards and the percentage is like 83 or 84 percent overall.
  9. blang84 Legend Bears

    Tabor has been a complete disaster since joining the staff.
    EvertonBears likes this.
  10. tunafat Franchise Player Bears

    In spite of losing with a double doink last season, and then bringing in a gazillion kickers this offseason to try and solve the problem, you would think you would try and do everything possible to put that kicker in a good frame of mind and comfortable as to not repeat the problem, and yet here we are...again.
    blang84 likes this.
  11. Bear-man 11 Franchise Player Bears

    You can’t compare a 40 and a 49 yarder and put them in the same category, because without even looking, I’m certain that the percentage is much higher from 40 than 49. Can’t just lump them together and say 40-49, because obviously the 49 percentage brings the percentage from 40 way down.

    Piñiero has to make that kick. Period.
  12. Mackladder Franchise Player Bears

    I agree I would assume the 41 yrd is closer to 80% as the 49yrd is closer to 76% ... doing a quick look there have been 7 missed from 30-39 and 25 missed from 40-49 , not sure the NFL keeps exact stats on every yard kick broken down that's accessible ... YES just make the kick , and YES put your players in the best position to succeed .
    EvertonBears likes this.
  13. EvertonBears M.V.P. Bears

    This season has proven to be bitterly disappointing. I must say im amazed at just how badly Nagy has performed this season, I didn't see it coming. Its not just him of course, there's guys all over the field not playing well, even coaches who aren't performing great imo. But it starts with the HC. And it wasn't meant to be this way. Trubisky has let everyone down, sure. But we all knew he needed to take another step, he was far from the finished product and it could potentially go wrong. To me at least, Nagy was far more of a sure thing. An implosion from him was not meant to be possible. But to all intents and purposes that's what we've seen.

    I'm all but done with Nagy tbh. My opinion of him was on a sharp decline anyway this season, but after this. HCs that coach/call plays like cowards, and then double down on the cowardice afterwards, are people I have no time for. Trestman was dead to me after Minnesota and he went into that game with a winning record. My personal opinion is that Nagy will wind up losing the team. His ego writes checks his body can't cash, they'll find him out soon enough if they haven't already. I suspect the slate of games against vastly tougher teams will see to it.

    Having said all that, im praying like hell im wrong and that somehow(i have no idea how) he can turn this thing around. Cos i know how it goes otherwise. It won't be quick, it never is with the McFuckskeys. There will be at least 1 entire painstaking season to live through.... after this one! Fuck that, give me the crow. I'll gladly choke down plates of the stuff if Nagy can only get his shit together and right the ship.
  14. EvertonBears M.V.P. Bears

    Just gets worse and worse.
  15. EvertonBears M.V.P. Bears


    Its something we don't see nearly enough of on this team.
  16. ginny Franchise Player Bears

    Ha, I didn't land on it but I did get a whiff of it though as my sky surfing descended past Bear-mans level long enough to yell out my congrats to him and his son on his pair of goals.
    tunafat likes this.
  17. Mackladder Franchise Player Bears

    So we all know there are more issues other than the kicker but to keep hammering the kicker point I heard on 670 this morning that the ball was placed 9 yrds back from line of scrimmage instead of the standard 7 yards , now why in the hell would you add 2 yards for no reason to a kick ???????
  18. blang84 Legend Bears

    Rather than owning up to it for once, Nagy basically threw both Pineiro and Tabor under the bus by giving a convoluted response about how everything was communicated clearly while setting up the kick. Umm clearly not, but Nagy is too stubborn to admit a fuckup, even if he isn't to blame he needs to own it.
  19. Bear-man 11 Franchise Player Bears

    If you’re worried about it coming out low and getting blocked, the extra two yards would help that. In other words, more chicken shit ball.
  20. vvarder Franchise Player Bears

    this sums up thy entire scenario. Scared ball less Trestman esque shit

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