Chicago Bears vs Los Angeles Chargers

Discussion in 'Chicago Bears' started by babyfan, Oct 27, 2019.

  1. EvertonBears M.V.P. Bears

    Rob you've always tried way too hard to be contrarian. Its what leads you to saying stuff of unspeakable stupidity at regular intervals.

    What you have clearly missed is the very fact that Nagy played it your way and failed proves you're wrong. I could break down the rest of your post in several ways but there's really no need. The stupid fuck didn't even center the ball between the hashes. Its a detail fuck up, a big picture fuck up, and everything in between.

    But we should give Nagy a pat on the back cos 7weeks in he finally worked out he needs to run the ball? GTFOH
    Bear-man 11 and AmericanFlyer1 like this.
  2. BearsWillWin Drunk (Probably) Patreon Champion Manager Bears Blackhawks Cubs

    Fuck this fucking team
    vvarder and babyfan like this.
  3. vvarder Franchise Player Bears

    Just finished watching. Did we line up in the i even once after that drive? It almost felt like he was making a point “oh you guys want I formation? Watch this” except that it actually worked.

    the chargers are garbage, giving the bears every chance to win this game. D hasn’t looked the same at all without hicks. Mack has been schemed out. Trubs mental midgeted his way out of this game and then deievered in the final drive, 100% echoing the eagles loss last year.

    In the hyper competitive NFC this year that game was the end of our playoff chances. There are much tougher games on the schedule and this team is one roughing the passer call away from 2-5. Blangs 6-10 is looking more real. In a year where we traded away our first rounder.

    next week at the eagles is going to be brutal.
  4. blang84 Legend Bears

    Why I cannot comprehend but I find myself siding with Rob here. Granted I didn’t watch the game but Nagy obviously has zero faith in the offense to not lose yards or not turn it over. Your kicker should make a 41 yarder. Maybe Pineiro told Nagy he wanted it on the left hash rather centered. Not how I would have handled it... I mean are we really at the point where firing the head coach is necessary? Maybe? Dunno. Still more pissed about the players sucking than anything.
  5. AmericanFlyer1 Franchise Player Bears

    Again, we shouldn’t even had been in that position. Navy’s inability to call normal fucking plays in the red zone or his dumb assery of a timeout at the end of the first half...

    it’s not about one missed kick or the fact he pussied out; he consistently does dumb ass things as a coach. Period.

    He sucks as a coach. Period. It’s little things. It’s big things. He’s not a goddamn player anymore. Let your OC run the fucking offense and concentrate on calling a fucking timeout or not when you should or shouldn’t.
  6. dlinebass5 M.V.P. Bears

    Nagy's red zone philosophies:

    1) if you're going to run, do it from the gun
    2) if you're going to pass, empty the backfield
    3) throw it to all-stars Cordarelle Patterson and Adam Shaheen
    4) if all else fails, run a play with only one route runner

    It's hard to call an offense that doesn't have an NFL QB, and has problems on the OL (looking at you, Coward). But he's often shooting himself in the foot, rather than doing himself any good.

    I maintain that Pace and Nagy should've seen Mitch's complete incompetence coming, and should've worked on an alternative. To completely torpedo a season because you're hoping you can encourage him into being a good player... Unacceptable. If you're going to pin this season on Mitch's inability, I'd point at both of their inabilities to prepare accordingly.
    vvarder likes this.
  7. vvarder Franchise Player Bears

    I’m super pissed at the way this season has turned.

    who do you even blame the most?

    coaching- red zone playcalling yes wasn’t executed well but my god, you have 9? Chances for a TD? Ducking come on.
    Defense, zero pass rush and they miss hicks. Still a great unit but clearly regressed from last year.
    Offense, my god, you mean if we run, we can get yardage? Mitch had a run of the mill game for him, missing open shots but threading a needle once or twice.

    this team....isn’t good. And honestly, might be right back at the cellar of the division.

    I guess at least the game was always in reach. This is a time I can get behind the boo birds.
  8. Bear-man 11 Franchise Player Bears

    My son had a hockey game at 9:50 today. I thought to myself, fuck it. For the first time in a loooong time, I’m not going to watch the Bears.

    I did catch a glimpse at lunch over my hot chicken sandwich, but it looked like the same shit.

    Sounds like I had a nice Sunday. My kid got two goals and I was lucky enough to record them as the scorekeeper.

    The hot chicken sandwich was delicious.
    Lyman and EvertonBears like this.
  9. EvertonBears M.V.P. Bears

    Then don't play the game. Just concede and F off home. You have to have faith in order to succeed and win, just as your Offense has to have faith in you. If its not there you will lose.

    This is the worst possible outcome by far. If they'd even failed/losed trying it would've been one thing cos Nagy could say they're still in it together. But failing/losing after you've announced to the world that you don't believe in them, there's almost no coming back from that because the trust is gone.

    This is basically what killed Trestman. He gave up on his Offense and it wasn't long before his team gave up on him.

    Side Note: After quitting on his team in that Vikings game, Trestman tried to stick to his guns in the post game presser. When asked why he didn't try to run the ball to get closer he insisted he couldn't risk losing yards or taking a penalty. Sound familiar? Forte went for 100+ at 5ypc in that game. Monty went for 100+ at 5ypc yesterday...

    Believe me i had rants about that crap locked and loaded. All that gimmick play nonsense down there was pathetic. The team is going nowhere with an Offense based purely around gadgetry.

    But it just gets totally superseeded when the HC quits on his players like that imo.
    AmericanFlyer1 likes this.
  10. EvertonBears M.V.P. Bears

    * Stands and applauds*

    Honestly, the chicken sandwich alone would've validated this decision.

    Great that your son got to have you there.
  11. Mackladder Franchise Player Bears

    I didn't watch the game but saw highlights , I'll say this NE doesn't take a fn knee and leave it up to 41 yrds to win the game . The run it for more yards or even run a safe pass and the kick is not probably more like 30 yards . But why do what successful teams do when we will do it the Nagy way .

    Season going to hell in a hand basket ... to bad I already bought my plane tickets for the Lions game .
  12. dlinebass5 M.V.P. Bears

    Yeah, really wish I hadn't paid for the ticket package with the bells and whistles. Meanwhile, my new family became huge fans, with this being their first full season to watch, so... disappointment all around. But, I guess they oughta get used to it now, since it's all I've had for my 28 years...
    tunafat likes this.
  13. tunafat Franchise Player Bears

    Welcome them to the pit of misery, or is this team the fucking Hotel California? I really can't be sure because I've already checked out this year, but I'll never leave.
    ginny and babyfan like this.
  14. vvarder Franchise Player Bears

    the worst was Nagys presser. He got defensive and started sniping at the media a bit. But they’re 100% right. That’s a literal Trestman level move. “What if you fumble or throw an int”. “They know it’s coming so they’ll stop you”. Really like they knew it was coming when we rammed the ball down their throat in the I? Sometimes you just have to win battles. My faith in Nagy is running on empty. Last year doesn’t mean anything and this year is now an official dumpster fire.

    the bolts were missing 3 dlinemen and have an aging linebacker. You attack that shit. But Nagy is playing the part of smartest man in the room.

    we’ve all seen this fucking story before. Rest of the season I’ll watch the 30min condensed replays. So glad I didn’t reup Sunday Ticket.
    EvertonBears likes this.
  15. Mackladder Franchise Player Bears

    I seriously considered not reuping this year cause I figured they would be on national TV at least have the season , but I did it anyways . Oh well easy come easy go I guess.
  16. ginny Franchise Player Bears

    I have no opinion of this game because i didn't watch it because i jumped off the balcony after last weeks shit show!
    vvarder and tunafat like this.
  17. tunafat Franchise Player Bears

    I've been telling you guys if you have internet you can get an IPTV service instead of cable, dish, AT&T or any of those expensive overpriced services. I'm saving probably 100 bucks a month cutting off Comcast except for their internet, and I get everything they offer except for more recently VOD section. They cut that off in order to stay in business and skirt the current laws about recorded content. I get all the Football, Hockey, Baseball, Basketball, as well as gay football. Hell, I get all the movie channels as well as PPV events and there is even an adult section on most. You can still find them for less than 10 bucks a month. I run behind a VPN but many people I know don't even use one. You can get college games from all regions as well as major local networks.
  18. tunafat Franchise Player Bears

    Hopefully, you landed on Bear-mans hot chicken sandwich and that broke your fall.
    ginny likes this.
  19. EvertonBears M.V.P. Bears

    Yeah I saw that too. Desperate and utterly pathetic and clearly so. Don't know if you've seen but he doubled down on the horse manure in today's presser. Having had 24hours to think Nagy now came up with another excuse. They could've given up a penalty. And he was even more adamant he made the right call, even tho life proved categorically that he did not. Nagy is the dumbest smart guy ive ever seen in football. Used to think that was Martz. He's not in the same league as Nagy.

    But I do admit, the black humour part of me almost enjoyed seeing Nagy squirming around over this like the worm he is. Because I see right through this motherfucker and I did last year too when I ripped his kumbaya BS approach to man management.

    There's a saying over here for people like Nagy, all mouth no trousers. He talks the talk like a boss, but he fails to back it up. How many times in the past have we heard him talk about being aggressive and staying aggressive, keeping the pedal down etc. He talks about the team as a family, with everyone having everyone elses back, "Be You", we're with you all the way, just "Be You". Its all BS, every bit of it. Nagy is a fraud. When it came to the crunch he didn't stay aggressive he got scared. And he didn't ride with his players all the way he quit on them. If an outside nobody like me can see it you can be damn sure they did too.

    If Nagy had anything like the balls to match his big talk he would've gone for more yards. And he had the entire playbook open to work with in truth. Believe me there's plenty of passes in there considered high%. Or just run it. Hell call 2 QB sneaks! Go heavy package, and PA to the TE slipping out and take 1 shot at them overplaying the run, which they prob will while you've got that TO still. If its not on you can throw it away. BUT TRY!! Whatever the play just try.

    Oh and btw, Nagy's reasoning for wimping out, total crap not supported by the odds. We went over this whole thing with Trestman back in the day. FG's from 40-49yards are approximately 75% league wide. 30-39yards is 90+%. Your chances of fumbling on any given run are around 1-2%. Chances of a penalty, I can't remember that one but say 5%. Sure Nagy is right you could lose 3yards on a run but that's only 1yard more than your giving up with the kneel. 25%(approx.) chance the FG is missed. Combined 8%(approx.) chance of fumble/penalty. Hell call it 10% chance even tho its prob not, it still doesn't come close to putting the numbers in your favour Nagy.

    The funny thing is i'd calmed down over this then I saw his presser today ha! The double-down prick.
    bigrobo876, blang84 and vvarder like this.
  20. blang84 Legend Bears

    Alright Ev, good rant. Now that I have some more context on what happened as well as listening to the pressers myself, I don't agree with the decision making at the end of the first half and end of the game, in addition to be being annoyed with Nagy's temperament towards the media.

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