Roquan Smith...

Discussion in 'Chicago Bears' started by Bear-man 11, Sep 29, 2019.

  1. Bear-man 11 Franchise Player Bears

    Very weird situation. Nagy won’t say shit, and refuses to even elaborate on how long this “situation” will entail Smith being out.

    What could it possibly be? Mental health reasons is my first thought.
  2. acrazyfool Franchise Player Over / Under Bears

    Rumor mill has something about him being out late last night. Even reports of a high end car being crashed.

    Not sure buy the car story. Seems like it would be registered to him and would have broken pretty quickly. Wouldn't be the first time a Bears LB did that though. I can believe a disciplinary scratch.
    tunafat likes this.
  3. tunafat Franchise Player Bears

    That's where my money is.
  4. Bear-man 11 Franchise Player Bears

    He’s a professional football player but he’s also still a kid in his mid-20’s. And those people are idiots. God only knows how I lived through my late teens to mid 20’s. I couldn’t tell you because I don’t remember most of it.

    Hopefully this is an isolated deal and it’s over with, and PLEASE... no sexual assault shit.
  5. patg006 M.V.P. Bears

    tunafat likes this.
  6. tunafat Franchise Player Bears

    I hate when that happens but no worries that'll buff right out. Hopefully, no one was hurt. I'm thinking no one was otherwise it certainly would have been made public.
  7. vvarder Franchise Player Bears

    Certainly an All Pro move there to crash his car.

    He’s young and hopefully he’ll have learned from this.
  8. BearsWillWin Drunk (Probably) Patreon Champion Manager Bears Blackhawks Cubs

    The car crash thing turned out to be bullshit.
  9. BearsWillWin Drunk (Probably) Patreon Champion Manager Bears Blackhawks Cubs

  10. BearsWillWin Drunk (Probably) Patreon Champion Manager Bears Blackhawks Cubs

    Drugs? Alcohol? Mental health or personal issues?

  11. blang84 Legend Bears

    I would have been fine with a dumb drunken minor car crash...
  12. Bear-man 11 Franchise Player Bears

    Adam Schefter is a clown and a hack. He’s wrong more often than he’s right. Hopefully he’s wrong this time.

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