Injury updates

Discussion in 'Chicago Bears' started by BearsWillWin, Jan 2, 2019.

  1. BearsWillWin Drunk (Probably) Patreon Champion Manager Bears Blackhawks Cubs

    Eddie Jackson is gonna test his ankle today.

    Allen Robinson (ribs), Anthony Miller (shoulder), and Taylor Gabriel (ribs) are all practicing.
  2. blang84 Legend Bears

    Javon Wims can be a clutch 3rd down or red zone target. I'm not going to lose sleep if Miller or Gabriel miss a playoff game knowing we've got him.

    Hopefully EJax is ready though.
  3. dlinebass5 M.V.P. Bears

    I love that Wims is getting time, because I was a big fan of him coming in, but he's a very different receiver from Miller or Gabriel. We need everyone healthy.

    Jackson is so fundamentally important.
  4. BearsWillWin Drunk (Probably) Patreon Champion Manager Bears Blackhawks Cubs

    Wims should have been playing all season instead of Bellamy.
  5. Mongo_76 Guest

    Bellamy has been decent on coverage ST's. He also runs the routes correctly when he's in so while he has shitty hands, has poor techniue and generally is physically out matched, he at least is where he's supposed to be.

    I think that's pretty much how he's made the team the last few years.
  6. BearsWillWin Drunk (Probably) Patreon Champion Manager Bears Blackhawks Cubs

    His footwork going in and out of breaks is a mess and he can't navigate a sideline to save his life.

    He definitely does well on ST though.
  7. Mongo_76 Guest

    All true.

    Nagy, for all his faults, reminds me a lot of Martz in that he really emphasizes running the right route and throwing the right route on time to a spot.

    This is why White is not on the field. It's not that he isn't healthy, it's that he's not smart enough to read the D and run the right route.

    Eventually the Bears gave up on Martz and his offense in favor of Cutler. that's when they decided he would never be anything other than a "See it then throw it" QB and got him big bodies who could muscle for position and fight for the ball.

    Bellamy seemingly has one positive trait as a WR: When his number is called he runs the right route.
  8. tunafat Franchise Player Bears

    What I like about Nagy and unlike Martz is how he emphasizes to the players of selling those play fakes. Cutler did such a weak ass job of ever selling anything. I can't recall ever trying to follow the football with this team on offense that so many times I was off in another direction from the ball. Hell when I saw Mitch going through his progressions earlier in the season and didn't have the ball, and thought yeah this is how it's done. Then in an interview with Hicks in the game when he was only a decoy at the goal line he said Mitch told him when he came in to sell that play fake at the line and he did just that.
    vvarder likes this.
  9. vvarder Franchise Player Bears

    This is a great point, Cutler was terrible at this (not sure how much you can put on martz though he sucked with every OC). Trubs sells the hell out of it. I’d like to see him look off receivers a bit too, he can stare down a bit. I think Nagys plan here though is to get him comfortable throwing before adding those kind of wrinkles.
  10. tunafat Franchise Player Bears

    Perhaps all of it. It's the coaches job to point that shit out isn't it? Now the fact he was the same with all the other coaches tell's me Cutler did what the hell he wanted to and those other coaches decided to pick their battles with him as well and that was a battle they chose not to fight which is unfortunate. The fact that shithead couldn't buy into every detail of the offense no matter how small may be the proof that he was his own worst enemy.

    I love the Nagy misdirection what I hate about it at times is sometimes he has so much going on that he often neutralizes it and carries it back to the flow of the ball.
    He seemed like he did much more of it earlier in the year and has scaled it back some the later part of the season. That was the period that Mitch had the deer in headlights glaze in his eyes. I think Nagy realized he threw too much too soon at the young QB and decided to scale back a little bit. Nagy seems to have his finger on the pulse of the young QB's development, and wouldn't doubt if we start to see more misdirection with this offense in the playoffs now as Mitch is much more settled into it.

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