Over / Under - Week 15 - Packers

Discussion in 'Chicago Bears' started by acrazyfool, Dec 11, 2018.

  1. acrazyfool Franchise Player Over / Under Bears

    Season Standings
    acrazyfool 71.67%
    Boonie120HB 71.11%
    blang84 68.18%
    firehalo 68%
    babyfan 66.67%
    bigrobo876 65.83%
    3rdGenBearsFan 65.56%
    BearsWillWin 65%
    tunafat 64.17%
    AmericanFlyer1 63.75%
    vvarder 62%
    Mongo_76 62%
    Bear-man 11 58.57%
    ginny 58.33%

    Rodgers Quarterback Rating - 99.99 -
    Trubisky TDs (rushing, passing, etc) - 1.5 -
    Packers points scored in the 2nd half - 14.5 -
    Davante Adams receiving yards - 78.5 -
    Bears TO differental 0.5 -
    Bear's OL + TE receptions (Smart ass way to ask for Burton receptions) - 3.5 -
    Number of 3 and outs forced by Bears D - 2.5 -
    Bears defensive sacks - 1.5 -
    Howard rushing yards - 77.5 -
    Parkey points - 7.5 -
    Bonus: Will the Bears clinch the division this week (Bears win OR Vikings loss)?
    babyfan likes this.
  2. Boonie120HB Part Time Starter Bears

    Rodgers Quarterback Rating - 99.99 - UNDER
    Trubisky TDs (rushing, passing, etc) - 1.5 - OVER
    Packers points scored in the 2nd half - 14.5 - UNDER
    Davante Adams receiving yards - 78.5 - UNDER
    Bears TO differental 0.5 - OVER
    Bear's OL + TE receptions (Smart ass way to ask for Burton receptions) - 3.5 - UNDER
    Number of 3 and outs forced by Bears D - 2.5 - OVER
    Bears defensive sacks - 1.5 - OVER
    Howard rushing yards - 77.5 - UNDER
    Parkey points - 7.5 - OVER
    Bonus: Will the Bears clinch the division this week (Bears win OR Vikings loss)? YES - WITH A BEARS ASS WHOOPING OF THE PACK!
  3. tunafat Franchise Player Bears

    Rodgers Quarterback Rating - 99.99 - UNDER
    Trubisky TDs (rushing, passing, etc) - 1.5 - OVER
    Packers points scored in the 2nd half - 14.5 - UNDER
    Davante Adams receiving yards - 78.5 - UNDER
    Bears TO differental 0.5 - OVER
    Bear's OL + TE receptions (Smart ass way to ask for Burton receptions) - 3.5 - OVER
    Number of 3 and outs forced by Bears D - 2.5 - OVER
    Bears defensive sacks - 1.5 - OVER
    Howard rushing yards - 77.5 - OVER
    Parkey points - 7.5 - OVER
    Bonus: Will the Bears clinch the division this week (Bears win OR Vikings loss)? OVER North Champs Baby!
    I went with the all homer picks and see how that works for me this week, last week was brutal
  4. BearsWillWin Drunk (Probably) Patreon Champion Manager Bears Blackhawks Cubs

    Rodgers Quarterback Rating - 99.99 - UNDER
    Trubisky TDs (rushing, passing, etc) - 1.5 - OVER
    Packers points scored in the 2nd half - 14.5 - UNDER
    Davante Adams receiving yards - 78.5 - UNDER
    Bears TO differental 0.5 - OVER
    Bear's OL + TE receptions (Smart ass way to ask for Burton receptions) - 3.5 - OVER
    Number of 3 and outs forced by Bears D - 2.5 - OVER
    Bears defensive sacks - 1.5 - OVER
    Howard rushing yards - 77.5 - OVER
    Parkey points - 7.5 - OVER
    Bonus: Will the Bears clinch the division this week (Bears win OR Vikings loss)? YES!!!!
  5. blang84 Legend Bears

    I'm also going all homer picks this week because I can't even stomach the thought of not crushing those fucks.

    Rodgers Quarterback Rating - 99.99 - UNDER
    Trubisky TDs (rushing, passing, etc) - 1.5 - OVER
    Packers points scored in the 2nd half - 14.5 - UNDER
    Davante Adams receiving yards - 78.5 - UNDER
    Bears TO differental 0.5 - OVER
    Bear's OL + TE receptions (Smart ass way to ask for Burton receptions) - 3.5 - OVER
    Number of 3 and outs forced by Bears D - 2.5 - OVER
    Bears defensive sacks - 1.5 - OVER
    Howard rushing yards - 77.5 - OVER
    Parkey points - 7.5 - OVER
    Bonus: Will the Bears clinch the division this week (Bears win OR Vikings loss)? FUCK YES
  6. babyfan Legend Patreon Platinum Bears Babyfan's P.C. Yoga

    Rodgers Quarterback Rating - 99.99 - Under. What a schmuck he is.
    Trubisky TDs (rushing, passing, etc) - 1.5 - Over
    Packers points scored in the 2nd half - 14.5 - Under. We're going to put them to sleep.
    Davante Adams receiving yards - 78.5 - Under (whoever this dude is)
    Bears TO differental 0.5 - Over
    Bear's OL + TE receptions (Smart ass way to ask for Burton receptions) - 3.5 - Over
    Number of 3 and outs forced by Bears D - 2.5 - Over
    Bears defensive sacks - 1.5 - Over They're going to CRUSH Rodgers!!!
    Howard rushing yards - 77.5 - Over
    Parkey points - 7.5 - Jaysus. The guy isn't so good. Over.
    Bonus: Will the Bears clinch the division this week (Bears win OR Vikings loss)? LOL Yep!

    These questions aren't even in English. Jesus I suck at this.
  7. bigrobo876 Franchise Player Bears

    Rodgers Quarterback Rating - 99.99 - UNDER
    Trubisky TDs (rushing, passing, etc) - 1.5 - OVER
    Packers points scored in the 2nd half - 14.5 - UNDER
    Davante Adams receiving yards - 78.5 - UNDER
    Bears TO differental 0.5 - OVER
    Bear's OL + TE receptions (Smart ass way to ask for Burton receptions) - 3.5 - OVER
    Number of 3 and outs forced by Bears D - 2.5 - OVER
    Bears defensive sacks - 1.5 - OVER
    Howard rushing yards - 77.5 - OVER
    Parkey points - 7.5 - OVER
    Bonus: Will the Bears clinch the division this week (Bears win OR Vikings loss)? OVER YES
  8. vvarder Franchise Player Bears

    It's time for MAXIMUM HOMERDRIVE

    Rodgers Quarterback Rating - 99.99 - UNDER
    Trubisky TDs (rushing, passing, etc) - 1.5 - OVER
    Packers points scored in the 2nd half - 14.5 - UNDER
    Davante Adams receiving yards - 78.5 - UNDER
    Bears TO differental 0.5 - OVER
    Bear's OL + TE receptions (Smart ass way to ask for Burton receptions) - 3.5 - OVER
    Number of 3 and outs forced by Bears D - 2.5 - OVER
    Bears defensive sacks - 1.5 - OVER
    Howard rushing yards - 77.5 - OVER
    Parkey points - 7.5 - OVER
    Bonus: Will the Bears clinch the division this week (Bears win OR Vikings loss)? 100% YES

    Prediction: Bears 73, Packers 0 as Nagy is possessed by the spirit of GSH himself.
    babyfan likes this.
  9. acrazyfool Franchise Player Over / Under Bears

    Rodgers Quarterback Rating - 99.99 - UNDER
    Trubisky TDs (rushing, passing, etc) - 1.5 - OVER
    Packers points scored in the 2nd half - 14.5 - UNDER
    Davante Adams receiving yards - 78.5 - UNDER
    Bears TO differental 0.5 - OVER
    Bear's OL + TE receptions (Smart ass way to ask for Burton receptions) - 3.5 - OVER
    Number of 3 and outs forced by Bears D - 2.5 - OVER
    Bears defensive sacks - 1.5 - OVER
    Howard rushing yards - 77.5 - UNDER
    Parkey points - 7.5 - OVER
    Bonus: Will the Bears clinch the division this week (Bears win OR Vikings loss)? YES
  10. acrazyfool Franchise Player Over / Under Bears

    Pretty good all around!


    Rodgers Quarterback Rating - 99.99 - UNDER (68.9)
    Trubisky TDs (rushing, passing, etc) - 1.5 - OVER (2 passing)
    Packers points scored in the 2nd half - 14.5 - UNDER (14)
    Davante Adams receiving yards - 78.5 - OVER (119)
    Bears TO differental 0.5 - UNDER (0)
    Bear's OL + TE receptions (Smart ass way to ask for Burton receptions) - 3.5 - OVER (6)
    Number of 3 and outs forced by Bears D - 2.5 - OVER (3)
    Bears defensive sacks - 1.5 - OVER (5!)
    Howard rushing yards - 77.5 - UNDER (60)
    Parkey points - 7.5 - UNDER (6)
    Bonus: Will the Bears clinch the division this week (Bears win OR Vikings loss)? OVER YESSSSS

    acrazyfool 8
    babyfan 7
    BearsWillWin 7
    bigrobo876 7
    blang84 7
    Boonie120HB 7
    tunafat 7
    vvarder 7

    Season Standings
    acrazyfool 73.57%
    Boonie120HB 68.18%
    firehalo 68%
    BearsWillWin 67.14%
    bigrobo876 67.14%
    blang84 66.15%
    babyfan 65.71%
    AmericanFlyer1 63.75%
    Bear-man 11 62.5%
    tunafat 62.14%
    3rdGenBearsFan 62%
    vvarder 60%
    Mongo_76 59.09%
    ginny 58.33%


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