Where Do We Go From Here?

Discussion in 'Cleveland Browns' started by TopDawg, Oct 2, 2017.

  1. Lyman "Franchise Asshole" Browns Buckeyes

    Has anyone ever noticed that, when you argue with a woman, they tend to yammer on and on over the same lame point and always have to get the last word in ?
  2. BearsWillWin Drunk (Probably) Patreon Champion Manager Bears Blackhawks Cubs

    Sorry..you likely were editing as I was typing my post.

    Yes and I responded because it's exactly this type of validation of opinions that I dislike. Using PFF to validate your opinion on a player is wrong....in my opinion.

    The PFF argument was the only thing I was interested in responding to....therefore it's the only thing I responded to. See how that works?

    And he didn't use it to validate a question posed...as I have already said...he used to to say "Hey look, I was right. And to show I was right....here's PFF". That's what I take issue with. If you don't like that....there's nothing I can do to help you so you're just gonna need to learn to deal with it somehow.

    I was adding my opinion to the conversation. That's the only thing I admit. Please don't put words in my mouth...I don't do that to you. Argue the actual words I type and I promise to do the same to you.

    If you wanna label me a troll...then by all means do so.

    I meant "you" as in anyone that responds to what I post. And I said I don't try to piss people off....did you read when I typed that? That's your opinion and you're entitled to it. I comprehend just fine.....and on another thread you've admitted to being pissed off at me...so there's that.

    It's not an untrue statement. I said my argument was about PFF rankings....and if you read my posts that is exactly what I'm arguing about. That would make my statement true. Perhaps you're the one with comprehension issues?

    1. As I am now stating for the third time now, which I believe likely still won't satisfy you, he used PFF to justify an earlier opinion he had shared. Using PFF to justify opinions is precisely what I have an issue with. Read it slowly...take your time....try to let the words set in.

    2. That's fine...but you brought up being angry, not me. And, again, you've admitted in the past to being angry.

    3. I've liked your posts on occasion too. I still think you're a tool. I still think you over think these things..and take it way too seriously.

    Have a nice day.
  3. BearsWillWin Drunk (Probably) Patreon Champion Manager Bears Blackhawks Cubs

    Yes, being married three times I have noticed this.

    But I think it's a little unfair that you're calling IrishDawg a woman. It's insulting to him and also insulting to any actual women that may read this.
  4. Lyman "Franchise Asshole" Browns Buckeyes

    @IrishDawg42 ,

    I think you already know I wasn't referring to you.
    IrishDawg42 likes this.
  5. BearsWillWin Drunk (Probably) Patreon Champion Manager Bears Blackhawks Cubs


    I was making a joke.

    Does anyone in Cleveland have a fucking sense of humor? I realize you have to play the role of the Browns grumpy old fuck...but trust me when I tell you it's okay to take the foot off the pedal once in a while.
  6. Lyman "Franchise Asshole" Browns Buckeyes

    Yammer. Yammer. Yammer.
    Dogside18, IrishDawg42 and SAS like this.
  7. SAS M.V.P. Rams Chargers

    Much like critical debate, you're not very good at it.

    "You're brainless and your opinions are wrong and invalid because I believe them to be."

    "I don't know why everyone in here is mad at me, but that's on you if the offensive things I say and believe make you upset."

    "Jeeze guys... why can't anyone laugh at this?"
    TopDawg, IrishDawg42 and Lyman like this.
  8. BearsWillWin Drunk (Probably) Patreon Champion Manager Bears Blackhawks Cubs

    If all you can do is make up some fake quotes I didn't actually say....you lost.

    Thanks for playing though and we have some lovely parting gifts for you.
  9. SAS M.V.P. Rams Chargers

    "You're brainless..."
    "...your opinions are wrong and invalid because I believe them to be."
    "I don't know why everyone in here is mad at me, but that's on you if the offensive things I say and believe make you upset."
    "Jeeze guys... why can't anyone laugh at this?"
    You're literally the worst at this.
  10. BearsWillWin Drunk (Probably) Patreon Champion Manager Bears Blackhawks Cubs

    So you admit the words I said are different than the words you're attempting to quote?


    Possibly...but it could be worse. I could take everything personal and serious and spend my life constantly butthurt. Thankfully though, I'm not a Browns fan so I don't have those issues.
  11. kenibals Home Town Favorite Browns

    Clearly, you have no 'issues". Just a level headed guy having a discussion. Carry on.

    This is fun
    SAS and TopDawg like this.
  12. TopDawg Legend

    Damnit, who shit on the floor?
    Dogside18 and SAS like this.
  13. IrishDawg42 Legend Manager Browns Buckeyes Fighting Irish

    BWW, but if you can't smell it, it isn't real...so just plug your nose and move on.
  14. BearsWillWin Drunk (Probably) Patreon Champion Manager Bears Blackhawks Cubs

    Metaphorical shit doesn’t smell.
  15. BearsWillWin Drunk (Probably) Patreon Champion Manager Bears Blackhawks Cubs

    I just want you to know I like all of you guys. I wouldn’t spend time here if I didn’t.

    That’s a compliment. You’re welcome.
  16. beachbum Legend Manager Steelers

    Surprised you didn't recognize it since it happened in Cleveland. :p

    SAS likes this.
  17. IrishDawg42 Legend Manager Browns Buckeyes Fighting Irish

    You do realize that is NOT triple coverage, right?? Just because it's on the internet, doesn't make it so...

    The third defender reacted to the ball while covering Bryant... Hell if nothing else, Martavis should have gotten an ass lashing for bringing the defender to Brown. I know it was a broken play, but he should know when Ben starts moving, take your guy away from Antonio Brown, not towards him.
  18. beachbum Legend Manager Steelers

    You didn't see the ... :p?
    SAS and IrishDawg42 like this.
  19. Lyman "Franchise Asshole" Browns Buckeyes

    "Where do we go from here?"

    Since a realistic shot at the playoffs is now basically gone . . . How about we simply focus on ending up with our first winning record since Joe Thomas was a pup?
    IrishDawg42, crextin and SAS like this.
  20. SAS M.V.P. Rams Chargers

    8-7-1 (0.531) would be the third-best mark since "The Re-birth", and only the third winning season since that time. It would also be only the third winning season in Baker Mayfield's lifetime (born April 1995).

    And despite being 10 years older, it would mark only the fourth winning season in my memorable history for the team.

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