Who wants to take a bet on whether @Mongo_76 @BearsWillWin @Bear-man 11 survived last night or are currently either dead from alcohol poisoning or simply not ever able to move again?
I'm alive and well. My liver? Not a happy camper today. With that, In fairness, my hands were frozen, I wasn't reading, just typiing, and spell check clearly thought it was less drunk than me... So, I'm exhonerated.
You are both hilarious LOL Mongo is self-exonerated and Bww ... well Bww is just being himself. I don't think the booze does anything to you anymore.
I’ll put up money but only if you’re going to Victoria’s Secret and sending pics from the dressing room.
On another note, has anyone else noticed how quiet the Steeler trolls around here got ever since they dropped 3 straight?