Kareem Hunt

Discussion in 'Chicago Bears' started by Mongo_76, Dec 2, 2018.

  1. Mongo_76 Guest

    The video is bad. He has no excuse for what he did.

    But the truth is that many many many NFL players have made life-changing mistakes and were given second chances.

    He's 23 years old.

    It's clear to me he was drunk. I think the thing for me that sticks out is the kick. Seems like the rest is him shoving her around a lot.

    With that, he was Nagy's guy. Nagy was the one who put in work with the souting team to find him and convinced the team to draft him. And he is obviously a guy that fits Nagy's system perfectly.

    The chiefs reportedly released him not just for what he did, but because he lied to them about it. And we know the Chiefs do have a history of looking the other way on domestic abuse (Larry Johnson). So, it would make sense that the lie was the straw in this case.

    With that, Hunt will definitely be suspended by the NFL. There is no way they won't. However, unlike Ray Rice, Kareem isn't a washed up RB at the end of his career who knocked out a woman with a sucker punch n an elevator.

    Again, Kareem is 23. And he'll play for someone again. Heck, Ruben Foster was picked up by the Redskins...

    So, what are your thoughts? Is he someone we should take a look at? Or is what he did so bad in your mind that he should never be forgiven and given a shot again? Is this a "no second chance" offense?
  2. Mongo_76 Guest

    My thoughts are that the Bears may be a few pieces away from a SB run.

    One missing piece is RT. Massie is below serviceable. He is a liability on that line.

    Another is an edge rusher to compliment Mack. Floyd is not that guy.

    But the most important piece might be that explosive RB who can run between the tackles, burst through holes for homeruns and be a dominant pass catcher out of the back-field. Howard is not that guy.

    If Kareem is that guy, and we know he will definitely be on some team (potentially when he clears waivers this year) but definitely next year, why not ours? Let him take his lumps and serve whatever punishment the league (and maybe even the victim) put on him. Let him go through counseling and anger management. And potentially AA.

    And then, give the kid a second chance.
  3. So, what are your thoughts?

    He is done like toast......
  4. blang84 Legend Bears

    I agree that RB has become a major need.

    What he did was wrong and stupid. Wrong for putting his hands on a girl, stupid because he did it in a public place with security cameras all over. Stupider because he then lied about it to the Chiefs.

    Two types of guys I don't want on my team are lazy bums or idiots. To me Hunt is an idiot and possibly a thug.

    Either this is a disturbing pattern of behavior for him or a horrible one-time mistake. It will be up to the NFL and the teams to figure out what it is. And if it is a one-time mistake that he is willing to be held accountable and learn from, then fuck yes, sign him! He will still need to serve a suspension whenever he is reinstated so keep that in mind.
    babyfan and Vancouver Volcanos like this.
  5. EvertonBears M.V.P. Bears

    This wasn't funny on the main board, its even less funny second time round.
    BearsWillWin likes this.
  6. EvertonBears M.V.P. Bears

    Don't really have to go into it now with the game starting, but my opinion is for many reasons yes, i would def take a look at it.

    Let the troll fest begin.
  7. Bear-man 11 Franchise Player Bears

    Last edited: Dec 2, 2018
    IrishDawg42, vvarder and tunafat like this.
  8. vvarder Franchise Player Bears

    Bingo, of the problems the Bears have, a locker room cancer / big distraction isn't one of them. While I don't know what he was like in the locker room, I do know whatever team signs him is going to have a ton of distractions around him. There's a reason the Chiefs straight up cut him.

    It's tough because he's an excellent player, and second chances are a thing. But let him get the second chance elsewhere.
    IrishDawg42 and tunafat like this.
  9. babyfan Legend Patreon Platinum Bears Babyfan's P.C. Yoga

    He's 23 years old and he hits women? He needs to mature and to mature fast. Maybe he can get the help he needs but do you want it to be on the Bear's time and nickel? He needs to be held accountable for not only his actions but his attitude. I don't care if it's a learned behaviour (parents and community), it's a behaviour that's going to keep him in the news and off the field. What a waste of talent.
  10. babyfan Legend Patreon Platinum Bears Babyfan's P.C. Yoga

    I detest, loathe and hate bullies. So no.
    tunafat likes this.
  11. patg006 M.V.P. Bears

    The bears won't be the only team in line for Hunt, if they are. Schematically, sure, he's a short term cheap option (cheaper than Gurley), but you gotta have the PR battle, which the bears are interestingly enough in a solid position--because they often maintain radio silence about everything. That, and they can steal a page from Theo Epstein's playbook with Aroldis Chapman & now keeping Addison Russell, the "love the sinner, hate the sin" mentality because it helps you win games.

    You have to be certain, because with tons of time before he's off the commish's list, teams will have already decided he's worth the risk.

    Pace did sign Ray McDonald and we did see the presser with him saying it was a mistake and he 'promised George he wouldn't do it again,' but then he did.

    That, and the NFL says they care about domestic violence, but they dont if you're talented when you make them money.

    With the second thing being investigated, I'm on the 'no' train, because I think you can draft a RB who can contribute in the 3rd or after.
  12. EvertonBears M.V.P. Bears

    Baby have you watched the video? Cos what you just said makes me pretty certain you haven't....
  13. babyfan Legend Patreon Platinum Bears Babyfan's P.C. Yoga

    I did watch it. Hit or push ... there is violent intention in his actions. Working in the school system for years showed me an awful of this kind of behaviour but these students were still in their teens. I'm sorry Ev. I have zero tolerance for this kind of b.s.
  14. EvertonBears M.V.P. Bears

    Lets be clear, this wasn't a case of domestic abuse. This was a confrontation between two people, both of whom were probably drunk. But this wasn't a poor girl living in fear for her life with her abusive partner. The Ray Rice video was horrible, this is a long way from that imo.

    The rest i pretty much agree on. And absolutely, there's no way in hell do the PR sensitive Bears go near this one. Whatever capitol Pace had for this kinda personnel move got well and truly burned with ownership after Ray McDonald. Which is unfortunate, cos in strictly player ability terms, Hunt would be a far more important player than McDonald. But hey ho.

    We can break it all down etc if people want but the bottom line to me is the Bears are no way gonna go after Hunt. Which, again, from a purely football perspective is unfortunate. Cos he would be a perfect fit for the Offense.
  15. EvertonBears M.V.P. Bears

    Ok....but however uncomfortable this is for you or anyone else, its pretty clear, the primary instigator in this was the girl. Sorry but its true.

    She's the one who was raising holy hell in the corridor. She was the one who appeared, to me, to be the most verbally abusive early on which makes her the one escalating the situation. And i believe she is the one who strikes him first. Couldn't tell if it was an open or closed fist, but she clearly hits him in the face prior to being shoved over.

    Should he have done what he did? No. Should he have just stayed in his room? Probably. But i am simply not on board with this notion that a women can do whatever she wants and conduct herself like she's beyond reproach. We all have a responsibility for our own behaviour, gender doesn't come into that for me.

    This was two drunk people making some very stupid decisions. I don't this should be something that ruins either of their lives/careers tbh. But i do think it should be acknowledged that both were to blame for it turning out like this.
  16. babyfan Legend Patreon Platinum Bears Babyfan's P.C. Yoga

    The question was, if I remember correctly, is he someone that the Bears should look at. If you want to know my thoughts on how the woman in this video acted I will tell you straight up, but that wasn't the question. His actions directed towards another person, man or woman, are reprehensible. The fact that he is 23 years old and supposedly a professional football player clearly indicates to me that he should know how to act appropriately, even if/when he is drunk. This has happened before and it will, more than likely, happen again. I wouldn't touch him with a 10 foot pole. I also would not invite that woman into my home either.

    I completely agree with you Ev about this being a video of 2 drunk people who aren't making intelligent choices or decisions.
    tunafat and Vancouver Volcanos like this.
  17. IrishDawg42 Legend Manager Browns Buckeyes Fighting Irish

    I wasn't going to chime in on the Bears board as I get pushed off for even attempting to give an opinion...but having 3 daughters, I feel strongly about this subject.

    I think ^^^^this take is extremely irresponsible Everton, I know you don't give a shit what I think, but gender not being taken into account is a recipe for disaster in anyone's life.

    A) safety of the woman is paramount. Drunk, out of control, it is ALL irrelevant. Someone with the strength that Kareem Hunt has can change that woman's life forever if he connects at any point. He shoved a BIG man so hard that he hit the ground sending the woman into the wall head first. Then while she was disoriented from hitting the wall, he kicks her. His life was NEVER in danger.

    B) She didn't have a weapon, she didn't have anything that came close to threatening him...He was annoyed by her, so he went into a rage. This isn't a case of defending yourself by an out of control person, let alone a woman who couldn't hurt you if you had your hands clasped behind your back. With this second incident, it shows a pattern. The man is violent, it's inexcusable.

    Reading these two statements, I believe you haven't watched the video close enough. At no point did the woman do ANYTHING but spew some words and then at one point put her hands up to protect herself which, imo, went towards his head and might have made contact with him. She never made a physical threat towards Hunt, unless you call walking towards him a threat.

    In fact, there was never a threat to anyone in his entourage, yet another member of his "group" shoved a second woman and ripped her phone out of her hand. No doubt, he was looking out for Hunt to make sure she didn't have video of the incident, but that was a second person assaulted by his group.

    A third was a man was trying to calm her down, whom Hunt shoved.

    A 4th woman, who was clearly trying to calm Hunt down was also shoved.

    In all, Hunt "assaulted" 3 people and another one in his group assaulted a 4th.

    This video is damning evidence in my mind.

    He had already asked her to leave. If he had stayed in his apartment, she would have left, or the security would have taken care of it. There was ZERO reason for him to even insert himself into the situation after she left the apartment. She definitely didn't strike him first and the "strike" you are saying looks more defensive than anything.

    Regardless, a woman should NEVER be struck in the first place, unless she has a weapon and you feel endagered. I don't care if she's screaming in your face so loud that a crowd makes you feel like a small little man. Remove yourself from the situation and it will be over...If not, you could find yourself in a world of hurt.

    There was no endangerment here, thus defending his actions in any way, imho, is a bitch move... I will leave you all now to discuss and not say another word...thanks to all for letting me voice my opinion.
    blang84 and babyfan like this.
  18. blang84 Legend Bears

    Even so, he still was wrong to strike her back and then kick her while she was down. Not that I have much sympathy for that girl, but as a man you can't do that.
    babyfan likes this.
  19. babyfan Legend Patreon Platinum Bears Babyfan's P.C. Yoga

    Thanks IrishDawg ... I can appreciate your perspective because it very closely mirrors mine.
  20. blang84 Legend Bears

    This is an assumption but we don't know for sure. It's possible it was a one-time terrible mistake. He seems pretty remorseful about it now, unlike Zeke Elliott and Greg Hardy. We have to see what happens and what actions Hunt takes going forward.
    babyfan likes this.

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