He has blown absolute chunks. Sorry baby, you are way wrong on this. I mean a bunch of times he's had guys who beat their man. He's taken so many sacks where he could have tossed the ball away. His fakes on play action have sucked. He's just complete crap. There's a reason he's a backup, and that was the Lions game he helped win. Anyone who gives Trubs shit on the regular cannot excuse this asshole.
Just a bad all around game. This is something ALL of us here knew, but this is what happens when you take a bad team lightly.
Maybe he was drinking the kool aid of how fucking great he is in the media all week. He's been missing tackles like that his whole career, and it's fixable.
Now Shurmur is giving us a chance to stay in this game, much like Nagy did at the end of the first half. If Chase Daniel leads us on a 98 yard drive to tie this game, I will buy drinks for everyone on this board for the rest of the season.