Da Coach had another heart attack tonight. https://www.chicagotribune.com/spor...s-mike-ditka-heart-attack-20181123-story.html I wish him and his family the most sincere best. He will pull through. I have often written about how I met Mike at the Admirals Club bar at LGA. He and I had very similar schedules. I was "living" in NY flying back and forth from Chicago to NY weekly. He was doing the Sunday show and game analysis for ESPN and NBC on Sunday Countdown among many other... He preferred and almost always flew American Airlines back from NY on Monday or sometimes Tuesday. I had sat across the Admirals club bar from him at LGA at least 5 or 6 times before we met. The bar, back then was a "U" shaped bar that sat maybe 15 people. He often ordered a beer from the tap but then always switched and ordered the exact same drink: A glass of water and Macallan 12. They did not have 18. I always ordered the same with a soda water as a side or a beer. Still do. So, after either sitting across the bar or a few seats over, one day, and I'm not making this up, I bought him his drink and ask the bar tender to tell him "Thank you for 1985". Now, keep in mind I was 13 in 1985. Ditka raised the glass to say Thank you. And that was it. 2 weeks later, when he came into the club, I was already there sitting at the bar, and he came and sat next to me. Not right next to me. But one seat over. I remember it like it was yesterday. He ordered a beer. He asked me if I'm OK. He got his beer, and then ordered another drink - his usual, and then said, "what do you know about the Bears?" I didn't choke. It was 2008. I was more than completely engrossed. I know football. I was ready. I knew defense and offense. I knew calls. I know routes, d-sets... I knew how to tlk football. After talking about the team for a few minutes, he cut me off, I realized that I knew nothing about football. But, we kept chatting. We were on same flight and he had our seats moved. For the next few years, when we flew at the same time, we talked football. And it wasn't like it was every week. But, it was 4 or 5 times a season. He knows me as Bill. I only topically talked about it here a few times. But think you all know I know him/ Mike and I became really good friends. He is smarter about life than most people you will ever meet. And he is just a good guy. He did a photo shoot for my friend just because I asked him for a favor. I own a horse farm just outside of Lexington. He loves sports.... He invited me and/or my family over to his home several times over the years. I have photos of him and me smoking stogies in his living room. I obviously cannot and will not post. He just turned 79. A heart attack at 79 is no bueno. But he's going to fight. I wish him the best. He deserves to be alive when the Bears win another SB.
As a side note, My father, who handed down my season tix to me. was a huge Doug Atkins fan. My dad would go on and on about Atkins hen I was a kid. Him and Ditka weren't super close, but were close after the NFL. Atkins retired back to Tennesee. Mike actually set my family (my dad) and me to meet with him at his house 5 years ago. Ditka will pull through. Imagine if he doesn't what SNL will do? Nevermind, they are laser focused on Trump
What an interesting story Mongo! But even more importantly, what an incredible memory for you to have!
Never meet Iron Mike but was playing golf years ago in Ft Myers Fl and looked down on the 17th hole par 3 and saw a club laying there , it had a name tag on it and low and behold it said " Mike Ditka " took it inside and sure enough he played there not long before I did . Thought about keeping it and figured he surely has more than 1 set but turned it in anyways . Best wishes coach , get better as your team has something good going right now !
That’s really cool Mongo. Just getting to know “da Coach” organically, and becoming friends with him. Great deal, very cool. I hope your friend recovers and keeps kicking ass.
Very cool story Mongo as I never expected him to be a guy that would remember anyone from a previous encounter like you had with him. He comes off like a meatball Bears fan whenever I saw him on TV. So I can respect your description of his football acumen that I didn't expect from him. Also from what I understand Doug Atkins was a beast from the old timers I talked to. A little before my time not much just a little so that's very cool. Hoping Da Coach pulls through because he was instrumental in changing the culture of this team during the Superbowl era. You got this coach.
He really suffered late in life. (referring to Atkins). My family became close with his son. Who lives in Lexington. I suspect CTE but who knows. The talk he had with my dad where I just sat by and listened to two old timers chat was awesome. And it wasn't just football.
I imagine it was but the dude was an animal, and glad he was a part the the Bears defensive collective.
10 NFL All-pro.. HOF'er. 6'-8" beast. The NFL was a running game in his day, But I suspect if they kept sacks stats and/or TFL's, he would STILL be up there in the top 5. He was 6'-8" as a player but even crippled and beaten, he still towered over me in his 80's.
Is it true that if you were ahead of Ditka on a golf course that you basically had to step aside and let him play through because he likes to play fast?
I never saw him on the course that day , if he was a group or 2 behind would I let him play thru , only after a autograph lol . I have played his private club in Naples before as well but again never say him there just spoke to his caddie from a few days earlier.